Collaboration on Diagnosis of Emerging Viruses
University of Nottingham

Emerging Viruses 2015
27-29 July 2015, University of Nottingham, UK 

The aim of this meeting was to bring together international researchers with an interest in tackling emerging viruses; it was attended by around 50 researchers from Africa, Europe, India and the USA. Session one focussed on emerging viruses affecting veterinary species. The focus of the second session was on zoonotic emerging viruses. The two sessions on the second day focussed on recent advances in vaccination against and diagnosis of emerging viruses. Finally, on the third (half) day, there were morning workshops on communicating science and funding and fellowship opportunities with ample opportunity for networking and breakout group discussions.    


The finalised programme for the meeting is now available. 

CoDEV - Collaboration on Diagnosis of Emerging Diseases
