

Day 2 is dedicated to fostering a safe, inclusive space for individuals of all gender identities in which to explore and understand the journey through menopause and its implications at work for all.  This event aims to bring together diverse perspectives, experiences, and research on menopause, with a particular focus on inclusivity and strategies for tackling associated stigma.


  • Inclusivity: Provide a platform for individuals of all gender identities to share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs related to the menopausal journey.
  • Knowledge Exchange: Facilitate the exchange of knowledge and research on menopause from a variety of perspectives, including medical, psychological, cultural, and social.
  • Empowerment: Empower individuals to navigate the menopausal transition with confidence, resilience, and community support.
  • Breaking Stigmas: Challenge and break down societal stigmas associated with menopause by promoting open dialogue and understanding.


Register for the event here

Keynote and other speaker information

Speaker biographies

Head and shoulders portrait of Alice Duffy holding a mug and smiling

Dr Duffy - GP and British Menopause Society Accredited menopause specialist


Dr Duffy has a lifelong interest in women’s health. Dr Duffy chose to specialise in the menopause because she wants to help women feel better and thrive in all aspects of their personal and professional lives. She is passionate about teaching women the truth about menopause, debunking myths around HRT, and helping women answer the question “What does this mean for me?” She empathises greatly, because she has been there herself.

After studying medicine at Glasgow University and graduating in 1987 she decided to pursue further training to become a GP. A field which fosters long-term, trust-based relationships between patients and practitioners. Dr Duffy’s aim has always been to deeply understand her patients and their unique needs. She firmly believes this is vital to good care – no two of us are the same, so care should be shaped to our unique individual needs.

Find out more about Dr Duffy's work on the Health in Menopause website

Head and shoulders portrait of Veronica Layunta Maurel smiling

Veronica Layunta Maurel - MindBody Reconnect Practitioner and Yoga, breathwork and meditation teacher


Veronica has been working as a health and wellness practitioner since 1994. A qualified nurse and humanist with training in Yoga, Ayurveda, MBR therapy, Narrative Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Integrative Somatic Trauma therapy, she currently runs a clinic that supports people to recover from severe stress, burnout, CFS/ME, Fibromyalgia and Long Covid. She is also a PhD candidate at the University of Nottingham, exploring the relationship between Creative Writing and transgenerational trauma.

Veronica's journey was deeply influenced by her own experience of going through CFS/ME and an early menopause. She believes that our bodies have the inner resources and the power to heal and thrive and that learning to connect with those resources is a life skill that will lead us to live the fulfilling, vibrant and purposeful life we are meant to have.

When Veronica is not helping people regain their health or doing yoga, she enjoys singing and playing the piano, writing and reading novels, connecting with friends and being in nature.

Connect with Veronica on her website


Empowering Us All Conference


Day 1 - Fostering Wellbeing for a Thriving Workplace