National Apprenticeship Week 2023

This National Apprenticeship Week (6 - 12 February) business leaders, recruiting line managers and workforce development professionals are invited to discover how our degree apprenticeships can build specialist skills within your workforce and transform careers.


Our Online National Apprenticeship Week Events

Engineer working on site

Electro-mechanical Engineer Degree Apprenticeship Webinar

Wednesday 8 February 2 - 3pm

Colleagues having a meeting

Mentoring in apprenticeships panel discussion

Thursday 9 February 10-11.30am

Computer science students sit to discuss date on a laptop

Data Scientist Degree Apprenticeship Webinar

Thursday 9 February 2.30 - 3.30pm


Beyond National Apprenticeship Week 

Architect Degree Apprenticeship Open Evening

Architectural practices and Part 1 Architectural Assistants are welcome to join Programme Director Graeme Baker to find out more about at our Level 7 Architect Degree Apprenticeship at an informal networking open evening.


 Advanced Clinical Practice On-Demand Information Webinar 

Find out more about our master's level apprenticeship for health professionals.