School of Politics and International Relations

ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme

Would you like to join the School of Politics and International Relations as a postdoctoral researcher?

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is now advertising its Postdoctoral Fellowships scheme for the next academic year.

The scheme provides the opportunity for fellows to consolidate their PhD through developing publications, networks, and research and professional skills. Fellowships will be awarded for 12 months (or 24 months part-time).

Applicants must have completed their PhD at a UK university. They must have passed their PhD with at least minor corrections by 16 May 2024, with the expectation that the PhD will be awarded by the time the fellowship begins; they must have no more than 12 months of postdoc experience by the same date.

The University of Nottingham is part of the Midlands Graduate School ESRC DTP and there is more detailed and local information about the scheme, including the application form, available on their website. Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to look at the research expertise of our staff and reach out as soon as possible in order to discuss your research plans. This mentor should not usually be the applicant’s PhD supervisor but should have experience and a strong interest in the applicant’s field of research.

Your proposed mentor should submit an expression of interest on your behalf, in the form of your CV (max. two pages) and summary of your proposed research (max. 1 page), by 9 am on Monday 18 March to Dr Ben Holland. It is the applicant’s own responsibility to confirm their eligibility for the fellowship. Please contact for further information regarding this scheme, but please note that EoIs sent directly by candidates to this email address cannot be accepted.

Posted on Wednesday 28th February 2024

School of Politics and International Relations

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University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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