Schools Partnership Gateway

Benefits for Schools

We strive to create mutually supportive relationships with our partner schools and encourage open communication. A range of opportunities are available for schools and teachers to get involved and benefit further from the partnership:


Teachers can apply for a scholarship for our MA Education, which can also be delivered on a cohort basis within schools.




Schools can use our facilities, including meeting rooms, teaching spaces and visual learning lab (prior arrangement required).


Personalised Projects

Personalised projects


The inquiry-based section of the PGCE course enables schools to identify projects which would be beneficial for them.


A payment is made to partner schools by the University for each beginning teacher who is placed with them.



Nominated staff receive a library card which gives them access to our extensive print and online collections.


Our administrative team are on hand for any questions or queries and respond promptly to requests for support.



School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

+44 (0)115 951 4543