Department of History

History modules in a minute

We have a wide range of modules for you to choose from in history. Here academic staff give a flavour of just some of them. To see a sample of the broad range of options on offer, visit our online prospectus.

Communities, Crime and Punishment in England, 1500–1800 (2nd year option)

Visit David Appleby’s staff page

Russia in Revolution, 1905–1921
(special subject)

Visit Sarah Badcocks staff page


Heroes and villains in the Middle Ages (2nd year option)

Visit Rob Luttons staff page

The British slave trade and abolition (special subject)


Overseas exploration, European diplomacy,
and the rise of Tudor England (special

Visit David Gehrings staff page

Life during wartime: crisis, decline, and transformation in 1970s America (special subject)

Visit Joe Mertons staff page



Department of History

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details