Registrar's Department

Our leadership

Headshot of Sally outside. Sally is smiling in the photo and is wearing a magenta blazer.

Sally Olohan, Director of Student Experience

Sally joined the University in 2023 and was previously the Head of Support and Residential Life at Westminster University. She is also currently Co-Chair of the London Higher Mental Health and Wellbeing network. Sally has previous experience as a teacher, counsellor and special needs coordinator, and has served as a governor at two Nottingham City schools.

Headshot of Janette. Janette is smiling and standing against a white backdrop. She has dark brown hair.

Janette Alvarado-Cruz, Associate Director (Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity)

Janette started at the University in November 2021 and is the University's first-ever AD of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. In her role, Janette oversees elements of both student and staff-facing EDI as well as working closely with Campus Experience, Childcare, Chaplaincy, and our Student’s Union. Before joining the University, Janette worked as the Director of Student Influence at UoN Students' Union and, before that, she held positions in Student Engagement and Retention at Nottingham Trent University. She has a firm professional and personal belief that we have a moral imperative to help all people within our community to flourish, and that equitable practice and commitment to work towards better inclusivity is everyone's business.

Headshot of Claire. Claire has light brown hair and she is wearing a mustard yellow cardigan and a plad top.

Claire Thompson, Associate Director (Student Wellbeing)

Claire came to the University 16 years ago, in 2007, to set up the Mental Health Advisory Service. Prior to this, she was a social worker and trainer specialising in adult mental ealth, working in Nottinghamshire country, for over 17 years. Claire became the Head of Student Welfare 9 years ago and this role has evolved into her current AD role.

Headshot of Vikki. Vikki has dark blonde hair and she is smiling in the photo.

Vikki Welch, Associate Director (Student Living)

Vikki has worked at the University since 2016 and was promoted to her AD role from her role as Head of Accomodation Services in 2022. Her expansive career has seen her cover numberous management and leadership roles from hotel management, revenue management, systems development, and international training manager supporting the delivery of new hotels in Dubai and Area Manager for Nottinghamshire. In her role, Vikki is passionate in ensuring the student living cycle is considered from applicant to graduate whilst enabling students to excel academically, thrive socially and produce well-rounded members of the community. Vikki's work to implement an Accommodation Bursary, Guarantor scheme and Care Experienced and Estranged Bursary to ensure the success of our care leaver and estranged students was recognised with a Stand Alone Pledge Award 2023.

Headshot of Adam standing against a blue wall. Adam has light brown hair and is wearing dark clothing.

Adam Lester, Associate Director (Disability Support Services)

Adam joined the University as an AD in March 2022 having previously worked in a variety of roles in accessibility in Higher Education. Starting his journey at an internship centred around the transition of disabled students at University of Derby, Adam has previously worked as a support worker, Support Worker Service Manager and then as the Disability Lead at Derby. Adam is proud to be a Nottingham native and he is passionate about inclusion, ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities to succeed at University of Nottingham.


Campus Life

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University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
