School of Education

After graduation - using your PGCEi credits towards a masters

Blue sky with multiple graduation caps that have been thrown in the air

A masters will deepen your knowledge in a subject area you are passionate in and allow you to continue to develop as a reflective professional, enhancing your practice through engagement with theory.

Marks of 50% or higher for your PGCEi modules will result in masters credits which gives the possibility of credit exemption from a  full masters (180 credits). 

You may be exempt from 60 credits towards the:

  • MA Education 

A maximum of 30 credits can be used towards:

  • MA Educational Leadership and Management
  • MA Special and Inclusive Education
  • MA Digital Teaching and Learning
  • MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

All these MA courses offer both an on campus or online option.

Find out more about using your PGCEi credits towards a masters

Please note that we unable to approve recognition of learning (ROL) for face-to-face courses where a student route visa is required to study in the UK. This is because we can only sponsor full-time students for a student route visa, and applying ROL for credits previously achieved reduces the study load to below full-time. International students are therefore encouraged to consider our distance learning options if you wish to apply for ROL. 

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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