From left to right: Mariam Seedat (Indian) - Undergraduate, Philip Barnes (British) - Undergraduate

Law with Spanish and Spanish Law BA

University Park Campus, Nottingham, UK

Applications are now closed for this course for Home students for 2024 entry.


Course overview

Looking to study law while immersing yourself in Spanish culture? Want to gain a global perspective on your studies and enhance your CV? Our BA Law with Spanish and Spanish Law provides this opportunity, while thoroughly covering foundations of English Law.

The degree covers core modules examining areas such as tort, contract, trusts and criminal law. The course is run in partnership with the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, and you will also take core modules to develop your Spanish speaking and writing.

In your third year, you will have the opportunity to study in Spain at a current partner law school in Málaga, Madrid or Barcelona, where you will study the Spanish legal system and develop advanced Spanish language skills. This unique experience will not only enhance your education but also offer you a remarkable cultural experience.

At our School of Law, we pride ourselves on providing not just academic excellence, but also a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Our law societies cater to a wide range of interests, from pro bono volunteering to placements, offering you the chance to make an impact and build your network.

Our programme opens doors to a wide variety of professions and organisations, including law firms, barristers’ chambers, consultancies, business advisory services, marketing, civil service, public relations, accountancy, and campaigning. Recent graduates have secured positions at Avery Dennison, BAE Systems, Clifford Chance, the London Stock Exchange, and PwC.

Indicative modules


Year 1

Introduction to Law and Legal Theory


Year 1

Law of Contract


Year 1

Public Law


Year 1

Spanish 1


Year 1

Literature in Spanish


Year 1

Modern Latin America


Year 2

Civil Law: A Comparative Introduction


Year 2

Criminal Law


Year 2

Foundations of Tort


Year 2

Land Law


Year 2

Spanish 2


Year 3

Year abroad


Year 4

Law of the European Union


Year 4

Law of Trusts


Year 4

Spanish 3


Year 4

Business and Society in Spain


Year 4

Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies through Literature and Film


Year 4

Making the Cuban Revolution: Ideology, Culture and Identity in Cuba since 1959


Year 4

Painting in Spain


Year 4

Politics and Literature in Contemporary Spain


Year 4

Spanish American Narrative and Film

Information Icon

About modules

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer, but is not intended to be construed or relied on as a definitive list of what might be available in any given year. This content was last updated on Wednesday 28 February 2024. Due to timetabling availability, there may be restrictions on some module combinations.

Teaching is primarily by lecture and tutorial class, but some modules are taught by discussion groups and seminars.

You will be assigned to a tutorial class for each module studied. The group meets on a fortnightly basis for each module to discuss pre-arranged questions and any other problems with the tutor.

Some of the second and final-year undergraduate optional modules are taught by the seminar method. This is a method, midway between the tutorial and the lecture, involving presentations from staff and students which are discussed by the class as a whole.

Visit our open days on demand to watch pre-recorded lectures and general talks and see some of our lecturers in action.

Skillegal programme

We offer a series of optional workshops on skills such as presentation, communication and negotiation. Delivered by a range of law firms and chambers from London and the regions, the workshops are designed to be interactive and fun and to provide you with an understanding of the skills needed to become a successful lawyer. The legal profession will be looking for evidence of these skills when you apply for legal training in your penultimate year.

Legal Skills Team

The Legal Skills Team help undergraduate law students with their academic legal skills. Their aim is to ensure that every student, regardless of background or performance, has someone they can approach to discuss the development of their legal study skills.

We run a legal skills programme that caters for all students throughout the academic year and offer a variety of seminars and workshops for different year groups to address and respond to the specific needs of each.

Teaching methods

  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • Tutorials

Assessment is predominantly by written examination, although some modules are assessed only by coursework, and a few modules are assessed by a mixture of examination and coursework.

Where a module lasts for one semester, assessment is undertaken at the end of that semester. Where a module fills two semesters, assessment is at the end of the second semester, although your progress will be measured throughout the year.

Assessment methods

  • Coursework
  • Dissertation
  • Essay
  • Examinations

In year one, you will spend 8 to 10 hours per week in lectures taught by leading law academics. You'll have a tutorial every fortnight on Law of Contract and Public Law. In Introduction to Law and Legal Theory, you will have a one-hour seminar every other week.

You will also study optional modules outside the School of Law, which may be taught via a variety of methods. Beyond formal taught sessions, you'll be expected to engage in self-directed study, including reading case law and legislation and preparing answers to tutorial questions.

This course will equip you with a thorough knowledge of English law and encourage an appreciation of Spanish law. You will also develop advanced language skills in Spanish as well as cultural awareness.

Upon graduating, you can undertake further legal training to become a solicitor or barrister.

The skills you’ll acquire on a law degree from Nottingham will help pave your way to a successful career in sectors as diverse as multi-national business, politics, the media and of course law practice.

The University of Nottingham's law graduates are the 6th most highly paid in the UK above King’s College London and University College London.*

* Chambers Student law firms preferred universities study 2019.

Graduate destinations

A high proportion of our graduates go on to qualify as solicitors or barristers.

Those interested in a career outside of law use their degree in a wide variety of professions and organisations such as consultancies, business advisory services, marketing, the civil service, public relations, accountancy and campaigning.

Recent graduates have gone on to work at organisations such as Avery Dennison, BAE Systems, Clifford Chance, the London Stock Exchange, and PwC.

Average starting salary and career progression

86.70% of undergraduates from the School of Law secured graduate level employment or further study within 15 months of graduation. The average annual starting salary for these graduates was £27,539.

HESA Graduate Outcomes (2017-2021 cohorts). The Graduate Outcomes % is calculated using The Guardian University Guide methodology. The average annual salary is based on graduates working full-time within the UK.

Studying for a degree at the University of Nottingham will provide you with the type of skills and experiences that will prove invaluable in any career, whichever direction you decide to take.

Throughout your time with us, our Careers and Employability Service can work with you to improve your employability skills even further; assisting with job or course applications, searching for appropriate work experience placements and hosting events to bring you closer to a wide range of prospective employers.

Have a look at our careers page for an overview of all the employability support and opportunities that we provide to current students.

The University of Nottingham is consistently named as one of the most targeted universities by Britain’s leading graduate employers (Ranked in the top ten in The Graduate Market in 2013-2020, High Fliers Research).

I like how the course combines the cultural element of learning more about another country, and the way in which its language has developed and how it differs to English, alongside learning about the English legal system and how that operates around the country with its different technicalities

Jasmine Melia

Law with Spanish and Spanish Law

Course data

Open Day June 2022