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May 2024

Hi, it's International Day for Biodiversity!

'Be part of the plan'! The day is a call to action to everyone to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity.

When nature thrives, we thrive and it's continuing destruction is arguably the biggest environmental issue we face. But we are all #PartofThePlan. Read on to find out how.

So let’s get going!

Things you can do now

go! Wild on campus

Throughout May and June join in with conservation sessions on Wednesday afternoons. There are a range of activities to try, even if you can only spare an hour. Activities include hedgehog surveying, building habitats, counting flowers!

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No Mow May and beyond

Lock up your mower and leave you lawn to grow a little wilder. Even just reducing the frequency of your mowing throughout the summer can make a huge difference for wildlife.

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30 Days Wild

Get ready to take part in The Wildlife Trusts' annual nature challenge and do one 'wild' thing a day throughout June. Register now.

Get involved
Prepared character

Many of the actions needed to restore nature will also help to tackle climate change.

News and announcements

Experts wanted for East Midlands Climate Ambassadors hub

The Climate Ambassador Scheme is a £2 million Department for Education programme to provide nurseries, schools, colleges and universities across England with free access to local experts to help turn their climate and sustainability ambitions into action.

Read more and get involved
Understanding climate warming impacts on carbon release from the tundra

The warming climate shifts the dynamics of tundra environments and makes them release trapped carbon, these changes could transform tundra areas from carbon sinks into a carbon source, worsening the effects of climate change.

Full story

Trash to treasure – researchers turn metal waste into catalyst for hydrogen

Scientists have found a way to transform metal waste into a highly efficient catalyst to make hydrogen from water, a discovery that could make hydrogen production more sustainable.

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Changes to Medilink bus service

From 28 May, Medilink will operate as two separate services:
  • Medilink 1 - Operates between QMC and City Hospital
  • Medilink 2 - Operates between Queens Drive P&R and QMC only
If travelling from Queens Drive to City Hospital, you will need to change buses at QMC. UoN staff and students travelling to the hospitals are still able to travel for free with your university card. 

More info

Time to celebrate - biodiversity!

Wilding Campuses pilot project launches

With funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, a Nottingham-based pilot will on restore nature into spaces where staff and students work and learn. It is a partnership between the University of Nottingham, Nottingham College and Bluecoat Aspley Academy.

Over two years, the collaboration aims to increase threatened species on and around our campuses and empower people across Nottingham to reconnect with nature and tackle the ecological crisis through practical sessions.

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May is for wild flowers and hedgehogs

This year the university is once again leaving some of our green spaces to grow wild as part of No Mow May. New wild spaces have also been created, and if you're out and about on campus you may spot some of them.

Find out more

Green Rewards

The Nature Nurturers Challenge is still running on Green Rewards. Earn rewards for protecting and supporting wildlife in various ways: documenting your wildlife efforts, completing surveys, and pledging to keep green spaces untamed and unmown. 

Take part now

UoN is also committed to being a Nature Positive University.

Find out more

Upcoming events

29 May

SOS-UK Student Sustainability Summit

The 10th Student Sustainability Summit brings together people passionate about sustainability, nature and climate justice with some of the UK’s top environmental and social justice activists from youth campaigns, students' unions and environmental organisations.
Book your place
Throughout June

Dr Bike is on campus

Gear up for summer! Get your bike tuned up for free with our maintenance service.
Book your place
15 June

Edible Campus communal meeting events

What do you think sustainable food should look like at UoN?  Share your views and share a free meal with us at the same time with a free vegetarian meal provided by the Dining Co-op. 
Book your place

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