
We work with industry and government to decarbonise future transport.

Our vision is to accelerate the translation of zero carbon research into high-impact commercial and policy solutions.

We have secured more than £70 million of public and industry co-investment to establish new world-leading and open-access research facilities and programmes. These will decarbonise future transport for high-growth industries including aerospace, automotive, marine, rail, off-highway and energy.

In partnership with industry and government, we are consolidating the East Midlands’ position as a global leader in developing and deploying innovation in green industries and advanced manufacturing.


Our technologies and expertise

Electrical machine manufacturing tile 550x250Electrical machine manufacturing

We enable fast prototyping and flexible manufacturing. Our end-to-end manufacturing process capability with robotics and digital twin offers low volume and high value production, with state of the art performance and power.

Hydrogen propulsion systems tile 550x250Hydrogen propulsion systems

We enable ‘plug-and-play’ of transport components to test H2 fuel cells, ICE and hybrid-electric systems. We offer megawatt-scale hydrogen propulsion systems testing, cryogenic test capability for high power machines, and environmental chambers for altitude testing.

Image of car being built 550x250Digital twinning

We enable monitoring, prognostics & health management of the entire propulsion powertrain. We provide unique platform enabling system integration, validation and verification.



Latest News

University of Nottingham opens Zero Carbon Innovation Centre

The University of Nottingham, in partnership with East Midlands Freeport, Research England and Loughborough University, has opened the Zero Carbon Innovation Centre (ZCIC). The centre will deliver innovation in transport technology, green hydrogen production, and power solutions for industry and create jobs for the regional economy.

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Over £70 million investment will allow the University of Nottingham to power future transport to net zero

The University of Nottingham has secured more than £70 million to establish new world-leading and open-access research facilities and programmes that will decarbonise future transport.

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Multi-million funding injection for University of Nottingham facility brings net zero one step closer to reality

The University of Nottingham, in collaboration with Loughborough University, has been selected to receive a significant funding boost from East Midlands Freeport to accelerate the translation of zero carbon research into high-impact commercial and policy solutions.

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University of Nottingham announces new hydrogen propulsion lab

The University of Nottingham has received planning permission to construct a new hydrogen propulsion lab on its Jubilee Campus, in partnership with Research England and industry partners.

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University of Nottingham launches £5.3 million programme to enable cryogenic hydrogen-electric propulsion flight

The University of Nottingham has kicked-off a £5.3 million programme of research to support the development, manufacture and test of a revolutionary cryogenic hydrogen-electric propulsion system.

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