School of Education

Routine: Friend or Foe?

Online Webinar
Wednesday 27th May 2020 (15:30-16:30)

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From the beginning of the lock-down the advice coming our way stressed the importance of having a routine within our daily lives, even if we were confined to our homes. In this session we will discuss the nature of ‘routine’ with Dr Anne Emerson. Is it as important as people say –and if so, why?

Can understanding more about the nature of routine help us to adopt its positive aspects, without being overwhelmed by ‘sameness’? Anne builds on her work with people on the autism spectrum who experience a need for predictability, and consider the extent to which this applies more broadly.

Chair and facilitator

Sharon Clancy and Debra Costley


Professor Nick Chater talks in The Conversation on Why most people follow routines

A TED talk by Sabine Doebel who studies the developing mind to understand how experience shapes our thinking and executive control skills

An article written in the current epidemic by Barbara J. Howard, MD: Making something ordinary out of the extraordinary

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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