
Course overview

  • Our environmental biology course has been designed to provide you with the flexibility to choose the modules that interest you most, including those from other related subjects such as biology and geography.
  • Build on a strong foundation in your first year with core modules, many of which are shared with other degrees in biology and environmental science.
  • You can choose to specialise as you continue through the degree or retain a broader range with a breadth of options.
  • Fieldwork is an important aspect of the course, allowing you to put your learning into practice and experience various communities and ecosystems including Devon, Malaysia or the Czech Republic.


Put into practice the skills and knowledge learned in the laboratory and lecture theatre. Gain hands-on experience directly related to skills required in the environmental sector.

Devon and Malaysia (year two)

Both of these courses are residential and involve studying various communities and ecosystems, using a range of field techniques.

  • The Devon field course is based in a coastal habitat in south Devon and the Malaysia field course is based on Tioman Island, which is off the western coast of Peninsular Malaysia.
  • You will learn how abiotic and biotic factors determine the distribution and function of living organisms.
  • On the Devon course, particular focus is on understanding the impacts of local agriculture and tourism, and the strategies used to manage a national nature reserve and SSSI (site of special scientific interest).
  • Activities in Malaysia include the deployment of camera traps to describe the community of terrestrial mammals in a tropical forest.

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Czech Republic (year three)

The Environmental Pollution Field Course involves one week’s field study in the Czech Republic and takes place in September between years two and three.

  • The aim is to provide you with practical experience of a range of environmental pollution issues in a region which was formerly one of the most polluted areas in the world.
  • The focus is on the mining and utilisation of brown coal and the environmental impacts of these activities, past and present.
  • On return to Nottingham, laboratory classes provide analytical data from samples collected in the field.

Sweden (year three)

The Arctic Ecology Field Course involves one week’s field study in Sweden at Abisko and takes place in July between year two and three.

  • Under the midnight sun, you will put ecological methodology into practice in projects that analyse landscape patterns and processes.
  • The course will also address the impact of climate change on arctic ecosystems. You will gain practical experience in ecological methodology, experimental design, data collection and analysis, interpretation and presentation.

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Entry requirements

All candidates are considered on an individual basis and we accept a broad range of qualifications. The entrance requirements below apply to 2019 entry.

UK entry requirements
A level ABB-BBB

Please note: Applicants whose backgrounds or personal circumstances have impacted their academic performance may receive a reduced offer. Please see our contextual admissions policy for more information.

Required subjects

At least two science-based subjects at A level (biology required; chemistry, environmental science, geography, psychology, maths and physics accepted) and an additional A level or equivalent.

IB score 32-30 including 5/4 in two science subjects at Higher Level

A levels: ABB-BBB, including at least two science-based subjects at A level (biology required; chemistry, environmental science, geography, psychology, maths and physics accepted) and an additional A level or equivalent.

Citizenship studies, critical thinking, general studies and leisure studies 
not accepted. We may also consider ABC depending on predicted grades in specific subjects.

English language requirements 

IELTS 6.0 (no less than 5.5 in any element)

For details of other English language tests and qualifications we accept, please see our entry requirements page.


British Council accreditedIf you require additional support to take your language skills to the required level, you may be able to attend a presessional course at the Centre for English Language Education, which is accredited by the British Council for the teaching of English in the UK. 

Students who successfully complete the presessional course to the required level can progress onto their chosen degree course without retaking IELTS or equivalent.

Alternative qualifications 

For details please see alternative qualifications page

Foundation year - a foundation year is available for this course

Science Foundation Certificate

International students only

International students (non-EU) who do not have the required qualifications or grades to go directly onto an undergraduate degree course, may be interested in the Science Foundation Certificate delivered through The University of Nottingham International College. You are guaranteed a place on selected undergraduate courses if all progression requirements are met. 

Science with Foundation Year

Home, EU and international students

If you have achieved high grades in your A levels (or equivalent qualifications) but do not meet the current subject entry requirements for direct entry to your chosen undergraduate course, you may be interested in our one year science foundation programme. Applicants must also demonstrate good grades in previous relevant science subjects to apply. You are guaranteed a place on selected undergraduate courses if all progression requirements are met.  

Flexible admissions policy

In recognition of our applicants’ varied experience and educational pathways, the University of Nottingham employs a flexible admissions policy. We may make some applicants an offer lower than advertised, depending on their personal and educational circumstances. Please see the University’s admissions policies and procedures for more information.

Notes for applicants

Our modular courses are flexible and offer the opportunity to combine your main studies with modules in other subject areas (please note that all modules are subject to change).

BSc or MSci?

MSci degrees are undergraduate-level courses which last for four years and have an integrated masters qualification. They are the equivalent to a bachelors degree plus a masters level qualification. These courses usually provide additional industry and/or research experience to enhance your future prospects. An MSci is excellent preparation for further study such as a PhD.

If you choose to study an MSci, your student loan will cover tuition fees and living costs for the additional year too (home/EU students only).  If you are unsure about whether to choose an MSci or BSc, we recommend you choose the MSci to secure your funding. Transfer to the BSc is possible.

Find out more about MSci Environmental Biology

Mature Students

At the University of Nottingham, we have a valuable community of mature students and we appreciate their contribution to the wider student population. You can find lots of useful information on the mature students webpage.

Learning and assessment

How you will learn

How you will be assessed

Year in industry

The optional year in industry takes place between years two and three of your degree, extending your degree to a four year programme. Students apply for a placement during year two of the degree programme.

A year in industry can help you:

  • Gain the opportunity to put your learning into practice, giving you a better understanding of your studies and the chance to solidify your knowledge in an industry setting. 
  • Stand out from the crowd as a graduate: many students secure a graduate job as a direct result of their placement year.
  • Learn about what you enjoy doing, and your strengths and weaknesses, putting you in a strong position when considering your future career.

The school has excellent links with a wide range of businesses and research institutes, examples of relevant companies include the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, ADAS, Delta-Simons, Mott Macdonald, PepsiCo and Gatwick Airport.

The dedicated School Placement Team work with you to help you search for, apply and secure a placement, as well as supporting you prior to, during and after the placement.

Student placement profiles

Study Abroad and the Year in Industry are subject to students meeting minimum academic requirements. Opportunities may change at any time for a number of reasons, including curriculum developments, changes to arrangements with partner universities, travel restrictions or other circumstances outside of the university’s control. Every effort will be made to update information as quickly as possible should a change occur.


You will gain a strong grounding in biological and environmental sciences. Core modules will cover the major domains of life (animals, plants, microbes). You will also be introduced to underpinning environmental processes such as nutrient cycling and the ecology and evolution of organisms. Key study skills include tutorials and an introduction to experimental design.

Core modules

Global Environmental Processes
The unifying theme of this module is biogeochemical cycling - the production, distribution and cycling of materials on the Earth and their availability to, and use by, biological organisms. The module starts by covering the history of the universe, from the big bang to the evolution of the Earth's surface environment. Then you will explore the major global systems and their circulations as they are today - solids, liquids and gases. In the final section you will examine the major materials - including carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, oxygen and metals - and their budgets and cycles; and the interactions between biological and physical/chemical processes on a global scale. You will have a two-hour lecture once a week for this module. 
Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour

Starting with Darwin’s theory of evolution, you will learn how natural selection and other evolutionary forces have shaped the ways in which organisms interact with each other and their environment. In addition to lectures, practical classes will give you hands-on experience with a range of ecological and behavioural concepts in the laboratory and the field.

Environmental Science and Society

This module introduces you to the role and limitations of environmental science within the context practical environmental decision-making. During this module, we will look at how the degradation of our natural environment is creating unprecedented challenges for humans and society around the world. Science has a key role to play in helping us to understand and protect our environment. Public opinion of environmental issues and science is key to this, not least because the public funds 80% of scientific research. In this module, we will look at issues around scientific ethics, trust in science, denial, scepticism and science communication. Environmental problems are now very much part of the political agenda. We will look at the history of the environmental movement, environmental activism and environmental ethics. We will explore how and why we try to protect the environment through policy, legislation, international agreements and economic strategies.

Tutorials in Environmental Science

This 20 credit module will enable you to study effectively at university. Through lectures, practical's and tutorials you will develop your written presentation and data handling skills. You will learn:

  • how to use the library and other sources to retrieve information
  • how to read, understand and synthesise primary literature
  • how to produce a literature review on your chosen topic
Life on Earth

Life on Earth provides an introduction to the fundamental characteristics and properties of the myriad of organisms which inhabit our planet, from viruses, bacteria and Archaea, to plants and animals. In weekly lectures, and regular laboratory practical classes, you will consider how living organisms are classified, how they are related genetically and phylogenetically, and basic aspects of their structure and function.

Optional modules

Managing Tourism and the Environment: Conflict or Consensus?

This module will examine and explore:

  • the interactions between and the management of tourism and the environment from the perspective of key stakeholders including business, government, non-governmental organisations, tourist and local communities
  • the emergence of environmentally concerned consumers and the implications of different environmental paradigms for tourism development
  • debates surrounding the environmental and economic impacts of tourism to highlight the potential for both conflict and consensus
  • the role played by pressure groups in influencing tourism development and the emergence of nature/eco-tourism
Micro-organisms and Disease

This module introduces you to a range of important human pathogens. You'll cover:

  • human pathogen interactions with the immune system
  • mechanisms of disease causation
  • the laboratory procedures involved in diagnosis and treatment of infections

Each week you’ll spend four hours in lectures to study for this module. This is a 10 credit module.

Introduction to Plant Science

How can mutant plants be used to improve crop yield? In this module you’ll be introduced to plant evolution and the cellular structure of plants, in particular seeds, leaves, flowers and roots, and how these multicellular tissues are constructed. You’ll become familiar with the techniques used to study plant science, including genetics and the use of mutants. Using model plants, such as Arabidopsis, you’ll look at the development of modern plant biology and genetics and then explore the applications of biotechnology in plant science. You’ll also examine the importance of plant nutrition and how the interaction with pathogens is crucial to plant growth and production. You’ll have a mix of lectures and practical laboratory sessions to apply your learning.

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer but is not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules that will be available in any given year. Modules (including methods of assessment) may change or be updated, or modules may be cancelled, over the duration of the course due to a number of reasons such as curriculum developments or staffing changes. Please refer to the module catalogue for information on available modules. This content was last updated on Friday 16 August 2019.

You may choose to specialise in areas of particular interest or retain a broader range of interests. Core modules include the Environmental Science Field Course, a residential field course in Devon where you will study various communities and ecosystems.

The wide range of optional modules include the Tropical Environmental Science Field Course, based on Tioman Island, off the west coast of 
Malaysia, where you will study various tropical communities and ecosystems.

Core modules


Soils are the most complex biomaterial on earth. An understanding of the basic concepts concerning the form and function of soils is important for future management strategies such as mitigating the effects of climate change and providing safe and sustainable food. This module focuses on the important soil properties from physical, chemical and biological perspectives including soil organic matter, soil chemical reactions, soil fauna and flora, and soil-water relations.

Environmental Management Field Course

On this residential field course you will study communities and ecosystems, using a range of field techniques. The Devon field course is based in a coastal habitat in south Devon, particular focus is on understanding the impacts of local agriculture and tourism, and the strategies used to manage a national nature reserve and SSSI (site of special scientific interest).

You are required to pay a contribution towards the cost of the field course which takes place in June after the end of the first year. 

Environmental Science in Practice

This module will help you prepare for your third year project and start thinking about possible future careers. The module will focus on developing your communication and project management skills, and you will undertake a variety of tasks working as a group to solve problems, design experiments, collect, analyse, interpret and present information. 


You will learn about the forces determining the distribution and abundance of species and be able to use models to predict the dynamics of populations under a range of conditions. You will recognise how interactions between species can drive co-evolutionary processes leading to an understanding of the organisation of natural systems working systematically from populations through to communities, ecosystems and biogeographical scales.

Optional modules

Tropical Environmental Science Field Course

This one-week residential field course is based on Tioman Island, off the coast of peninsular Malaysia. You'll explore coral reefs and rainforests to introduce you to the enormous diversity of life found in tropical environments.You'll gain skills in different environments, sampling and identifying animals and plants, and looking at the relationship between diversity and the physical environment. Looking at recent anthropogenic change such as climate change and ocean acidification.

Animal Behaviour
Introduces the study of animal behaviour, from the physiological and genetic bases of behaviour to its development and adaptive significance in the natural environment. You will have a three-hour lecture once per week for this module. 
Climate Change Science
A broad overview of the science behind climate change and its effects is studied on this module. Topics include: historical climate change; the principles of climate forcing; the role of modelling; responses of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, including impacts on humans; the political environment; and options for climate stabilisation. You will have a two-hour lecture once a week with complementary practical and computing classes.
Biological Photography and Imaging I

Through practical sessions, you will learn the techniques of biological image production and manipulation, including the ability to generate biological images of the highest technical quality and scientific value. You will build an understanding of the principles behind photography and how to get the most out of state of the art photographic and imaging equipment.

Natural Systems
Considers the principles underlying the structure and organisation of natural systems. You will study topics such as diversity theory, community ecology and ecosystem functioning. You will have a three-hour lecture once per week to study for this module.
Patterns of Life

This module focuses on patterns in the distribution of organisms in space and time, and the theories proposed to explain these patterns. Themes you will explore include biodiversity patterns; island biogeography and nature conservation theory; ecological succession; biological invasions; extinction and mass extinctions, plus more. 

Ecosystem Processes

The course will focus on the processes that govern terrestrial ecosystem function. We will identify key ecosystem drivers and processes and explore how these have shaped the biosphere. Students will gain an understanding of the mechanisms that control changes in the physiochemical environment and their impact upon communities. Particular topics will include primary productivity, decomposition, herbivory, biodiversity and human impact on ecosystems. Classes comprise a mix of lectures, laboratory practicals, a computer practical, a seminar and fieldwork

Soil and Water Science
The aim of the module is to provide a sound understanding of important physical and chemical processes that take place within soils and fresh water systems. This includes provide a basis for the understanding of more applied aspects of the behaviour of these systems (eg plant-soil interactions, pollution and its remediation).
Computer Modelling in Science: Introduction
The aim of this module is to introduce the use of computing programming and modelling in the biological and environmental sciences for model simulation and image processing.
Evolutionary Biology of Animals

Introduces key evolutionary concepts and their application in the animal kingdom. Areas you will study include the history of evolutionary thinking, natural selection versus the neutral theory, sexual selection and human evolution. 

Plant Pests and Diseases

Sugarbeet root aphids feed on the sap in the roots, causing damage and production losses. But how does this pest work and what can be done? In this module, you’ll explore how microbes and insects cause disease in plants and the effect of interactions between plants, microbes and insects. Looking globally, you’ll be able to explain the importance and the nature of the organisms that are pests and diseases of plants, including population dynamics and epidemiology. You’ll also assess the main approaches for control and management of pests and diseases, including chemical interventions, resistance breeding in plants and biological control. You’ll have lectures complemented by practical laboratory sessions, videos and demonstrations.

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer but is not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules that will be available in any given year. Modules (including methods of assessment) may change or be updated, or modules may be cancelled, over the duration of the course due to a number of reasons such as curriculum developments or staffing changes. Please refer to the module catalogue for information on available modules. This content was last updated on

You will carry out an experimental or literature-based research project during this year. This project is often linked to current research being carried out in the school. Project areas include animal ecology, plant responses to environmental stress and air pollution.

Examples of recent projects include:

  • a field study of beetles in Central America
  • a laboratory study of the response of wheat roots to saline soils
  • a desk-based study on the potential role of secondary biofuels in the UK

Optional modules include the Arctic Ecology Field Course (Sweden) where you will focus on the function of arctic ecosystems, and the Environmental Pollution Field Course (Czech Republic) where you will gain practical experience of environmental pollution and its long term effects in a heavily polluted area in central Europe.

Core module

Environmental Biology Research Project

You will carry out an experimental or literature based research project. This project is often linked to current research being carried out in the school. Project areas include animal ecology, plant responses to environmental stress and air pollution.

Examples of recent research projects include:

  • a field study of beetles in Central America
  • a laboratory study of the response of wheat roots to saline soils
  • a desk-based study on the potential role of secondary biofuels in the UK.

Optional modules

Applied Bioethics 1: Animals, Biotechnology and Society

Animal-human interactions raise some prominent ethical issues. In this module, you’ll examine the ethical dimensions concerning animal agriculture, modern biotechnologies and research in the biosciences, in relation to both humans and non-human species. You’ll learn about the ethical frameworks used to analyse specific dilemmas raised by the human use of animals. Using specific animal and biotechnology case studies, you’ll interpret the main ethical theories and principles and apply them to the case studies to inform professional decision-making. You’ll have a mix of lectures and seminars to explore these concepts.

Arctic Ecology Field Course

The course will focus on the function of arctic ecosystems. We will identify key terrestrial ecosystem drivers and processes in order to gain a broad understanding of arctic areas. During the field course, you will put ecological methodology into practice. Working on projects that analyse landscape patterns and processes in different habitats. The course will also address climate change impacts on arctic ecosystems. You'll develop skills in ecological methodology, experimental design, data collection and analysis, interpretation and presentation. You are required to pay a contribution towards the cost of the field course.

Biological Photography and Imaging II

Extend and develop your skills of creative and critical biological photography through this advanced module. You will continue to develop the practice and experience gained in Biological Photography and Imaging 1. You are encouraged to demonstrate increasing expertise in selected subject areas and/or specialist photographic techniques such as digital imaging and manipulation (using Photoshop software), digital video photography and editing, ecological and environmental photography, landscapes, macro and long lens photography and specialist lighting. Field and studio work continue to be essential elements of the module. You will have around three hours of lectures per week studying this module.

Evolutionary Ecology

Considers current knowledge of, and research into, the ecological causes and evolutionary processes that govern natural selection, adaptation and microevolution in natural populations. You will examine three approaches to the study of evolutionary ecology: theoretical and optimality models; the comparative method; and direct measurement of natural selection in the wild. You will have two-to three hours of lectures each week in this module.

Environmental Pollutants: Fate, Impact and Remediation

This module is concerned with the behaviour and effects of pollutants in terrestrial and aquatic environments and how their impacts can be ameliorated and managed. The focus is on both the scientific understanding of environmental pollutants and on the intervention strategies currently available. Topics covered include study of the common water and soil pollutants: heavy metal contamination of land; radionuclide behaviour in the environment; persistent organic contaminants and pesticides; nitrate pollution of groundwater; pollution of surface waters by agriculture; eutrophication of lakes; acidification of soils and freshwaters; biological monitoring of rivers; ecotoxicology and environmental epidemiology; quantitative risk assessment; land reclamation, including landfill sites. You will have lectures, tutorials, a field visit and laboratory work and demonstrations.

Applied Bioethics 2: Sustainable Food Production, Biotechnology and the Environment

Building on Applied Bioethics 1, you’ll investigate widely accepted ethical principles and apply your insights to contemporary ethical issues in agricultural, food and environmental sciences. You’ll explore the ethical dimensions of prominent issues raised by the agricultural practices (including the use of biotechnology and GM crops) designed to meet the nutritional needs of the global population. You’ll also learn about how ethical theory can inform professional choices and public policies related to food production and environmental management. You’ll have a mix of lectures, tutorials and team-based exercises to develop a sound understanding of ethical principles.


Geobiology explores the relationship between life and the Earth's physical and chemical environment over geological/ evolutionary time. The module will focus on the geological consequences of evolution and how life has influenced physical and chemical environment. Topics covered will include: origins and evolution of life; evolution of the atmosphere and biosphere; geobiology of critical intervals and palaeobiology and evolutionary ecology.

Environmental Biotechnology

In a series of lectures, this module provides training in environmental biotechnology, with particular emphasis on the interaction between microorganisms and the environment. The main topics covered will be wastewater treatment, bioremediation of organic and inorganic pollutants, microbes as indicators of risk factors in the environment, microbes in agriculture (biocontrol and biofertilisers) and the role of microorganisms in bioenergy production.

Plants and the Soil Environment

What happens below the ground that affects the water and nutrient uptake by plants? In this module, you’ll examine the acquisition of water and nutrients by plants in both agricultural and natural systems, and how plants interact with the soil environment. You’ll learn about the evolution of root adaptations which enable plants to thrive in environments with limited or excess water and nutrients. In an agricultural setting, you’ll explore how water and nutrient uptake by plants can be used to improve crop productivity and resource management, and use the practical study component to investigate new methods and technologies for below-ground phenotyping of roots. You’ll have a mix of lectures and computer-based practicals to gain a fundamental understanding of how water and nutrients are acquired by plants from the soil environment, and their influence on plant growth and development.

Plant Disease Control
Discusses applied aspects of plant disease control, comprising transmission, epidemiology, detection and diagnosis, and control options. You will cover control strategies based on application of fungicides, biological control, deployment of disease resistant varieties and biotechnological approaches. You will also consider the relative strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches. This module consists of a four-hour lecture once per week.
Computer Modelling in Science: Applications
Modern biological and environmental science includes the study of complex systems and large data sets, including imaging data. This necessitates the use of computer models and analyses in order to understand these systems. This module contains an introduction to computer programming and modelling techniques that are used in the biological and environmental sciences. Specifically, it contains: (i) Development, simulation and analysis for models in space and time, using the Python language, with applications in the biological and environmental sciences; (ii) Analysis of long term behaviour of models in two or more dimensions; (iii) Methods for fitting models to experimental and environmental data; (iv) analysis of image data. The module will focus on relevant applications in environmental and biological science, e.g. chemical, radioactive and biological pollution, crop development and pathogens and microbiology. The module will use the Python programming language throughout and be assessed by a patchwork assessment consisting of write-ups of assignments from during the semester.
Conservation Genetics

Consider the genetic effects of reduced population size, especially relating to the conservation of endangered species. You will study topics including genetic drift and inbreeding in depth, from theoretical and practical standpoints. You will spend around one and a half hours per week in lectures studying this module, plus a two and a half hour computer practical.

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer but is not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules that will be available in any given year. Modules (including methods of assessment) may change or be updated, or modules may be cancelled, over the duration of the course due to a number of reasons such as curriculum developments or staffing changes. Please refer to the module catalogue for information on available modules. This content was last updated on

Fees and funding

UK students

Per year

International students

Per year

*For full details including fees for part-time students and reduced fees during your time studying abroad or on placement (where applicable), see our fees page.

If you are a student from the EU, EEA or Switzerland, you may be asked to complete a fee status questionnaire and your answers will be assessed using guidance issued by the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) .

Scholarships and bursaries

The University of Nottingham offers a wide range of bursaries and scholarships. These funds can provide you with an additional source of non-repayable financial help. For up to date information regarding tuition fees, visit our fees and finance pages.

Home students*

Over one third of our UK students receive our means-tested core bursary, worth up to £1,000 a year. Full details can be found on our financial support pages.

* A 'home' student is one who meets certain UK residence criteria. These are the same criteria as apply to eligibility for home funding from Student Finance.

International students

We offer a range of international undergraduate scholarships for high-achieving international scholars who can put their Nottingham degree to great use in their careers.

International scholarships


In addition to providing a solid academic and practical grounding, our emphasis is on teaching transferable skills. For example, written and verbal communication and problem solving. You gain experience in writing research papers, reports and public speaking.

Our graduates are widely regarded as being well-trained and of high quality, and are in an excellent position to obtain rewarding and well paid jobs. You will be ideally suited for:

  • Conservation organisations
  • Environmental consultancies
  • Local authorities and government agencies
  • Agrochemical industry and water resource management
  • Teaching or scientific journalism
  • Research degrees

Average starting salary and career progression

85.3% of undergraduates from the School of Biosciences secured employment or further study within 15 months of graduation. The average annual salary for these graduates was £24,418.*

*Data from UoN graduates, 2017-2019. HESA Graduate Outcomes. Sample sizes vary.

Studying for a degree at the University of Nottingham will provide you with the type of skills and experiences that will prove invaluable in any career, whichever direction you decide to take.

Throughout your time with us, our Careers and Employability Service can work with you to improve your employability skills even further; assisting with job or course applications, searching for appropriate work experience placements and hosting events to bring you closer to a wide range of prospective employers.

Have a look at our careers page for an overview of all the employability support and opportunities that we provide to current students.

The University of Nottingham is consistently named as one of the most targeted universities by Britain’s leading graduate employers (Ranked in the top ten in The Graduate Market in 2013-2020, High Fliers Research).

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Related courses

Important information

This online prospectus has been drafted in advance of the academic year to which it applies. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of publishing, but changes (for example to course content) are likely to occur given the interval between publishing and commencement of the course. It is therefore very important to check this website for any updates before you apply for the course where there has been an interval between you reading this website and applying.