Criminal Justice Expertise

Criminal Justice expertise 

From the development of prison law in Africa to assessing the impact of stress on police officers, and from innovative responses to alcohol consumption in offending 
to ground-breaking statistical fingerprint analysis, Nottingham has a track record of successful partnerships across criminal justice.

Our relationships with local, national and global policy-makers and practitioners are well-established, and we understand what it means to collaborate with those responsible for responding to crime and anti-social behaviour in a resource limited, rapidly changing world.

The image opposite captures the key stages in the criminal justice process (dark blue) and also the expertise which exists to support it (light blue). The University’s world-leading expertise can be found using the links below.

UoN Criminal Justice System expertise 
Criminal Justice expertise at The University of Nottingham
  • Local, national and international review and evaluation of policies and priorities
  • National and international drafting and advising on law creation
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  • Security and counter-terrorism
  • Community engagement
  • Early intervention and diversion
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  • Safeguarding vulnerable adults and children
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Domestic violence/abuse, forced marriage/modern slavery
  • Witness/victim court process
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Technological and scientific capacity and support:

  • Cyber-enabled crime
  • Serious/organised crime
  • Racially motivated offending
  • Data collection and analysis 
  • Forensics and evidence gathering 
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  • Legal advocacy and legal aid reforms
  • Judicial and court reform
  • Human rights compliance
  • Mental capacity law
  • Youth justice
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Education, employment, healthcare/treatment support:

  • Assessment/treatment of sex, violence, personality disordered and alcohol/ drugs related offending
  • Forensic mental health
  • Juvenile custody
  • Non-custodial punishments
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  • Organisational development and reform
  • Leadership, governance and culture
  • Occupational health, capacity and capability
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