
This course is no longer accepting applications for 2021 entry.

Course overview

Start your pharmacy career at a world top 5 university for pharmacy and pharmacology*.

The pre-registration placement means that when you graduate, you can apply for registration to be a UK pharmacist. This is particularly good for international students as you can do your training while keeping your student status.

Much of our teaching is case-based. We provide integrated teaching across therapeutic themes or disease states. You'll gain patient interaction experience through placements in community and hospital pharmacists. You'll also take part in patient workshops.

You can practise patient consulting and dispensing in our simulated pharmacies. The fourth year has a module called Pharmacy Leadership and Management. You'll work in teams to run your own simulated pharmacy. The module looks at the commercial, clinical and ethical issues that being a pharmacist involves. Read Bianca's blog about her experience in this module.

* QS World University Rankings by Subject 2021.

Why choose this course?

  • Option to study at University of Nottingham Malaysia in your second year
  • Apply to do your third-year research project abroad in countries such as Australia, Canada and Singapore
  • Do your own research project working with one of our leading academics
  • Accredited by the General Pharmaceutical Council

Entry requirements

All candidates are considered on an individual basis and we accept a broad range of qualifications. The entrance requirements below apply to 2021 entry.

UK entry requirements
A level AAB

Please note: Applicants whose backgrounds or personal circumstances have impacted their academic performance may receive a reduced offer. Please see our contextual admissions policy for more information.

Required subjects
  • A level chemistry
  • At least one further science A level from biology, maths or physics
  • A pass in the practical element of science subjects is not required
  • Critical thinking, citizenship and general studies are not accepted
  • GCSE Maths and English grade 5 or above are required
IB score 34 with 6,6,5 in three Higher Level subjects including 6 in Higher Level chemistry and 6 or 5 in one of Higher Level maths, biology, or physics.


We initially shortlist based on your UCAS application and grades. The next step is an interview. Further information about the interview process is on our website.   

Other requirements

Standards for pharmacy professionals

Pharmacy is one of the registered healthcare professions and carries both privileges and responsibilities. You are expected to conduct yourself professionally at all times. The Standards for Pharmacy Professionals apply to all pharmacy students from the first day of the course to the day of graduation and applies both on and off campus.

The school has fitness to practise procedures in place for pharmacy students and you will be given more information about these when you join the course.

The Standards for Pharmacy Professionals and the requirement for fitness to practise procedures are issued by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). However, you should note that the GPhC is not an adjudicator or appeal body, and will not be able to offer prospective registration advice.

The GPhC is the final decision maker in relation to an individual's eligibility to:

  • enter pharmacist pre-registration training
  • register as a pharmacist

The GPhC reserves the right to set aside a school's fitness to practise decision, if there are grounds for doing so, when making either of these decisions.

The GPhC has its own requirements for registration as a pharmacist, including making its own health and good character checks. It also has its own fitness to practise procedures for registered pharmacists. The GPhC can refuse to register a student as a pre-reg or pharmacist if a check is failed, even if previous checks have been passed.

As a member of the Pharmacy Schools Council, the school makes use of the Excluded Students Database to identify applicants who have been excluded from a professional degree programme on grounds of fitness to practice. Applications from applicants who appear on the Database will be considered on an individual basis.

Health questionnaire

When you accept your offer, the school will send out a health questionnaire with further instructions before you join us. You do not need to do anything else regarding a health check before this time.

Character checks

UK-based applicants will be asked to complete and return a Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) application form. It will be sent to you when you meet your offer with instructions on how to complete it.

Non-UK based applicants will be required to provide us with a Certificate of Good Conduct and Character. This will need to be requested from a formal authority like the police, or the Foreign Affairs Department or equivalent. It should include any information on any criminal convictions that you have, or simply confirm that you don't have any.

We encourage students to discuss any problems or concerns with us as soon as possible so that we can support and advise you appropriately. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the above, then please contact us

Notes for applicants

We are looking for strong academic qualifications as well as a commitment to a career as a healthcare professional. Your personal statement is your opportunity to make yourself stand out from the crowd. We want to know what interests you about being a healthcare professional so it is worth reflecting on any related reading that you have done, any work experience and/or any extracurricular activities that you do. For additional information regarding writing your personal statement, please see the UCAS website.

Entry to our MPharm is always into year one, with no exceptions.

We do not accept lower grade A levels alongside an incomplete or partial degree.

We welcome applications from candidates who would like to defer entry until the following academic year.

For candidates who are re-sitting a full year, the standard offer will remain as AAB.

Foundation progression options

If you don't meet our entry requirements there is the option to study the science foundation programme. If you successfully pass the year, you can progress to the pharmaceutical sciences courses. There is a course for UK students and one for EU/international students.

Mature Students

At the University of Nottingham, we have a valuable community of mature students and we appreciate their contribution to the wider student population. You can find lots of useful information on the mature students webpage.

Learning and assessment

How you will learn

Teaching methods

  • Lab sessions
  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • Tutorials
  • Workshops
  • Placements
  • Problem classes

How you will be assessed

You will be given a copy of our marking criteria which provides guidance on how your work is assessed. Your work will be marked in a timely manner and you will receive regular feedback. All modules must be passed for progression to the next year and overall final mark and degree classification. Pass marks vary according to the module and can range from a minimum of 40% through to 100%, which is required for the continuing professional development module.

Your final degree classification will be based on marks gained for your second and subsequent years of study. Year two is worth 20% with years three and four worth 40% each.

Assessment methods

  • Coursework
  • Group project
  • Lab reports
  • Oral exam
  • Poster presentation
  • Research project
  • Written exam

Contact time and study hours

As a guide, one credit equals approximately 10 hours of work. You will spend around half of your time in lectures, tutorials, workshops, practical classes and placements. The remaining time will be completed as independent study. Tutorial sessions are built into the timetable and there are several group and individual meetings timetabled throughout the year. You can also arrange additional meetings with your tutor. Core modules are typically delivered by professors, assistant and associate professors or teaching practitioners (practising pharmacists who also teach). Some practical skills modules may be supported by postgraduate students.

Study abroad

Students who choose to study abroad are more likely to achieve a first-class degree and earn more on average than students who did not (Gone International: Rising Aspirations report 2016/17).

Benefits of studying abroad

  • Explore a new culture
  • A reduced tuition fee of up to 80% for the time you are abroad
  • Improve your communication skills, confidence and independence

University of Nottingham Malaysia

You can apply to spend your second year or one semester at our Malaysia campus. The modules you'll study will be exactly the same as if you were in the UK. All teaching is in English.

Read Zeliha's blog about her experience studying in Malaysia.

Third-year research project

Complete your third-year research project abroad. Destinations change each year but possible countries include:

  • Australia
  • China
  • Malaysia (University of Nottingham Malaysia)
  • New Zealand 

All teaching is in English. You must achieve a minimum 60% pass rate in semester one of the second year to be considered.

International school exchange

Another option for studying abroad is spending your second semester in third year in countries such as:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Hong Kong
  • New Zealand
  • Singapore

All teaching is in English.


In each year of the course you will go on professional placements. These could include community pharmacies and hospitals. You'll also go on insight visits that provide interprofessional experiences. The majority of placements are located in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Leicestershire.

To complete the pre-registration, you will do two six-month placements. You'll be based in a community or hospital pharmacy. Placements may not be near Nottingham. You will have to arrange your own accommodation or travel for this time. 

Study Abroad and the Year in Industry are subject to students meeting minimum academic requirements. Opportunities may change at any time for a number of reasons, including curriculum developments, changes to arrangements with partner universities, travel restrictions or other circumstances outside of the university’s control. Every effort will be made to update information as quickly as possible should a change occur.


Core modules

The Fundamentals of Pharmacy

As a pharmacy student this module will teach you all the essential skills you need to start your journey to becoming a pharmacist. This is covered through three main areas:

  • Fundamental concepts in science relating to drugs
  • Medicines design
  • Professional and clinical pharmacy

You will be taught how to handle with accuracy and precision the dispensing of medicines, calculations and laboratory skills.

Future responsibilities of a healthcare professional will be introduced. Such as, protection of the public, ensuring the quality, safety and efficacy of medicines, and being an expert in drugs and medicines.

You will learn the different roles of pharmacists in hospitals, primary care organisations, community pharmacies and the pharmaceutical industry. You will have weekly lectures, practical classes and workshops. There will be group presentations (oral and written) and an exam.


This is the first of our ‘Drug, Medicine and Patient’ (DMP) modules focusing on a particular disease in this case, Dyspepsia. You develop an understanding of the states, causes, diseases and associated conditions of the disease and the commonly encountered drugs and medicines used in their treatment. You will also develop key study and learning skills, alongside high level inquiry and critical skills. You will have a combination of lectures, workshops, e-learning packages, case study workshops and community and hospital placements.

Bacterial and Fungal Infections

You will learn to appreciate microbiology and infectious diseases, developing a high level of understanding of some of the key antimicrobial drugs and detailed knowledge of antibiotic prescribing from a pharmacists perspective. You will study a range of bacterial and fungal infections and their common treatments. You will have a combination of lectures, practical sessions, e-learning packages, case studies and directed study.

Professional competencies year one

In each year of the MPharm there is a professional competencies module. All of the competencies are taught in the other core modules.

These are to confirm that key elements of the course have been assessed and passed.

These are zero-credit modules that do not contribute to the marks of students. However, it is a requirement of progression to years 2, 3, 4 and to graduation that these modules are passed with a mark of 100%.

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer but is not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules that will be available in any given year. Modules (including methods of assessment) may change or be updated, or modules may be cancelled, over the duration of the course due to a number of reasons such as curriculum developments or staffing changes. Please refer to the module catalogue for information on available modules. This content was last updated on Friday 13 August 2021.

Core modules

Gastrointestinal and Liver Disorders

This module aims to provide you with an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and the structure and function of the liver with respect to the metabolism of nutrients and drugs. You will develop an understanding of the role of normal GI bacteria, as well as learning about the pathology of major GI diseases, and the drugs used to treat these. You will also find out how these drugs are absorbed by the body, and will be able to identify appropriate types of dosages for specific drugs. You will have a combination of workshops, practical lab classes, e-learning packages, case studies and a hospital placement visit.

Asthma, Allergies and Immune Diseases

Amongst the more common disorders encountered by both community and hospital pharmacists are those affecting the respiratory system such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder. This module aims to illustrate molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying these pathological states, how therapeutic intervention is designed to treat these states and how better medicines can be generated for these conditions. Some example topics include the role of inflammatory cells, the regulation of smooth muscle tone and mucus production as well as delivery systems. You will have a combination of lectures, workshops, practical classes and e-learning packages.


You will learn to appreciate the causes and systems of cardiovascular diseases and the commonly used drugs to treat them. This module will include patient involvement in teaching and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder will meet with you to aid your understanding of the condition. On completion of this module you will be able recommend appropriate treatment, patient counselling and lifestyle advice. You will have a combination of lectures, practical laboratory classes, workshops, e-learning packages, direct learning and case studies.

Sexual Health and Pregnancy

This module aims to make you consider not only the medication, therapies and appropriate treatments surrounding conception, contraception, and pregnancy but also the evolutionary drivers of reproduction and sexual attraction and the ethical and moral dilemmas that you as a pharmacist may face. The topics covered include the evolutionary basis of sex and aspects of sexually transmitted diseases, the physiological basis of sexual attraction, conception, contraception and infertility and pregnancy testing and prescribing. You will have a combination of lectures, podcasts, Q&A sessions, presentations, practical lab classes, case study workshops and four formative assessments.

Renal and Endocrine Diseases

This module will provide you with a comprehensive coverage of pharmaceutical-relevant topics relating to renal and endocrine diseases. You will gain an understanding of the biology of renal and endocrine function, the symptoms of renal and endocrine diseases and the chemistry and mechanism of peptide-based drugs such as insulin. On completion of this module you will have a sound understanding of the treatment and management of renal and endocrine diseases. You will have a combination of lectures, laboratory practical classes and case study workshops over the course of this module.


Pharmacists encounter patients experiencing pain every day. This module provides you with the sufficient background scientific knowledge to be able to understand and describe the clinical use of commonly used analgesics and targets novel analgesics. There is an element of patient involvement via workshop sessions where patients will talk to students in small groups. On completion of this module you will be able to apply scientific knowledge to basic clinical scenarios. You will have a combination of lectures, workshops, e-learning packages and case studies.

Professional competencies year two

In each year of the MPharm there is a professional competencies module. All of the competencies are taught in the other core modules.

These are to confirm that key elements of the course have been assessed and passed.

These are zero-credit modules that do not contribute to the marks of students. However, it is a requirement of progression to years 2, 3, 4 and to graduation that these modules are passed with a mark of 100%.

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer but is not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules that will be available in any given year. Modules (including methods of assessment) may change or be updated, or modules may be cancelled, over the duration of the course due to a number of reasons such as curriculum developments or staffing changes. Please refer to the module catalogue for information on available modules. This content was last updated on

Core modules

Viral and Parasitic Infections

This module aims to get you thinking about the available treatments for important viral and parasitic diseases. You will get to grips with the basic biology of viruses, protozoan and metazoan parasites and gain an understanding of the pathogens and drugs or vaccinations available for treatment. Some of the topics covered include the benefits of using vaccination, travel medicine, HIV, H5N1 and tropical diseases and the supply, law and ethics surrounding veterinary medicines. You will have lectures, practicals and workshops and case study work.


Address issues relevant to the diagnosis and treatment of cancers, and the professional and ethical issues concerning palliative care and the end of life.

In particular, you will be encouraged to think of cancers as a diverse group of genetic diseases which pose unique problems in their diagnosis and management.

Examples of a small number of cancer types will be used to illustrate key points which have broader relevance to cancer therapy and beyond.

You will cover areas such as:

  • The biological hallmarks of cancer
  • Classes of anti-cancer drug
  • Cancer treatments and formulations
  • Patient management and palliative care
  • Epidemiology and Health Economics
  • The role of the pharmacist in the treatment and management of patients with cancer, and patients at the end-of-life stage
Central Nervous System (CNS)

Many of the most common and difficult to treat medical conditions affect the CNS and knowledge of how drugs can be used to alleviate these problems is required by all pharmacists.

You will build on these foundations to apply medicine use in complex ethical and therapeutic cases. By learning the key methods and philosophies of healthcare coaching, you will be equipped to conduct difficult mental health conversations.

We will teach you to understand and describe the pathophysiology of CNS disorders, different treatment pathways and the medicines used to treat them in a rational manner.


You'll cover areas such as:

  • the basic anatomy and function of the CNS
  • the signs, symptoms and origins of disorders of emotion and thinking
  • neurodegenerative diseases and epilepsy
  • the mechanisms of action and clinical pharmacology of the drugs used in their treatment
  • drugs of abuse and associated approaches to treatment
  • strategies employed to deliver drugs through the blood/brain barrier
  • complex ethical challenges within patients suffering from Mental Health problems, incorporating the Mental Health capacity Act and Pharmacy professional standards
  • advanced consultation skills required for patients suffering from Mental Health problems
Pharmacy Research Project

Experience contemporary research methods by engaging yourself to design a research programme and perform experiments, surveys, or other research activities aimed at solving a specific pharmacy-related or biomedical problem.

The practical component of the project will provide an opportunity for you to carry out scientific research, and to relate the outcomes to scientific concepts and knowledge of the field. You will collect, analyse and interpret data, read and collate previous results relevant to their problem, presenting their research as a clear and concise report.

The form of project may vary and it may be based on laboratory work, clinical audit, or patient studies.

Academic supervisors will provide the topic of study and guidance on the project. You will be able to develop the theme of the dissertation in your own way.

You will be provided with an opportunity to use your initiative and knowledge in undertaking an original research study. With the aim to provide you with first-hand research experience and insights into scientific methodology, through the undertaking of a review of published work and experimental and/or computer-based work to investigate a selected topic, culminating in a written dissertation.

Practical projects are likely to involve the utilization of state-of-the-art instrumentation available in the Schools of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, whereas students undertaking clinical projects may be required to visit practice based settings.


If you complete your research project in Nottingham, you will have 20 credits of optional modules to choose from. These can be from subjects outside of pharmacy. Past students have chosen topics such as entrepreneurship, introductory language training, English literature and scientific photography.

Professional competencies year three

In each year of the MPharm there is a professional competencies module. All of the competencies are taught in the other core modules.

These are to confirm that key elements of the course have been assessed and passed.

These are zero-credit modules that do not contribute to the marks of students. However, it is a requirement of progression to years 2, 3, 4 and to graduation that these modules are passed with a mark of 100%.

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer but is not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules that will be available in any given year. Modules (including methods of assessment) may change or be updated, or modules may be cancelled, over the duration of the course due to a number of reasons such as curriculum developments or staffing changes. Please refer to the module catalogue for information on available modules. This content was last updated on

Core modules

Integrated Pharmaceutical and Patient Care 1 and 2

This module advances the knowledge of disease management and conditions covered previously and introduces new diseases and conditions via case studies. It develops teaching, assessment and presentation skills. Working in small sub-groups, they will teach the rest of their group about their case in small group sessions.

The module takes a patient focused approach to medicine optimisation and follows patients through a number of care pathways. The module will consolidate the principles of management of complex, comorbid patients and patients prescribed multiple medicines to manage coexisting problems, further developing the ability of students to manage these patients. Students will develop their problem solving skills and their abilities in application of therapeutics to these complex patients. Students will develop critical thinking and decision-making, team working, and teaching skills.

The course facilitates independent learning and helps students acquire teaching skills. Presented with patient scenarios, medical records and medication charts/prescriptions, students are expected to critically evaluate, prioritise problems and incorporate clinical evidence into therapeutic recommendations.

Advanced Drug Discovery

You will gain an appreciation of the state of the art in drug discovery by drawing together concepts in chemistry and pharmacology. You will gain an understanding of how advances in quantitative biology, molecular modelling, structural biology, synthetic chemistry and natural product chemistry combine to create new classes of drugs. You will be taught through lectures, workshops, e-learning packages and case studies.

Pharmacy Leadership and Management

This module will see a group of ten students set up, design a management plan, market and run a simulated pharmacy for the whole year. Actors will visit as patients and customers, prescribers, pharmaceutical company representatives and inspectors. You may receive phone calls from doctors, nursing homes and patients and may have to do real out of hours practice. You will have ten lectures throughout the year and one day a week simulations.

Future Medicines

This module looks ahead into your career as a pharmacist and considers the way that major changes in treatment are likely to change over the span of your career. You will gain an appreciation of the research breakthroughs in biology and pharmaceutical sciences that are driving the invention of future medicines. On completion of the module you should be able to assess new scientific breakthroughs in terms of their clinical potential. You will have a combination of lectures, workshops, e-learning packages and two case studies to work through.

Professional Pre-registration Placement 1

The module will draw together the teaching delivered by the School of Pharmacy during the previous academic years and contextualise this in a patient focused setting.

Throughout the professional pre-registration placement, you will be in areas of pharmacy that may be either patient or non-patient facing, but always with a clear focus on the patient as the primary concern. You will be expected to consistently achieve a pre-defined number of the GPhC Pre-registration Performance Standards under the direction of the pre-registration tutor (with the aim of achieving all of the Performance Standards by the end of placement 2).

Over the professional pre-registration placement period, you will undertake a number of tasks and activities that will help with the development of:

  • communication
  • critical thinking and personal reflection
  • skills in critical appraisal
  • decision-making
  • problem solving
  • and team working

A key developmental goal will also be to facilitate the transfer, application and extension of your clinical therapeutic knowledge within a practice context. You will undertake regular reviews with your pre-registration Tutor and will be expected to produce and update your own portfolio of evidence in order to demonstrate your competence.

Professional competencies year four

In each year of the MPharm there is a professional competencies module. All of the competencies are taught in the other core modules.

These are to confirm that key elements of the course have been assessed and passed.

These are zero-credit modules that do not contribute to the marks of students. However, it is a requirement of progression to years 2, 3, 4 and to graduation that these modules are passed with a mark of 100%.

In years four and five, the Professional Competency modules are used to monitor the progress of each student in attainment of the correct level for each of the GPhC Learning Outcomes.

In years four and five, there are also some Learning Outcomes that are assessed for the final time and at the highest outcome level, in the University-based modules, rather than the Professional Placement Modules. Attainment of learning outcomes within these modules is assessed in the Part B marking scheme for the appropriate year four or year five assessments. 

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer but is not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules that will be available in any given year. Modules (including methods of assessment) may change or be updated, or modules may be cancelled, over the duration of the course due to a number of reasons such as curriculum developments or staffing changes. Please refer to the module catalogue for information on available modules. This content was last updated on

Core modules

Pharmacy Leadership and Management

This module will see a group of ten students set up, design a management plan, market and run a simulated pharmacy for the whole year. Actors will visit as patients and customers, prescribers, pharmaceutical company representatives and inspectors. You may receive phone calls from doctors, nursing homes and patients and may have to do real out of hours practice. You will have ten lectures throughout the year and one day a week simulations.

Advanced Drug Discovery

You will gain an appreciation of the state of the art in drug discovery by drawing together concepts in chemistry and pharmacology. You will gain an understanding of how advances in quantitative biology, molecular modelling, structural biology, synthetic chemistry and natural product chemistry combine to create new classes of drugs. You will be taught through lectures, workshops, e-learning packages and case studies.

Integrated Pharmaceutical and Patient Care

This module advances the knowledge of disease management and conditions covered previously and introduces new diseases and conditions via case studies. It develops teaching, assessment and presentation skills. Divided into groups, you will receive training and facilitation from staff, including some specialist training on teaching and learning. Working in sub-groups, you will teach the rest of your group about your case in small group sessions.

The module takes a patient focused approach to medicine optimisation and follows patients through a number of care pathways. The module will consolidate the principles of management of complex, comorbid patients and patients prescribed multiple medicines to manage coexisting problems, further developing the ability you to manage these patients. You will develop your problem solving skills and your abilities in application of therapeutics to these complex patients. You will develop critical thinking and decision-making, team working, and teaching skills.

The course facilitates independent learning and helps students acquire teaching skills. Presented with patient scenarios, medical records and medication charts/prescriptions, students are expected to critically evaluate, prioritise problems and incorporate clinical evidence into therapeutic recommendations.

You will utilise the knowledge and experiences gained from the professional placements and incorporate these into the case studies.

Professional Pre-registration Placement 2

The module will draw together the teaching delivered by the School of Pharmacy during the previous academic years and contextualise this in a patient-focused, clinical setting.

The focus of this placement moves from pharmacy-centred technical and professional practice to clinical practice.

During the professional pre-registration placement, you will be expected to consistently achieve a pre-defined number of the GPhC Pre-registrationPerformance Standards under the direction of the pre-registration Tutor (with the aim of achieving all of the Performance Standards by the end of placement 2).

Over the professional pre-registration placement period, you will undertake a range of tasks and activities that will help with the development of communication, critical thinking and personal reflection, in addition to skills in critical appraisal, decision-making, and team working.

A key developmental goal will also be to facilitate the transfer, application and extension of your clinical therapeutic knowledge within a practice context. You will undertake regular reviews with your pre-registration tutor and will be expected to produce and update your own portfolio of evidence in order to prove their competence.

Underpinning both professional pre-registration placements (PHAR4018 and PHAR4023) is the GPhC Registration Assessment framework, which you will need to cover in order to successfully pass the Registration Assessment by the end of your degree (to be taken towards the end of semester 2 in Year 5). To help you prepare for this final examination, you will receive support throughout the module, and, part way through, will complete a formative on-line assessment (Rogo) comprised of questions of the style encountered in the Registration Assessment.

Professional competencies Year five

In each year of the MPharm there is a professional competencies module. All of the competencies are taught in the other core modules.

These are to confirm that key elements of the course have been assessed and passed.

These are zero-credit modules that do not contribute to the marks of students. However, it is a requirement of progression to years 2, 3, 4 and to graduation that these modules are passed with a mark of 100%.

In Years 4 and 5 the Professional Competency modules are used to monitor the progress of each student in attainment of the correct level for each of the GPhC Learning Outcomes.

In Year 4 and 5 there are also some Learning Outcomes that are assessed for the final time and at the highest outcome level, in the University based modules, rather than the Professional Placement Modules. Attainment of learning outcomes within these modules is assessed in the Part B marking scheme for the appropriate year 4 or year 5 assessments. Any failed learning outcomes will be re-assessed by an oral examination or appropriate other mechanism (e.g. CPD entry) as part of PHAR4024.

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer but is not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules that will be available in any given year. Modules (including methods of assessment) may change or be updated, or modules may be cancelled, over the duration of the course due to a number of reasons such as curriculum developments or staffing changes. Please refer to the module catalogue for information on available modules. This content was last updated on

Fees and funding

UK students

Per year

International students

Per year

*For full details including fees for part-time students and reduced fees during your time studying abroad or on placement (where applicable), see our fees page.

If you are a student from the EU, EEA or Switzerland, you may be asked to complete a fee status questionnaire and your answers will be assessed using guidance issued by the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) .

Additional costs

As a student on this course, you should factor some additional costs into your budget, alongside your tuition fees and living expenses, including a DBS check. See a full list of additional costs for this course. If you study abroad, you will need to consider the costs of travel and living expenses in the country that you choose.

You should be able to access most of the books you’ll need through our libraries, though you may wish to purchase your own copies.

Due to our commitment to sustainability, we don’t print lecture notes but these are available digitally. You will be given £5 worth of printer credits a year. You are welcome to buy more credits if you need them. It costs 4p to print one black and white page.

Scholarships and bursaries

Home students*

Over one third of our UK students receive our means-tested core bursary, worth up to £1,000 a year. Full details can be found on our financial support pages.

* A 'home' student is one who meets certain UK residence criteria. These are the same criteria as apply to eligibility for home funding from Student Finance.

International students

We offer a range of international undergraduate scholarships for high-achieving international scholars who can put their Nottingham degree to great use in their careers.

International scholarships


Being a professional pharmacist

You could work as a pharmacist in the community, at a GP surgery or in a hospital. On the course, you'll experience the different types of pharmacy work so you can see what you enjoy the most.

Industrial pharmacy

If you are interested in the research and development of new drugs, you may consider industrial pharmacy. Industrial pharmacists work with scientists in other areas to discover safe and effective drugs.

Other roles

Your skills can be used in roles such as:

  • pharmacy research
  • veterinary pharmacy
  • regulatory pharmacy 

Other opportunities to boost your employability 

The Nottingham Advantage Award is our free scheme to boost your employability. There are over 200 extracurricular activities to choose from.

Average starting salary and career progression

75% of undergraduates from the School of Pharmacy secured graduate level employment or further study within 15 months of graduation. The average annual salary for these graduates was £21,673.*

* HESA Graduate Outcomes 2019/20 data published in 2022. The Graduate Outcomes % is derived using The Guardian University Guide methodology. The average annual salary is based on graduates working full-time, postgraduate, home graduates within the UK.

Studying for a degree at the University of Nottingham will provide you with the type of skills and experiences that will prove invaluable in any career, whichever direction you decide to take.

Throughout your time with us, our Careers and Employability Service can work with you to improve your employability skills even further; assisting with job or course applications, searching for appropriate work experience placements and hosting events to bring you closer to a wide range of prospective employers.

Have a look at our careers page for an overview of all the employability support and opportunities that we provide to current students.

The University of Nottingham is consistently named as one of the most targeted universities by Britain’s leading graduate employers (Ranked in the top ten in The Graduate Market in 2013-2020, High Fliers Research).

General Pharmaceutical Council

This course is accredited by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). This means that you can apply for registration with them once you've completed your degree and pre-registration training

Dummy placeholder image
" The School of Pharmacy has excellent connections to the industry, which helped me secure a summer placement with Boots. "
Bianca, MPharm Pharmacy

Important information

This online prospectus has been drafted in advance of the academic year to which it applies. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of publishing, but changes (for example to course content) are likely to occur given the interval between publishing and commencement of the course. It is therefore very important to check this website for any updates before you apply for the course where there has been an interval between you reading this website and applying.