Undergraduate students in the Manuscripts and Special Collections reading room, Kings Meadow campus (KMC)

Department of American and Canadian Studies

You hear their news, watch their films and listen to their music - now go beneath the surface and explore the real North America.

Come and study the history, politics, literature and culture of this powerhouse of world affairs. No experience in American and Canadian studies is necessary, meaning we don't ask for specific A levels, only an interest in the subject.

Through our interdisciplinary approach, you will develop vital career skills including the ability to research, analyse and interpret materials across a range of intellectual and cultural spheres.

Key stats

  • 3rd for American Studies in the UK (Complete University Guide, 2024)
  • Over 84% of our American Studies graduates were in 'Highly skilled jobs' or 'Further study' according to latest Outcome Survey (2021 graduates)
  • The department was ranked 3rd out of 23 Area Studies submissions to REF 2021, the national assessment of UK university research 

Why choose us?

  • Globalise your degree - spend a year studying at an American or Canadian university 
  • Immerse yourself in expert-led modules covering North American history, literature, art, music and film
  • Get involved in the student-run AmeriCan Society and develop and participate in social events
  • Real-world relevance - understand the impact of religion, race and gender on America’s rise from colony to superpower
  • Tailor your studies - study what excites you and follow your interests


What our students say...


Elliot Haines

"The thing I enjoyed the most was definitely the flexibility to pick your own modules. For example, I’d have an American philosophy module, a Canadian literature module, then a more technical film module. Throughout the day you’re dipping in and out of not just different time periods, but almost like different degrees! It had that variation I was looking for."


Film and Television Studies and American Studies BA


Hannah McHardie

"A lot of the conversations we have in class are very relevant to today. We’ve done a lot on Black Lives Matter and the confederate statues, the confederate flag. It’s being able to bring in the context of history, and see how America as a whole affects these decisions, then how that affects the rest of the world."


American and Canadian Studies (Study Abroad) BA


About our courses

Teaching methods vary. Most modules combine lectures with seminars, which allow discussion and closer analysis.

Our staff/student ratio allows us to keep seminar groups reasonably small and to set aside time for individual sessions to give advice and provide feedback on essays and dissertations.


Progress is monitored each semester using a variety of methods including exams and assessed coursework. The exam in any module does not normally comprise more than 50% of the overall assessment. Although you must pass first-year modules, the marks do not count towards your final degree qualification. 

Your final result is made up of marks from work done in the later stages of the degree to allow for your development. In the final year, you will write a dissertation, an independent research project on a specialist topic of your choice.

Liberty's experience

"[For my dissertation] I’m doing music in response to Hurricane Katrina and how it complicates the racial narratives that emerged from it. I love it. I’m loving researching it. It’s so fulfilling and rewarding."

- Liberty, American and Canadian Studies (Study Abroad) BA

You will gain a variety of skills from working across disciplines and studying abroad. By the time you graduate, you will have gained valuable transferable skills, including:

  • adaptability
  • independence and initiative
  • critical thinking
  • analysis
  • communication (both oral and written)
  • teamworking

Our graduates are suited to careers in:

  • management
  • business
  • public services
  • teaching
  • law
  • media
  • academia

Find out more about how you can use your degree.

The modules on contemporary culture are very useful if you enter media-related work, such as advertising, journalism, radio and television. A number of our graduates also go to North America for careers or further study.

Read our student and graduate profiles. 

Our full-time degrees last for either three years, with no period of study abroad, or four years, with a year of international study. This is spent at an American or Canadian university and takes place in your third year.

We also offer the possibility of spending a semester at one of our partner universities in Europe through the Erasmus scheme, studying the United States from a European viewpoint.

Further information can be found on our study abroad webpages

"My year abroad was the absolute highlight of the whole course. I went to Montreal on my own for my first semester – it was a bit terrifying! I think if you can show that you can move to a brand-new city, whose first language isn’t English, and navigate your way around and live there for four months, it’s so incredible to have that experience." 

- Aodhbha, 2020 graduate

Please note: In order to study abroad you will need to achieve the relevant academic requirements as set by the university and meet the selection criteria of both the university and the partner institution. The partner institution is under no obligation to accept you even if you do meet the relevant criteria. 

Offers are usually made without interview. Please note that students with non-standard entry qualifications, including mature students, may be invited for an interview.

We follow the university's flexible admissions policy and take educational and personal circumstances into consideration. 

Further details are available on our applying pages.

Watch the video below:

Join us and be guided by our Admissions Manager, Maryam. With her expert guidance, you'll discover some common myths we hear from potential students. From your reference worries to your predicted grades, and everything in between, Maryam clears up some key points you need to know to start your university experience.

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Open Day June 2022