
There are many ways to change the world. This is a great place to start.

Our pioneering researchers deliver solutions to complex global challenges. Our people work with communities, locally and globally, to make a difference. Through our discoveries, teaching and all that we do, we’re committed to helping achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

As a leading university we’re proud to share 100 ways we’re changing the world.


Changing the world will take collaboration, research, education and building our communities for the future.

Over the coming year we will be sharing 100 ways we have made a difference to people’s lives and are helping to secure a fairer world.




Latest updates


UK’s most powerful MRI scanner gets the green light

The University of Nottingham, the birthplace of MRI and with a longstanding heritage in MRI research, is set to advance brain and disease research with the development of the UK's most powerful MRI scanner. This initiative, supported by UKRI and involving collaboration with Tesla Engineering and Philips, highlights Nottingham's pivotal role in enhancing global biomedical imaging and healthcare outcomes.

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Combating CO2 emissions through AI

As we continue our journey to net zero photovoltaic (PV) production is expected to increase as a sustainable alternative. PV relies on the weather and batteries to ensure a consistent level of input and AI weather forecasting has a crucial role to play.

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Biochar trial to trap CO2

The University of Nottingham is leading the UKs largest trial to evaluate the viability of a material called biochar to store carbon from the atmosphere to counter the impact of climate change.

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Ensuring AI has a positive impact

AI is having a transformative impact on every aspect of our lives, including education. Experts from Nottingham are working to ensure artificial intelligence is used safely and responsibly by teachers, trainers and students.

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 Our contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

SDG 14 - Living Deltas project

The Living Deltas project is assessing the aquatic health of delta systems in southeast Asia. By tracking pollution across the Ganges-Brahmaputra, Mekong and Red River deltas, we can help policymakers conserve these vital ecosystems.

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SDG 13 - Retrofit road map for city’s housing

University researchers are delivering a project that will inform the retrofit of Nottingham’s existing housing stock to improve energy efficiency and bring the city closer to its 2028 target for net zero emissions.

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SDG 12 - World’s first micro prospectus

We created the world’s first micro prospectus – the first edition alone saved 72 tonnes of paper, 18,000kg of CO2 and 54,000 litres of water in processing the paper, enough to keep every student at our university hydrated for more than six weeks.

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Our commitment to the goals

At the University of Nottingham, we address the complex challenges facing our planet and are committed to making an outstanding contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are a call to action to secure a safer, fairer and more sustainable future. Discover how the the University of Nottingham is playing a leading role in tackling these global challenges.

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We would like to hear from you

There are so many wonderful world changing projects taking place at the University of Nottingham, both past and present and we would like to hear your favourite world changing story.



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The Cascade program funds innovative student-led projects around the globe.

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