Undergradute student using a virtual reality headset in the Product Design Studio infront of screens

Product Design and Manufacture BEng

University Park Campus, Nottingham, UK

Course overview

Our three-year BEng Product Design and Manufacture course combines creativity with engineering principles and provides students with all the necessary skills to enter a design facing career.

The world around us is full of problems, some small inconveniences and other global challenges such as climate change. Product Designers combine a broad range of creative, engineering and manufacturing skills to produce commercially viable solutions to these problems.

Indicative modules


Year 1

Drawing for Design


Year 1

Dynamics of Mechanical Systems


Year 1

Engineering Design Project


Year 1

Industrial Design 1: An Introduction


Year 1

Materials and Manufacturing


Year 1

Mathematics for Engineers


Year 1

Statistics and Mechanics of Solids


Year 2

Design Communication


Year 2

Industrial Design 2: Skills and Knowledge


Year 2

Materials and Manufacture 2: Design for Manufacture


Year 2

Materials in Design


Year 2

Projects 1: Developing Design Project Skills


Year 2

Projects 2: Group Design Projects


Year 2

User Centred Research and Design


Year 3

BEng Major Design Project


Year 3

Industrial Design 3: Engineering Ecology and Analysis


Year 3

Major Project Preparation


Year 3

Materials and Manufacture 3: Polymer and Timber Processes


Year 3

Projects 3: Technical Design Projects

Information Icon

About modules

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer, but is not intended to be construed or relied on as a definitive list of what might be available in any given year. This content was last updated on Monday 24 March 2025. Due to timetabling availability, there may be restrictions on some module combinations.

University undergraduate student studying in Nightingale Hall accommodation's library, University Park

The Product Design and Manufacture course at the University of Nottingham is the perfect fusion of Design and Engineering. It offers you full scope to enhance your creative and technical knowledge, giving you the maximum potential to advance a design from the initial research and design stage to the high-level prototyping and CAD stage, ensuring its readiness for manufacture. The inclusion of both creative and technical aspects in this course provides a freedom for creativity in design, using knowledge gained of the necessary mechanical and ergonomic applications. 

Jessica Page

Product Design and Manufacture student

Course data

80%of students say teaching staff have supported their learning well.

Data for Product Design and Manufacture (Full time) at University of Nottingham, the

For more official course information visit Discover Uni

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Open Day June 2022