School of English

Aims of the Summer School

Why you should join us

  • You will participate in active workshops led by each of our Mentors. These will help you reflect on, explore and refine an element of your practice or will help you to develop your understanding or thinking in a specific area.
  • Topics discussed by the workshop mentors will include:

     1. Professor Norbert Schmitt: Excellent PhD theses: What they look like and how to write one

     2. Professor Stephen Ryan: Getting published

     3. Dr Christine Muir: Supporting researcher wellbeing (aka, how to stay sane while doing both of the above!)

  • You will have the opportunity to give a presentation about an aspect of your research of your choosing – to at least one of the Mentors and a group of your peers – and will receive feedback on your work and presentation style.
  • You will have the opportunity to meet one-to-one with one – or possibly more – of our Mentors, to dig into a particular issue or question that you’re currently grappling with, or to seek personalised feedback on questions related to your research or career plans.
  • You will have the opportunity to raise for discussion any issues that you would like to hear our Mentors reflect on together, at open Q&A sessions at the end of each day,
  • If you are nearing the end of your studies, you will have the opportunity to sign up for a 30-minute mock viva (in the style of the UK system) to gain familiarity with the process and build confidence in discussing your work in a more formal manner, either with one of our Mentors or another of our colleagues from the School of English at Nottingham (to take advantage of this you will be asked to submit a 2-page summary of your thesis in advance).
  • You will meet and develop relationships with your peers exploring similar topics at different institutions. This will help you to build your own professional networks that you can draw on not only as you continue through your studies but also as you look ahead to establishing yourself (in whatever field you hope to enter) after you complete your PhD.


School of English

Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5900