Hungry for Words: Creative approaches to shape healthcare and address health inequalities

Publications related to Hungry for Words

Articles in journals

2023. Foye, U., Bartel, H., Mycock, G., '"It's a Touchy Subject": Service Providers' Perspectives of Eating Disorders in Men and Boys' in the Journal of Men's Studies.

2022. Pearson, M., Singh, P., Bartel, H., Allsopp, G., 'Creative Long Covid: A Qualitative Exploration of the Experience of Long Covid Through the Medium of Creative Narratives', in Health Expectations, pp. 1-10.

2022. Pearson, M., Sing, P., Bartel, H., Allsopp, G., 'Creative Long Covid: Poems of Lived Experience', in BJGP Life: The Home of General Practice and Family Medicine.

2020. Arctic Rolls and Gender Roles: Eating Disorders in Karen Duve’s Narratives’, in Disorderly Eating in Contemporary Women’s Writing. Special Issue of Journal of Romance Studies 20.2, ed. by J. Still and S. Jordan, pp. 225-248. 

2018. Bartel (100%), ‘Challenging Perspectives: Narrative Approaches in Ulrike Almut Sandig’s Flamingos. Geschichten’, in Prose, Poetry and Performance. Special Issue of Oxford German Studies 47/3, ed. by N. Thomas, H. Bartel (eds.), U. A. Sandig pp. 351-65. 

Chapters in books

2022. Bartel, H., 'Opening up the discourse of male eating disorders: Personal experience in German and English narratives', in Madness and literature: What fiction can do for the understanding of mental illness, ed. by Gammelgaard, L.R. (Exeter: Exeter University Press), pp. 259-280.

2022. Bartel, H., 'A "girls' illness"? Using narratives of eating disorders in men and boys in healthcare education,' in Arts based health care research: a multidisciplinary perspective, ed. by Hinsliff-Smith, McGarry, J., Ali, P. (Cham: Springer), pp. 69-84.

2022. Hinsliff-Smith, K., McGarry, J., Randa, M.B., Bartel, H., Langmack, G., 'Use of writing letters and other literature forms to capture experiences of research participants,' in Arts based health care research: a multidisciplinary perspective, ed. by Hinsliff-Smith, McGarry, J., Ali, P. (Cham: Springer), pp. 121-136.

2020. Bartel (main: 80%) and Charley Baker (20%), ‘Poetry and Male Eating Disorders’, in The Routledge Companion to Health Humanities, ed. by P. Crawford, B. Brown., A. Charise (London: Routledge), pp. 248-254.

2020. ‘Inscribed on the Body. Notes on A Story to Tell’ / ‘Im Körper eingeschrieben. Anmerkungen zu A Story to Tell’, in A Story to Tell, or: Regarding Male* Eating Disorders, ed. by M. Rakoš, M. and R. de Theije (Salzburg: Edition Fotohof), pp. 34-37; pp. 178-181.

2019. ‘Writing Food and Food Memories in Turkish-German Fiction’, in Memory and Postcolonial Studies: Synergies and New Directions, ed. by D. Göttsche (Oxford: Peter Lang), pp. 335-59.



2020. Men Writing Eating Disorders: Autobiographical Writing and Illness Experience in English and German Narratives (Bingley: Emerald), pp. 167.


show[s] the vital role that literature can play in uncovering this largely taboo illness. [and] what a powerful tool literary research can be in the growing field of Health and Medical Humanities 
Karen Leeder, Professor of Modern German Literature, Fellow of New College, University of Oxford, UK
blends psychology, arts and the voice of those who have lived with an eating disorder
Dr Una Foye, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King's College London, UK

brings a transdisciplinary gaze to understanding eating disorders in men [and] advances the field of medical and health humanities

Mike Slade, Professor of Mental Health Recovery & Social Inclusion at Nottingham’s Institute of Mental Health (NHS and University of Nottingham)
offers an exemplary model how the humanities […] can engage with and, indeed, teach […] sciences and the practical pedagogy of biomedicine […]. I can think of no better achievement for the humanities than to contribute to our general well-being in the way that Men Writing Eating Disorders does with such mastery
Ronald Schleifer, George Lynn Cross Research Professor of English and Adjunct Professor in Medicine, University of Oklahoma, USA

Hungry for Words

Creative approaches to shape healthcare
and address health inequalities

telephone:0115 95 15816