
Course overview

Sutton Bonington Campus is home to the University Farm and Dairy Centre - we have a 450 hectare mixed farm, with arable crops, 200 dairy cows (robotically milked), a sheep flock, environmental stewardship land and new and established woodland.

The farm is commercially run, with facilities for research and teaching, including a Farm Demonstration Centre; farm staff contribute to the teaching on our degree programmes. 

The University of Nottingham is also taking the national lead for dairy research as the Centre of Innovation Excellence in Livestock. This has led to considerable investment and expansion in our dairy centre to deliver world leading research in livestock health and production to deliver improved food security and farming sustainability.

  • Ranked 1st for our agriculture courses in The Complete University Guide 2019, Agriculture and Forestry. 
  • Integrate business management and agricultural science to gain the skills needed to excel in leadership within the agricultural industry. 
  • Benefit from an industry placement year to gain valuable insights and further your skill set to offer to potential employers.
  • Apply business and science to real‑life farms, give presentations to businesses, participate in policy workshops and test out your own innovative business ideas.
  • Be taught by agricultural business specialists within the School of Biosciences, so your learning is always within the context of the agricultural industry.

Additional year in Computer Science

Boost your degree even further by studying computer science for ayear between years two and three of your degree, extending your degree to a four year programme.

A year spent in the University's School of Computer Science will give you training in software development and computing skills relevant to your final year research project and benefit you in your future career.

You can decide to transfer into this programme from your BSc course when you start your degree (subject to progression criteria).

Entry requirements

All candidates are considered on an individual basis and we accept a broad range of qualifications. The entrance requirements below apply to 2020 entry.

UK entry requirements
A level BCC in Clearing (C in one of Biology, Chemistry, Maths, Physics, Geography, Environmental Studies, Geology, Computing, Applied Science,Engineering, Psychology and PE)

Please note: Applicants whose backgrounds or personal circumstances have impacted their academic performance may receive a reduced offer. Please see our contextual admissions policy for more information.

Required subjects

At least two science-based subjects at A level (business studies,economics, geography, maths and psychology also accepted). Citizenship studies, critical thinking, general studies and leisure studies are not accepted. We may also consider ABC depending on predicted grades in specific subjects.

IB score 32-30 including 5 in two science subjects at Higher Level

Mature Students

At the University of Nottingham, we have a valuable community of mature students and we appreciate their contribution to the wider student population. You can find lots of useful information on the mature students webpage.

Learning and assessment

How you will learn

How you will be assessed

Year in industry

This degree includes a year's placement between years two and three of your degree, extending your degree to a four year programme. You will apply for a placement during year two of the degree programme.

A year in industry can help you:

  • Gain the opportunity to put your learning into practice, giving you a better understanding of your studies and the chance to solidify your knowledge in an industry setting. 
  • Stand out from the crowd as a graduate: many students secure a graduate job as a direct result of their placement year.
  • Learn about what you enjoy doing, and your strengths and weaknesses, putting you in a strong position when considering your future career.

The school has excellent links with a wide range of businesses and research institutes, examples of relevant companies include KWS Seeds, McDonald's, BASF, ADAS, Velcourt and AB Agri.

The dedicated School Placement Team work with you to help you search for, apply and secure a placement, as well as supporting you prior to, during and after the placement.

Study Abroad and the Year in Industry are subject to students meeting minimum academic requirements. Opportunities may change at any time for a number of reasons, including curriculum developments, changes to arrangements with partner universities, travel restrictions or other circumstances outside of the university’s control. Every effort will be made to update information as quickly as possible should a change occur.


The first year explores the fundamental basis of agri-food markets, the influence of finance and commerce on agriculture and introduces systems approaches to farm business management. You will develop your understanding of the biological processes essential to understanding plants and animals, and examine food production and global food security issues. We also introduce you to the research and employability skills needed for your studies and the world of work.  

Core modules

Sustainable Agricultural Systems

Modern agriculture is a dynamic, fast-paced and high-tech industry. In this module, you’ll explore practical agricultural systems used by commercial UK farms. Designed for students with a farm or non-farming background, you’ll get to understand the fundamental concepts of agricultural systems within the context of contemporary markets, policy and research. Exact topics covered in the module will vary according to the issues affecting the agricultural industry in any one year, but examples include: dairy production, arable production, soils, agri-environmental interactions, labour and machinery management and farm business systems. You’ll have lectures from academics currently researching these fields and will visit the University Farm and external farms to see what you’ve learnt in practice.

The Biosciences and Global Food Security

How can you use science to help improve global food security? This module introduces you to the issues of global food security and the complexity existing in different parts of our food generation system. Looking across the food supply chain, you’ll cover the evolution of crops, crop and animal production, and the food industry. Importantly, you’ll also look at sustainable nutrition because food security isn’t just about supply – it’s important that people are getting the right kind of food. You’ll learn about these issues through a mix of lectures and practical laboratory sessions. You’ll also develop professional skills to work safely in laboratory situations.

Basic Animal Biology

In lectures on this module you’ll be introduced to concepts in animal evolution (Darwinian evolution, natural selection, speciation), diversity across the animal kingdom (classification of invertebrates and vertebrates), animal ecology (biodiversity, interactions between species, conservation), animal development (fertilization, gastrulation, organogenesis), animal behaviour (costs and benefits of different innate and learned behaviours), and ethical issues related to animal-human interactions. The module also includes a visit to Twycross Zoo and a practical animal handling session.

The Ecology of Natural and Managed Ecosystems

Pollinator species are hugely important for natural systems and for managed systems like agriculture, but there is concern that numbers are declining. This module introduces you to the principles of ecology and looks at how organisms have evolved to interact with their environment.

You’ll cover:

  • population and community ecology
  • the various definitions of biodiversity
  • the loss of species and habitats

You’ll have lectures from current researchers in the field and the opportunity to apply your learning in the laboratory and through field visits. This is a 20 credit module.

Grassland Management

Grasslands are used for forage in agricultural systems but are also important as habitat for wild animals, birds and beneficial insects.

  • You’ll learn about the latest developments and policy issues around the world
  • You’ll examine the morphology and physiology of forage grass species
  • You'll understand the mechanisms of grass growth, production and utilisation. Looking at how these are influenced by management practices.

Alongside lectures, you’ll visit farms and use the latest software to identify grass plants and calculate a pasture budget. This is a 10 credit module.

Biosciences Tutorials and Foundation Science

The tutorials component of this module is intended to enhance your transition into university and guide you through the academic expectations of your degrees. This part of the module is spread throughout the year and includes three generic sessions on ‘study skills and plagiarism’, ‘study opportunities’ and ‘career and personal development’, and a series of small group tutorials with your academic tutor to develop generic skills such as finding crucial information, oral presentation, data handling and presentation of results, preparation for examinations, and essay writing skills relevant to biosciences.

The Foundation Science content has three elements: chemistry, maths and statistics and physics. The chemistry element will include: elements and periodic table; atomic structure and bonding; intermolecular attractions, chemical equilibrium; acids and bases, oxidation and reduction; rates of reaction; basic organic chemistry, isomerism, and rings.  The Maths and Stats element will include: calculations, algebra, functions and relationships, powers, logarithms, descriptive statistics, significance, regression and presenting data. The Physics element will include: units and dimensions; power, energy and heat; light and the electromagnetic spectrum; attenuation/absorption; and radioactivity.

There is also an IT element, which interfaces with generic IT training for undergraduates provided within the University.

Agriculture Business in the Global Economy

Today’s agricultural businesses operate in the global economy. In this module, you’ll explore both the influence of the global economy on agricultural businesses and the impact of agriculture on the global economy.

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer but is not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules that will be available in any given year. Modules (including methods of assessment) may change or be updated, or modules may be cancelled, over the duration of the course due to a number of reasons such as curriculum developments or staffing changes. Please refer to the module catalogue for information on available modules. This content was last updated on Wednesday 19 August 2020.

In the second year, you will study aspects of agri-business enterprise and innovation, agricultural and food marketing, practical policy making, agricultural economics, and human and technological resource management. You will develop your professional and research skills through a structured applied module. You can choose options which focus on applied animal or crop production, or learn about wider societal or business issues.  

Core modules

Agri-Business Enterprise and Innovation

Innovation and enterprise are key drivers of agri-business success and growth. You’ll explore a range of topics including:

  • knowledge transfer and exchange
  • intellectual property surrounding new innovations
  • planning issues for businesses and technologies supporting sustainable intensification projects.

You’ll examine the issues surrounding green energy, taxation, inheritance and business succession. 

Economic Analysis for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Economic analysis can help you answer important management questions:

  • How much fertiliser should I apply to my wheat?
  • If demand for beer is going up, how will that affect the price I receive for my barley?

Through this module you’ll gain an understanding of economic ideas and principles and be able to apply them to a range of problems of interest to agricultural and environmental scientists and managers. You’ll also examine the arguments for government intervention to correct ‘market failures’ with reference to the latest government environmental schemes. 

Applied Marketing: Agriculture and Food

The nature of agrifood commodities and products creates particular challenges for those buying and selling these goods, with implications for risk, stability and profitability for the agricultural business. This module examines the role of marketing in the successful operation of an agribusiness. Working in teams, you’ll examine how to use marketing to meet the challenges and opportunities faced by today’s agribusinesses.

Practical Policy Making

In this module you’ll develop your understanding of how and why policies relating to agriculture, the environment and food are developed, and you will gain a valuable insight into how to influence policy. The module will be delivered via a series of lectures and guest speakers, which from organisations such as: Defra, the National Farmers Union (NFU), agri-businesses within the input supply chain and food retailers.

Enterprise Management Challenge

This module aims to introduce you to agricultural management decision making in practice through team-based activity, integrating science, business and economics. Working in small teams and supported by teaching staff and industry consultants, you will be responsible for making management (science and business) decisions relating to the production of a crop or livestock enterprise for commercial purposes. The challenge will be based on the University Farm. Your team’s decisions – in the roles of both professional consultant and farm manager - will be implemented by technical staff.

For this module you will have lectures plus significant ‘field time’, including formal field site visits and informal field observation visits.  

Research Techniques for Bioscientists

You'll cover the core research process and data analysis skills including literature searches, data collection and processing, and statistical analysis. This will prepare you for your third year research project. Research projects are also selected during this module.

Optional modules

Applied Plant Physiology: from cell to crop

In this module you will gain a comprehensive understanding of plant physiology. We’ll take an applied approach – right from the molecular level to the field – to understand what it means for growers in the UK and worldwide. We’ll examine:

  • the mechanisms that plants use to capture and utilise physical resources: i.e. solar energy, water and nutrients
  • the physiological basis of resource capture and utilisation in growth and development
  • physical aspects of the plant environment combining these key processes

The module also considers contemporary issues and future developments in agronomy and the role of the agronomist in successful crop management. You will learn through lectures, practical classes and tutorials.

Applied Animal Science

A highly applied module, you’ll learn about animal physiology, nutrition and management and use your knowledge to think critically about production systems. Focusing on the nutrition, growth and welfare of farmed animals, you’ll cover a wide range of subjects, including investigating the energy and protein evaluation systems for ruminants and non-ruminants and the differential maturity of individual carcass components. You’ll compare systems of production for all major species of livestock and explore how these different systems integrate with each other and other enterprises on farms. Visits to local livestock farms give you the opportunity to further develop your understanding within a ‘real-life’ context and are a core component of the module.

Climate Change Science
A broad overview of the science behind climate change and its effects is studied on this module. Topics include: historical climate change; the principles of climate forcing; the role of modelling; responses of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, including impacts on humans; the political environment; and options for climate stabilisation. You will have a two-hour lecture once a week with complementary practical and computing classes.
Principles of Animal Health and Disease

This module will introduce the major effects of diseases on the body’s physiological and immunological systems. The main types of disease will then be systematically discussed using a range of companion, farm and exotic animal species including poultry, equine, bovine and ovine species. You’ll have lectures and laboratory practicals each week.

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer but is not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules that will be available in any given year. Modules (including methods of assessment) may change or be updated, or modules may be cancelled, over the duration of the course due to a number of reasons such as curriculum developments or staffing changes. Please refer to the module catalogue for information on available modules. This content was last updated on

This four-year programme includes a paid placement year in industry where you will put your academic skills into practice in the real world. This experience will provide valuable insights into industry and you will develop a further set of skills to offer potential employers. 

In the final year, in addition to your research project, taught modules develop a deeper level of understanding of farm and rural business management, management consultancy, agri-business strategy and decision making, and allow you to test your own business ideas in a supportive and novel ‘innovation incubator’ environment. Optional choices allow you to extend previous study areas or examine topics beyond the core programme.

Recent final research projects include: the impact of animal disease on market prices, business and practical considerations of reduced tillage practices, drivers of farm diversification projects, and projecting enterprise and farm business profitability.

Core modules

Rural Business Management

How do you apply management principles to modern rural businesses? This module will develop your knowledge of business management principles and provide you with an opportunity to apply these principles to the type of problems facing rural businesses at the present time. You’ll construct and interpret business accounts, use investment appraisal techniques, learn about labour and machinery management and explore different forms of farm business organisation. Using a ‘real-life’ case study, you’ll also learn and practice teamwork, time management and data analysis skills, which are vital when working in business. You’ll have a mix of lectures, practical classes and farm visits, as well as guest lectures from invited speakers to give you insights into the management and finance of rural businesses.

Management Consultancy

Consultancy is a strong growth area for jobs in agriculture. In this module you’ll be introduced to the practicalities of management consultancy and have the opportunity to integrate your knowledge of management principles to a case study of your choice based on a real-life commercial farm. You’ll learn how to appraise individual enterprises and whole firms with a view to improving the respective financial and technical performance of the business. With a strong focus on working productively as an individual, you’ll assess problems and opportunities, analyse information and data, and identify and meet objectives in order to aid managerial decision-making. To find out more about how consultancy works in practice, you’ll have guest lectures from invited speakers from industry in addition to your lectures and workshops.

Innovation Incubator

Within the Innovation Incubator module you’ll have the opportunity to develop and test your own business ideas. You’ll learn about the principles of innovation and entrepreneurship, and you’ll be embedded in a supportive tutorial environment where external inspirational practitioners provide feedback on business concepts as they are being developed. A ‘Dragon’s Den’ experience towards the end of the module provides you with vital experience in business-to-business communication.  

Human and Technological Resource Management

Both human and technological resources are at the heart of many successful agri-businesses. Drawing upon both academic and industrial agri-business expertise, in this module you will examine theories and practices to inspire people, manage change and implement different leadership approaches to achieve business success. You will analyse the role of current and potential technological developments within agri-business contexts and explore the trade-offs and challenges from drawing upon people and/or technology in agri-businesses.

Agricultural Business Management Research Project

The project gives you an opportunity to use your initiative and knowledge to undertake original research under the supervision of an individual member of academic staff. You will design the study, gain familiarity with relevant analysis techniques, undertake data collection, and where appropriate safety procedures relevant to the topic. You’ll undertake appropriate quantitative analysis and prepare a report of approximately 5000 words. 

This important part of your degree, gives you the opportunity to participate in the work of one of the country's top agricultural research centres. Our research at Nottingham is funded by the UK and international organisations, including the Department of Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), the UK research councils and agricultural businesses and governments from around the world. This funding enables us to teach the most modern and exciting aspects of agriculture. 

If you are interested in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from dairy cows, managing farms under the new agricultural policy environment (how would you ensure that University Farm meets the ‘greening’ requirements?); if you want to be involved in research into the influence of diet on reproductive performance in pigs or cows; if you want to know how seed rate and fertiliser application influences winter wheat production or how climate change will affect crop production in Africa and Asia, Nottingham is the place to be.

Recent final research projects include:

  • Methods for achieving differential advantage for the small scale mushroom producer
  • Why do farmers farm?
  • Post-Brexit profitability projections for UK arable farms 2019-20: Using actual farm data and an advanced projection calculator
  • How can urban agriculture help meet the food security needs of a growing urban population by enhancing fruit, vegetable and poultry production?
  • Business investment appraisal: To convert ex/used industrial sites into vertical farms within the UK market
  • Risk management in agriculture
  • Farmers’ markets and supermarkets: food prices vs. the consumer benefits of ‘local’ food
  • The relationship between milk yields, variable costs and the overall profitability of dairy farms 

Rural Business Research Unit (RBRU) and University Farm

Based at Sutton Bonington campus, the RBRU is the lead centre for the government-funded Farm Business Survey, collecting financial and environmental data from over 2000 farms; University Farm is a 450 hectare arable, dairy and sheep farm, also based at Sutton Bonington, with land and people dedicated to student teaching and research work. Both are available for your research project.

Optional modules

Field Crops Cereals

A highly applied module, you’ll learn how to optimise the management of different cereal crops to meet the requirements of specific environments and end-uses. To do this, you’ll learn about the production strategies for the major grain cereals, with particular emphasis on factors controlling yield and quality. You’ll also examine the importance of plant structure and function (for example, the importance of the 'flag leaf' in wheat) of and the influence of the environment and management practices on crop growth and development. You’ll have a mix of lectures, seminars, in-class exercises and field work to develop and apply your understanding.

Agronomy Field Tour

In this popular module, you’ll attend a five day field course to study selected field-grown crop species that have been chosen as models to illustrate major systems of production. You’ll examine the scientific principles that govern the management of field-grown crops through production to final end use, with particular emphasis being given to their physiology and ecology. Through field visits, you’ll observe and critically appraise the efficiency of current commercial production strategies and assess the scope to exploit plant responses to the environment at specific growth stages for optimal control of quality and yield. You’ll learn about the optimisation of quality and yield of crops through the manipulation of leaf, stem and root development, and the impact of post-harvest physiology on handling and storage. The field course is typically primarily based at the Sutton Bonington Campus with day-long trips to industry, farms and research organisations, and one overnight stay in an arable region.

Livestock Production Science

How can production systems be adapted to meet demands for animal products in contrasting global markets? In this module, you’ll use your knowledge of physiology, nutrition, genetics, health, welfare and management to study the production of meat, milk and eggs, and the wellbeing of the animals in these production systems. You’ll undertake a detailed study of the integration of the production, nutrition, product quality, management and health of beef and dairy cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry at UK and global scales. You’ll be able to critically analyse key performance indicators and provide solutions to problems encountered in livestock production enterprises. You’ll have a mix of lectures, group work and farm visits to develop and apply your knowledge.

Current Issues in Crop Science

In this integrative module you’ll consider the future options and possible strategies for maintaining or increasing crop production in the UK and world agriculture. You’ll learn about the latest trends and developments within crop science, and the philosophical, ethical and policy issues associated with them. The topics covered will vary to reflect the most recent issues, but have included: the future of genetically modified crops, impact of crop production on biodiversity and prospects for organic crop production. Using your subject knowledge and research skills, you’ll be in a position to critically analyse the advantages and disadvantages of developments in crop science, both for the module and in your future career.

Applied Bioethics 1: Animals, Biotechnology and Society

Animal-human interactions raise some prominent ethical issues. In this module, you’ll examine the ethical dimensions concerning animal agriculture, modern biotechnologies and research in the biosciences, in relation to both humans and non-human species. You’ll learn about the ethical frameworks used to analyse specific dilemmas raised by the human use of animals. Using specific animal and biotechnology case studies, you’ll interpret the main ethical theories and principles and apply them to the case studies to inform professional decision-making. You’ll have a mix of lectures and seminars to explore these concepts.

Applied Bioethics 2: Sustainable Food Production, Biotechnology and the Environment

Building on Applied Bioethics 1, you’ll investigate widely accepted ethical principles and apply your insights to contemporary ethical issues in agricultural, food and environmental sciences. You’ll explore the ethical dimensions of prominent issues raised by the agricultural practices (including the use of biotechnology and GM crops) designed to meet the nutritional needs of the global population. You’ll also learn about how ethical theory can inform professional choices and public policies related to food production and environmental management. You’ll have a mix of lectures, tutorials and team-based exercises to develop a sound understanding of ethical principles.

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer but is not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules that will be available in any given year. Modules (including methods of assessment) may change or be updated, or modules may be cancelled, over the duration of the course due to a number of reasons such as curriculum developments or staffing changes. Please refer to the module catalogue for information on available modules. This content was last updated on

Fees and funding

UK students

Per year

International students

Per year

*For full details including fees for part-time students and reduced fees during your time studying abroad or on placement (where applicable), see our fees page.

If you are a student from the EU, EEA or Switzerland, you may be asked to complete a fee status questionnaire and your answers will be assessed using guidance issued by the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) .

Scholarships and bursaries

The University of Nottingham offers a wide range of bursaries and scholarships. These funds can provide you with an additional source of non-repayable financial help. For up to date information regarding tuition fees, visit our fees and finance pages.

The Felix Thornley Cobbold Scholarship

A grant of £3,000 per annum is available to a selected Home student (in Suffolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire or Norfolk) on this course.

Find out more

AgriFood Charities Partnership

The AgriFood Charities Partnership supports study for UK students on agricultural undergraduate degree programmes. 

Find out more

Rochester Bridge TrustBridge Wardens' Spence Agricultural Scholarship

Students living or studying in the following areas at the time of their application is eligible to apply:

  • Medway
  • Kent
  • London Boroughs of Bexley and Bromley
  • Cambridgeshire
  • Lincolnshire
  • West Yorkshire

The scholar will receive a grant of £1,500 per annum in each of three consecutive years. Students opting to complete a one-year industrial placement or computer science module will be eligible for an additional grant of £1,500 in respect of that year. Scholars must pass each year of study at their first attempt and provide a brief report to the Rochester Bridge Trust on their academic and other achievements during the previous academic year. 

Find out more

Home students*

Over one third of our UK students receive our means-tested core bursary, worth up to £1,000 a year. Full details can be found on our financial support pages.

* A 'home' student is one who meets certain UK residence criteria. These are the same criteria as apply to eligibility for home funding from Student Finance.

International students

We offer a range of international undergraduate scholarships for high-achieving international scholars who can put their Nottingham degree to great use in their careers.

International scholarships


The University of Nottingham is consistently named as one of the most targeted universities by Britain’s leading graduate employers
(Ranked in the top ten in The Graduate Market in 2013-2017, High Fliers Research).

With a thorough understanding of the business management principles and practices required for modern agriculture and agri-businesses, you will be ideally placed to secure an exciting and varied career in agricultural, rural or food related positions.

For example:

  • food supply chain and retail
  • marketing and commodity trading
  • business management consultants
  • accountancy and finance
  • policy analysts and advisors
  • land agency
  • farming/rural business management
  • management trainees for major companies
  • PhDs and research positions in further education or private institutions 


Average starting salary and career progression

85.3% of undergraduates from the School of Biosciences secured employment or further study within 15 months of graduation. The average annual salary for these graduates was £24,418.*

*Data from UoN graduates, 2017-2019. HESA Graduate Outcomes. Sample sizes vary.

Studying for a degree at the University of Nottingham will provide you with the type of skills and experiences that will prove invaluable in any career, whichever direction you decide to take.

Throughout your time with us, our Careers and Employability Service can work with you to improve your employability skills even further; assisting with job or course applications, searching for appropriate work experience placements and hosting events to bring you closer to a wide range of prospective employers.

Have a look at our careers page for an overview of all the employability support and opportunities that we provide to current students.

The University of Nottingham is consistently named as one of the most targeted universities by Britain’s leading graduate employers (Ranked in the top ten in The Graduate Market in 2013-2020, High Fliers Research).

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Important information

This online prospectus has been drafted in advance of the academic year to which it applies. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of publishing, but changes (for example to course content) are likely to occur given the interval between publishing and commencement of the course. It is therefore very important to check this website for any updates before you apply for the course where there has been an interval between you reading this website and applying.