Vascular Research Group


NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact


Acheson, Austin0115 823 1147Clinical Associate Professor in Colorectal SurgeryEnvelope Icon
Alexander, Steve0115 82 30182Associate Professor of Molecular PharmacologyEnvelope Icon
Anderson, Susann/aDeputy Head of School of Life SciencesEnvelope Icon
Atherton, Philip01332 724 725Professor of Clinical, metabolic & Molecular PhysiologyEnvelope Icon
Auer, Dorothee0115 823 1178Professor of NeuroimagingEnvelope Icon


Bath, Philip0115 823 1765Stroke Association Professor of Stroke Medicine/Head of Division of Clinical NeuroscienceEnvelope Icon
Bayraktutan, Ulvi0115 82 31764Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Billeter-Clark, Rudi0115 82 30168Associate Professor of AnatomyEnvelope Icon
Brook, David0115 823 0345Professor of Human GeneticsEnvelope Icon
Broughton Pipkin, Fionan/aEnvelope Icon
Budge, Helen0115 823 1090Professor of Neonatal Medicine, Deputy Head of the School of Medicine, Director of Clinical Academic TrainingEnvelope Icon


Coleman, Tim0115 823 0204Professor of Primary CareEnvelope Icon


Dekker, Lodewijk0115 8466327Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Denning, Chris0115 823 1236Director of the University of Nottingham Biodiscovery InstituteEnvelope Icon
Dineen, Rob0115 823 1173Professor of NeuroradiologyEnvelope Icon


Emsley, Jonas0115 8467092Professor of Macromolecular CrystallographyEnvelope Icon


Fone, Kevinn/aEmeritus ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Francis, Sue0115 846 6518Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon


Gardner, David0115 951 6427Professor of PhysiologyEnvelope Icon
Gowland, Penny0115 951 4754Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Greenhaff, Paul0115 82 30133Professor of Muscle MetabolismEnvelope Icon


Hall, Ian0115 823 1064Professor of Molecular MedicineEnvelope Icon
Hill, Stephen0115 82 30082Professor of Molecular PharmacologyEnvelope Icon


Jackson, Stephen0115 84 66020Professor of Cognitive NeuroscienceEnvelope Icon


Kendall, Dave0115 82 30156Emeritus ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Khan, Raheela01332 724664Professor of Cellular PhysiologyEnvelope Icon


Lewis, Sarah0115 823 1387Research and teachingEnvelope Icon
Loose, Matt0115 82 30358Professor of Developmental and Computational BiologyEnvelope Icon
Loughna, Siobhan0115 82 30178Associate Professor of Cardiac DevelopmentEnvelope Icon


Mellor, Ian0115 9513257Assistant Professor in Molecular NeuroscienceEnvelope Icon


Ralevic, Vera0115 82 30183Associate Professor & Reader in Cardiovascular SciencesEnvelope Icon
Randall, Michael0115 82 30185Professor of PharmacologyEnvelope Icon
Richens, Davidn/aHonorary Clinical Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Roberts, Richard0115 82 30190Associate Professor and Lecturer in PharmacologyEnvelope Icon
Rose, Felicity0115 8467856Professor of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Director of Research and Knowledge ExchangeEnvelope Icon
Rutland, Catrin0115 951 6573Professor of Molecular MedicineEnvelope Icon


Sharkey, Don0115 823 0602Professor of Neonatal Medicine and TechnologiesEnvelope Icon
Sinclair, Kevin0115 951 6053Head of Division of Animal SciencesEnvelope Icon
Smith, Ken01332 724700Professor of Metabolic Mass Spectrometry; Manager, Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry FacilityEnvelope Icon
Sprigg, Nikola0115 823 1778Professor of Stroke MedicineEnvelope Icon


Taylor, Moira0115 9516104Associate Professor of Human Nutrition (Dietetics)Envelope Icon
Tsintzas, Kostas0115 82 30127Professor of Human PhysiologyEnvelope Icon


Williams, John01332 724641AnaesthesiaEnvelope Icon
Woolard, Jeanette0115 823 1481Professor of Cardiovascular Physiology and PharmacologyEnvelope Icon

Cardiovascular Medicine

D Floor, South Block
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

telephone: +44 (0) 115 823 1024