Chemistry Innovation Laboratory


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Dr. George Marshall – Business Science Fellow and CIL Project Manager

Telephone: +44 (0) 115 74 68078

Following both an MSci in Chemistry and a PhD in bio-inorganic chemistry at the University of Nottingham I joined the BPU in 2016 and now manage the Chemistry Innovation laboratory and coordinate Services Rendered activity across the School.

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My research background is as a synthetic inorganic chemist. As an undergraduate I carried out a Masters project on 'The Synthesis of Arene Bridged Lanthanide Dimers’ and following this I studied for a PhD examining the roles of metals in biology through the synthesis and study of transition metal coordination compounds based on the active sites of metalloenzymes.

My interest in the activities of the Business Partnership Unit developed during my time as a PhD student through my involvement in projects with local companies. Following my PhD I joined the BPU team to work on a project sponsored by an industrial partner which will focussed on delivering next generation products to a global market place. Following this I begun to manage a portfolio of projects with a range of businesses and now coordinate both our incoming Services Rendered activities and the Chemistry Innovation Laboratory, both of which support businesses of all sizes to work with the University on collaborative projects.

Trevor Farren

Dr. Trevor Farren - Director of the School of Chemistry Business Partnership Unit

Telephone: +44 (0) 115 84 66175

Dr. Farren has over 20 years experience of taking innovative concepts to commercial reality gained within both industry and academia.

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As a senior manager with the Courtaulds group (later Acordis PLC) he led business development activities within a wide variety of chemical, fibre and polymer products businesses and initiated several new ventures both within Europe and the USA. He also gained extensive experience of product and process support and development, setting up and controlling numerous collaborative projects with Universities. In 1999 he and his team were awarded the Akzo-Nobel prize for commercial innovation. Dr. Farren joined the University of Nottingham in 2001 to set up a Business Development Unit; the first such unit to be embedded within an academic School of Chemistry. In this role he has initiated and managed a complex portfolio of research, knowledge transfer and outreach projects which have generated over thirty patents, three licenses, four spin-out companies and numerous interactions with   industry. Dr. Farren is a keen champion of knowledge transfer and has mentored over twenty post doctoral Business-Science Fellows, helping to develop their innovation and entrepreneurial skills. Many of these individuals now hold key positions within industry or as knowledge transfer professionals.



Chemistry Innovation Laboratory

The University of Nottingham
School of Chemistry, University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Tel: +44 (0)115 84 68078