Environment and Society

Climate Change, Environmental Risk and Resilience

This work involves the modelling of climate-, hydrological-, health- and fire-related risk and the exploration of risk mitigation policies, politics of resilience, disaster recovery and resettlement, local risk management and decision-making responses.

Image: A river flowing through a lead-mine spoil heap, polluting the landscape. Photograph by Dr Matthew Johnson.

river flowing through a lead-mine spoil heap


Environmental risk, reconstruction and climate change

A key focus of this research is on understanding, reconstructing and modelling climate change-related impacts. Particular emphasis is placed on the impacts of climate change on humans, fire activity, catchment-scale hydrology, water resources and ecosystems including the impacts of extreme conditions on human and ecosystem health.

Recent publications


Disaster recovery and risk resilience

This area of research focuses on the politics of disaster recovery, urban resilience and local risk management responses in the global South and includes the development of modelling and decision-making processes for managing responses to climate change.

Recent publications


Water management

This research focuses on the vulnerability of rivers and catchments to environmental change and anthropogenic pressure including the potential impact of climate change on rising river water temperatures as well as global- and catchment-scale hydrology. Another area of interest is pollution in freshwaters, including the presence of plastics in rivers, and the impact of metals, agrochemicals, nutrients and fine sediment on invertebrate organisms and the development of biomonitoring techniques.

Recent publications



Environment and Society

School of Geography
Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 951 5559