

Day 1 of the conference explores the benefits to all of establishing and maintaining an awareness of wellbeing in the workplace. This event will bring together experts and practioners from professional and educational sectors to discuss strategies, tools, and practices that promote a healthy work environment.  


  • Education and Empowerment: Increase awareness about the importance and benefits of employee wellbeing and provide participants with knowledge, tools and strategies to support wellbeing at work for all.
  • Best Practice: Share best practice and successful case studies on implementing wellbeing initiatives. 
  • Open Conversations: Encourage open and constructive dialogue about wellbeing, its benefits and related challenges to reduce stigma and promote support. 
  • Policy Development: Discuss the need for, and development of, workplace policies that consider the importance of staff wellbeing for both the employee and the employer. 


Register for the event

Keynote and other speaker information

Speaker biographies

Head and shoulders portrait of Tom Hemmings smiling

Thomas Hemmings - Change professional


Thomas Hemmings is a change professional with two decades of experience involving people in change. He leads a team of business change managers to help people understand and adopt changes at the Peabody Group. He is also co-chair of the employee council aiming to improve how we work together.

He has run his own change, coaching and training business helping organisations and people develop approaches to living and working in an increasingly complex, volatile and uncertain world.

Thomas is a practicing son, parent, friend, colleague, student, civilian, Buddhist, yogi, philosopher, runner and human. His intention is peace and his approach is to practice. He believes there is no way to achieve peace, joy and happiness; there is only being peaceful, joyful and happy.

Connect with Thomas on Linkedin

Head and shoulders portrait of Veronica Layunta Maurel smiling

Veronica Layunta Maurel - MindBody Reconnect Practitioner and Yoga, breathwork and meditation teacher


Veronica has been working as a health and wellness practitioner since 1994. A qualified nurse and humanist with training in Yoga, Ayurveda, MBR therapy, Narrative Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Integrative Somatic Trauma therapy, she currently runs a clinic that supports people to recover from severe stress, burnout, CFS/ME, Fibromyalgia and Long Covid. She is also a PhD candidate at the University of Nottingham, exploring the relationship between Creative Writing and transgenerational trauma.

Veronica's journey was deeply influenced by her own experience of going through CFS/ME and an early menopause. She believes that our bodies have the inner resources and the power to heal and thrive and that learning to connect with those resources is a life skill that will lead us to live the fulfilling, vibrant and purposeful life we are meant to have.

When Veronica is not helping people regain their health or doing yoga, she enjoys singing and playing the piano, writing and reading novels, connecting with friends and being in nature.

Connect with Veronica on her website


Empowering Us All Conference


Day 2 - Navigating the Menopause Journey