

Zero hunger

Nottingham is the only UK university offering research expertise and capabilities across the food system. We are helping future-proof agriculture in the face of climate change and mapping UK food insecurity. In Nottingham, we support our students, from breakfast clubs to sharing knowledge about eating well and on a budget, while our students support food redistribution networks across the city.  




Malawi farms and small holdings surveyed in Geonutrition project


Midlands university to introduce carbon labels on food menus


free breakfasts served to students




A drone flying over a crop field
Fighting hidden hunger

As part an international research partnership funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, we are fighting hidden hunger, which affects millions across sub-Saharan Africa due to the nutrient deficiencies in their diet.

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Learning and students

Student sitting at a table with breakfast items in front of them
Breakfast club for students

Recognising the cost-of-living crisis faced by students, the university launched the Oasis Breakfast Club in collaboration with the Students' Union and the Chaplaincy. The club offers free breakfasts to students, and a place to meet and find support.

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Engagement and impact

Little boy sat on a bench outside holding a stick
Mapping UK food insecurity

Researchers at University of Nottingham Business School are working with food sharing app OLIO, supermarkets and local authorities to measure food poverty in the UK by creating localised, predictive digital mapping of food insecurity.

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Policy and operations

Labelled food menus in front of a food station
Carbon-labelling on food menus

Nottingham became the first university in the Midlands to introduce carbon labels on food menus, supporting our drive towards sustainability. By helping staff and students choose planet-friendly meals, we can contribute to reducing food’s climate impact.

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