Diversity and Inclusion Hub

Gender and Leadership

Professor Louise Mullany, School of English, D&IRH Chair and Dr Roshni Mooneeram, Honorary Associate Professor of Sociolinguistics, EDI consultant.

Professor Mullany was PI on the AHRC GCRF Language, Gender and Leadership Network with Dr Roshni Mooneeram as Consultant. The Network has grown with multiple academics, NGOs and charities based in East Africa as Network members, including key representatives from UN Women. The project has an urban and rural international reach and benefits multiple communities of women and girls in East African countries in receipt of ODA by changing their life aspirations and collectively empowering them, as well as benefitting international policy makers. Three impact resources have been developed: i) a bespoke website for life histories; ii) a narrative short story book, based on empirical research data, titled The Voices of Women Leaders in Africa; iii) drama training. All three resources are designed for use in role modelling/mentorship and educational training within African communities. Narrative data capture has included the importance of health and well-being, access to education, the eradication of gender-based violence and an end to forced marriage to ensure that women and girls are given the best opportunities in their communities to succeed as future leaders. These resources are currently used as practical educational resources in communities in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania with UN Women, the Department for International Development, the African Leadership Network, project partners and via multiple NGOs and charities to businesses, schools and communities. Adolescent girls, their families, teachers and cultural leaders have been targeted to change their views, to resist cultural pressures and instead let girls complete their formal education to give themselves better life chances of economic independence and career success. An ongoing coaching programme equips emerging women leaders in East Africa to increase the impact they have on their organisations and communities.







Diversity and Inclusion Hub

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email: research-group-email@nottingham.ac.uk