Department of Classics and Archaeology

Open access materials

Colouring sheets

Drawings of Palmyrene statues, created by undergraduate artist Katie Idle, can be used as colouring sheets.

Palmyrene statue drawing (male) PDF

Palmyrene statue drawing (female) PDF

Palmyrene statue drawing (banquet scene) PDF

Ancient costume

In 2014 a group of student volunteers made several peploi (the oldest form of Greek dress) for use in our primary school clubs and other activities. All you need to make one at home is a rectangle of cloth (eg, large towel), two safety pins and a piece of string!

How to make a peplos (PDF)

Mint Imperials

Our Nottingham-run blog (with student contributions) providing photographs of ancient coins in the Department and Museum collections, along with historical information about the emperors featured.

Mint Imperials

Palmyrene Statue Drawing (Male)
Drawing of Palmyrene statue by undergraduate artist, Katie Idle.


For more information on the statues, contact Andreas Kropp, Assistant Professor in Classical Art, whose current research focuses on ancient Palmyra.

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details
Archaeology twitter
Classics twitter