Mixed Reality Laboratory

Publications (2014–2010)




  • WILSON, M.J. and WILSON, M.L., 2013. A comparison of techniques for measuring sensemaking and learning within participant-generated summaries Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 64(2), 291-306
  • JOEL E. FISCHER, STUART REEVES, STUART MORAN, CHRIS GREENHALGH and STEVE BENFORD, 2013. Understanding Mobile Notification Management in Collocated Groups In: European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW '13).
  • CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, CRABTREE, ANDY, DAVIES, MARK, GLOVER, KEVIN, REEVES, STUART, TOLMIE, PETER and JONES, MATT, 2013. Placebooks: Participation, Community, Design, and Ubiquitous Data Aggregation ‘In the Wild’ In: HCI International 2013 - Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Interaction Design, Springer Verlag. 8016. 411-420
  • DAVIES, MARK, CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN and CRABTREE, ANDY, 2013. Issues and Understandings for Rural HCI Systems Development: Agile Approaches “In the Wild”, In: HCI International 2013, Springer Verlag. 373. 22-26
  • CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, PRICE, DOMINIC, FLINTHAM, MARTIN, GLOVER, KEVIN, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, BENFORD, STEVE, GOWER, ANDY and GOWER, AMANDA, 2013. Participate: Pervasive Computing for Environmental Campaigns In: HCI International 2013, Springer Verlag. 374. 633-637
  • CHAMBERLAIN, A., MARTÍNEZ-REYES, F., JACOBS, R., WATKINS, M. and SHACKFORD, R., 2013. Them and Us: an indoor pervasive gaming experience Entertainment Computing. 4(1), 1-9
  • CHEN, LING, CHEN, GENCAI and BENFORD, STEVE, 2013. Your way your missions: a location-aware pervasive game exploiting the routes of players International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 29(2), 110-128
  • SPENCE, JOCELYN, FROHLICH, DAVID and ANDREWS, STUART, 2013. Performative experience design: where autobiographical performance and human-computer interaction meet Digital Creativity. 24(2), 96-110
  • FOSTER, JONATHAN, BENFORD, STEVE and PRICE, DOMINIC, 2013. Digital archiving as information production: Using experts and learners in the design of subject access Journal of Documentation. 69(6), 773-785
  • ALAJMI, NOUF, KANJO, EIMAN, EL MAWASS, NOUR and CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, 2013. Shopmobia: An Emotion-based Shop Rating System In: ACII '13 Proceedings of the 2013 Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction. 9.
  • MARTINEZ, B., VALSTAR, M.F., BINEFA, X. and PANTI, M., 2013. Local evidence aggregation for regression based facial point detection IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 35(5), 1149-1163
  • AYSE KUCUKYILMAZ, TEVFIK METIN SEZGIN and CAGATAY BASDOGAN, 2013. Intention Recognition for Dynamic Role Exchange in Haptic Collaboration IEEE Transactions on Haptics. 6(1), 58-68
  • AYSE KUCUKYILMAZ, TEVFIK METIN SEZGIN and CAGATAY BASDOGAN, 2013. Role allocation through haptics in physical human-robot interaction In: 2013 21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU).
  • STUART REEVES, 2013. Building the future with envisioning interactions. 20(1), 26-29
  • MORAN, S., PANTIDI, N., BACHOUR, K., FISCHER, J.E., FLINTHAM, M., RODDEN, T., EVANS, S. and JOHNSON, S., 2013. Team Reactions to Voiced Agent Instructions in a Pervasive Game. In: Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '13). ACM Press.
  • FISCHER, J.E., RAMCHURN, S.D., OSBORNE, M., PARSON, O., HUYNH, T.D., ALAM, M., PANTIDI, N., MORAN, S., BACHOUR, K., REECE, S., COSTANZA, E., RODDEN, T. and JENNINGS, N.R., 2013. Recommending Energy Tariffs and Load Shifting Based on Smart Household Usage Profiling. In: Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '13) ACM.
  • CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, PRICE, DOMINIC, FLINTHAM, MARTIN, GLOVER, KEVIN, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, BENFORD, STEVE, GOWER, ANDY and GOWER, AMANDA, 2013. Participate: pervasive Computing for Environmental Campaigns. In: HCI International 2013-Posters’ Extended Abstracts Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 633-637
  • MEESE, R., ALI, S., THORNE, E., BENFORD, S., QUINN, A., MORTIER, R., KOLEVA, B., PRIDMORE, T. and BAURLEY, S., 2013. From codes to patterns: designing interactive decoration for tableware In: CHI '13: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 931-940
  • RODDEN, T., FISCHER, J.E., PANTIDI, N., BACHOUR, K. and MORAN, S., 2013. At Home with Agents: Exploring Attitudes Towards Future Smart Energy Infrastructures. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '13) ACM.
  • BROWN, A., MORTIER, R. and RODDEN, T., 2013. MultiNet: reducing interaction overhead in domestic wireless networks In: CHI '13: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1569-1578
  • JACOBS, R., BENFORD, S., SELBY, M., GOLEMBEWSKI, M., PRICE, D. and GIANNACHI, G., 2013. A conversation between trees: what data feels like in the forest In: CHI '13: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 129-138
  • FOSH, L., BENFORD, S., REEVES, S., KOLEVA, B. and BRUNDELL, P., 2013. ‘See me, feel me, touch me, hear me’: trajectories and interpretation in a sculpture garden In: CHI '13 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 27–May 2, 2013, Paris, France. 149-158
  • LUGER, E., MORAN, S. and RODDEN, T., 2013. Consent for all: revealing the hidden complexity of terms and conditions In: CHI '13: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2687-2696
  • CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, CRABTREE, ANDY and DAVIES, MARK, 2013. Community engagement for research: contextual design in rural CSCW system development In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Communities and Technologies,. ACM New York, NY, USA. 131-139
  • ANDY CRABTREE, ALAN CHAMBERLAIN, BEKI GRINTNER, MATT JONES, TOM RODDEN and YVONNE ROGERS, 2013. Introduction to the Special Issue of “The Turn to The Wild” ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. TOCHI. 20(3), 13:1-13:4
  • CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, MALIZIA, ALESSIO and DIX, ALAN J., 2013. Engaging in island life: big data, micro data, domestic analytics and smart islands In: Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing adjunct publication. 721-724
  • CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN and GRIFFITHS, CHLOE, 2013. Wild food practices: understanding the wider implications for design and HCI In: Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing adjunct publication. 575-584
  • AL-HUSAIN, LULUAH, KANJO, EIMAN and CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, 2013. Sense of space: mapping physiological emotion response in urban space In: Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing. 1321-1324
  • CRABTREE, A., CHAMBERLAIN, A., DAVIES, M., GLOVER, K., REEVES, S., RODDEN, T., TOLMIE, P. and JONES, MATT, 2013. Doing innovation in the wild In: CHItaly 2013 - Proceedings of the Biannual Conference of the Italian Chapter of SIGCHI. 25:1-25:9
  • CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN and GRIFFITHS, CHLOE, 2013. Taste and place: design, HCI, location and food In: Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on Multimedia for cooking & eating activities - 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia. 57-62
  • CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN and GRIFFITHS, CHLOE, 2013. Moths at Midnight: Design Implications for Supporting Ecology-focused Citizen Science In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, ACM Press. 25:1-25:4
  • JACOBS, RACHEL, BENFORD, STEVE, SELBY, MARK, GOLEMBEWSKI, MICHAEL, PRICE, DOMINIC and GIANNACHI, GABRIELLA, 2013. A conversation between trees: what data feels like in the forest In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 129-138
  • RAMCHURN, S.D., OSBORNE, M., PARSON, O., MALEKI, S., RAHWAN, T., HUYNH, T.D., REECE, S., ALAM, M., FISCHER, J.E., HINES, G., COSTANZA, E., MOREAU, L. and RODDEN, T., 2013. AgentSwitch: Smart Energy Tariff Selection using Agent Technology. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS '13) IFAAMAS.
  • RAMCHURN, SARVAPALI D, OSBORNE, MICHAEL, PARSON, OLIVER, RAHWAN, TALAL, MALEKI, SASAN, REECE, STEVE, HUYNH, TRUNG D, ALAM, MUDDASSER, FISCHER, JOEL E, RODDEN, TOM and OTHERS, 2013. Agentswitch: Towards smart energy tariff selection In: Proceedings of the 2013 international conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. 981-988
  • LUGER, EWA and RODDEN, TOM, 2013. An informed view on consent for UbiComp In: Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international joint conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing. 529-538
  • DENT, IAN, AICKELIN, UWE and RODDEN, TOM, 2013. Application of a clustering framework to UK domestic electricity data arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.1079.
  • RODDEN, TOM A, FISCHER, JOEL E, PANTIDI, NADIA, BACHOUR, KHALED and MORAN, STUART, 2013. At home with agents: Exploring attitudes towards future smart energy infrastructures In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1173-1182
  • LODGE, TOM, RODDEN, TOM and MORTIER, RICHARD, 2013. Communities in the clouds: support for high-rise living In: Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing adjunct publication. 829-836
  • LUGER, EWA, MORAN, STUART and RODDEN, TOM, 2013. Consent for all: revealing the hidden complexity of terms and conditions In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. 2687-2696
  • DENT, IAN, WAGNER, CHRISTIAN, AICKELIN, UWE and RODDEN, TOM, 2013. Creating Personalised Energy Plans. From Groups to Individuals using Fuzzy C Means Clustering arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.1385.
  • FISCHER, JOEL E, REEVES, STUART, GREENHALGH, CHRIS and BENFORD, STEVE, 2013. Designing Mobile Face-to-Face Group Interactions ECSCW 2013 Adjunct Proceedings.
  • EDMONDS, ERNEST, BENFORD, STEVE, BILDA, ZAFER, FANTAUZZACOFFIN, JILL, MALINA, ROGER and VINET, HUGHES, 2013. Digital arts: did you feel that? In: CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2439-2446
  • CRABTREE, ANDY, CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, DAVIES, MARK, GLOVER, KEVIN, REEVES, STUART, RODDEN, TOM, TOLMIE, PETER and JONES, MATT, 2013. Doing innovation in the wild In: Proceedings of the Biannual Conference of the Italian Chapter of SIGCHI. 25
  • DENT, IAN, CRAIG, TONY, AICKELIN, UWE and RODDEN, TOM, 2013. Finding the creatures of habit; Clustering households based on their flexibility in using electricity arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.2111.
  • JOEL E. FISCHER, STUART REEVES, STEVE BENFORD and CHRIS GREENHALGH, 2013. First International Workshop on Designing Mobile Face-to-Face Group Interactions In: European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW '13).
  • MEESE, RUPERT, ALI, SHAKIR, THORNE, EMILY-CLARE, BENFORD, STEVE D, QUINN, ANTHONY, MORTIER, RICHARD, KOLEVA, BORIANA N, PRIDMORE, TONY and BAURLEY, SHARON L, 2013. From codes to patterns: designing interactive decoration for tableware In: Proceedings of the 2013 ACM annual conference on Human factors in computing systems. 931-940
  • J.E. FISCHER, E. COSTANZA, S.D. RAMCHURN, A. ROGERS and T. RODDEN, 2013. Fuel poverty and the work of energy advisors In: Digital Economy 2013.
  • MUELLER, FLORIAN, KHOT, ROHIT A, CHATHAM, ALAN D, PIJNAPPEL, SEBASTIAAN, TOPRAK, CAGDAS CHAD and MARSHALL, JOE, 2013. HCI with sports In: CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2509-2512
  • STUART REEVES, 2013. Human computer interaction issues in human computation. In: PIETRO MICHELUCCI, ed., Handbook of Human Computation Springer. 411-420
  • ALAN CHAMBERLAIN and ANDY CRABTREE, 2013. Innovation in the wild: ethnography, rurality and participation In: The 3rd Participatory Innovation Conference, PIN-C 2013 - Lahti, Finland.
  • MARSHALL, JOE and TENNENT, PAUL, 2013. Mobile interaction does not exist In: CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2069-2078
  • BROWN, ANTHONY, MORTIER, RICHARD and RODDEN, TOM, 2013. MultiNet: Reducing interaction overhead in domestic wireless networks In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1569-1578
  • SPENCE, JOCELYN, FROHLICH, DAVID M and ANDREWS, STUART, 2013. Performative experience design In: CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2049-2058
  • FISCHER, JOEL E, RAMCHURN, SARVAPALI D, OSBORNE, MICHAEL, PARSON, OLIVER, HUYNH, TRUNG DONG, ALAM, MUDDASSER, PANTIDI, NADIA, MORAN, STUART, BACHOUR, KHALED, REECE, STEVE and OTHERS, 2013. Recommending energy tariffs and load shifting based on smart household usage profiling In: Proceedings of the 2013 international conference on Intelligent user interfaces. 383-394
  • HARUN, AFDALLYNA, BENFORD, STEVE, O’MALLEY, CLAIRE and NOOR, NOR LAILA MD, 2013. Refining Rules Learning Using Evolutionary PD. In: Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 376-385
  • FOSH, LESLEY, BENFORD, STEVE, REEVES, STUART, KOLEVA, BORIANA and BRUNDELL, PATRICK, 2013. See me, feel me, touch me, hear me: trajectories and interpretation in a sculpture garden In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems. 149-158
  • MARSHALL, JOE, 2013. Smartphone sensing for distributed swim stroke coaching and research In: Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing adjunct publication. 1413-1416
  • MORAN, STUART, PANTIDI, NADIA, BACHOUR, KHALED, FISCHER, JOEL E, FLINTHAM, MARTIN, RODDEN, TOM, EVANS, SIMON and JOHNSON, SIMON, 2013. Team reactions to voiced agent instructions in a pervasive game In: Proceedings of the 2013 international conference on Intelligent user interfaces. 371-382
  • DENT, IAN, AICKELIN, UWE and RODDEN, TOM, 2013. The application of a data mining framework to energy usage profiling in domestic residences using UK data arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.1380.
  • FISCHER, JOEL E, REEVES, STUART, MORAN, STUART, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, BENFORD, STEVE and RENNICK-EGGLESTONE, STEFAN, 2013. Understanding Mobile Notification Management in Collocated Groups. In: ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 21-25 September 2013, Paphos, Cyprus Springer London. 21-44
  • LYLE, PETER, CHOI, JAZ HEE-JEONG, SHAUN, LAWSON, LUEG, CHRISTOPHER, CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN, FOTH, MARCUS, MERONI, ANNA and BRERETON, MARGOT, 2013. Urban agriculture: a growing field of research workshop at INTERACT 2013 Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Human-Computer Interaction-INTERACT 2013.
  • BRUNDELL, PATRICK, RENNICK-EGGLESTONE, STEFAN and TENNENT, PAUL, 2013. Watching the watchers: visibility and mobility in visitor experiences In proc: Designing Mobile Face-to-Face Group Interactions First International Workshop in conjunction with ECSCW ’13, Cyprus, Se.
  • FOSH, LESLEY, BENFORD, STEVE, REEVES, STUART, KOLEVA, BORIANA and BRUNDELL, PATRICK, 2013. see me, feel me, touch me, hear me: trajectories and interpretation in a sculpture garden In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 149-158



  • FLINTHAM, M., REEVES, S., BRUNDELL, P., GLOVER, T., BENFORD, S., ROWLAND, D., KOLEVA, B., GREENHALGH, C., ADAMS, M., TANDAVANITJ, N. and ROW FARR, J., 2011. Flypad: designing trajectories in a large-scale permanent augmented reality installation In: ECSCW 2011: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 24-28 September 2011, Aarhus Denmark. 233-252
  • OPPERMANN, L., FLINTHAM, M., REEVES, S., BENFORD, S., GREENHALGH, C., MARSHALL, J., ADAMS, M., FARR, J. and TANDAVANITJ, N., 2011. Lessons from touring a location-based experience. In: LYONS, K., HIGHTOWER, J. and HUANG, E.M., eds., Pervasive computing: 9th international conference, Pervasive 2011, San Francisco, USA, June 12-15, 2011 Springer. 232-249
  • CHAMBERLAIN, A., OPPERMANN, L., FLINTHAM, M., BENFORD, S., TOLMIE, P., ADAMS, M., FARR, J.R., TANDAVANITJ, N., MARSHALL, J. and RODDEN, T., 2011. Locating experience: touring a pervasive performance Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 15(7), 717-730
  • DURRANT, A., KIRK, D., BENFORD, S. and RODDEN, T., 2011. Pursuing leisure: reflections on theme park visiting Computer Supported Cooperative Work. 21(1), 43-70
  • ELSWEILER, D, WILSON, M L and KIRKEGAARD-LUNN, B, 2011. Understanding Casual-leisure Information Behaviour. In: SPINK, A and HEINSTROM, J, eds., New Directions in Information Behaviour Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 211-241
  • VALSTAR, M., JIANG, B., MEHU, M., PANTIC, M. and SCHERER, K., 2011. The first facial expression recognition and analysis challenge In: IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. 921-926
  • JIANG, B., VALSTAR, M.F. and PANTIC, M., 2011. Action unit detection using sparse appearance descriptors in space-time video volumes In: Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition and Workshops (FG20122), San Diego, USA. 314-321
  • SVENTEK, J., KOLIOUSIS, A., SHARMA, O., DULAY, N., PEDIADITAKIS, D., SLOMAN, M., RODDEN, T., LODGE, T., BEDWELL, B., GLOVER, K. and MORTIER, R., 2011. In: An information plane architecture supporting home network management 1 -8
  • GARY MCKEOWN, MICHEL VALSTAR, RODDY COWIE, MAJA PANTIC and MARC SCHROEDER, 2011. The SEMAINE database: annotated multimodal records of emotionally coloured conversations between a person and a limited agent Transactions on Affective Computing. 99(1), 1
  • SCHROEDER, M., BEVACQUA, E., COWIE, R., EYBEN, F., GUNES, H., HEYLEN, D., MAAT, M., MCKEOWN, G., PAMMI, S., PANTIC, M., PELACHAUD, C., SCHULLER, B., DE SEVIN, E., VALSTAR, M. and WÖLLMER, M., 2011. Building autonomous sensitive artificial listeners IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. 3(2), 165-183
  • AYSE KUCUKYILMAZ, TEVFIK METIN SEZGIN and CAGATAY BASDOGAN, 2011. Conveying intentions through haptics in human-computer collaboration In: 2011 IEEE World Haptics Conference.
  • MARSHALL, J., ROWLAND, D., RENNICK EGGLESTONE, S., BENFORD, S., WALKER, B. and MCAULEY, D., 2011. Breath control of amusement rides In: CHI '11: proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 73-82
  • MARSHALL, J. and BENFORD, S., 2011. Using fast interaction to create intense experiences In: CHI '11: SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1255-1264
  • BROWN, B., REEVES, S. and SHERWOOD, S., 2011. Into the wild: challenges and opportunities for field trial methods In: CHI '11: proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1657-1666
  • DURRANT, A., ROWLAND, D., KIRK, D., BENFORD, S., FISCHER, J.E. and MCAULEY, D., 2011. Automics: souvenir generating photoware for theme parks In: CHI '11: proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1767-1776
  • BALAAM, M., RENNICK EGGLESTONE, S., FITZPATRICK, G., RODDEN, T., HUGHES, A.M., WILKINSON, A., NIND, T., AXELROD, L., HARRIS, E., RICKETTS, I. and MAWSON, S., 2011. Motivating mobility: designing for lived motivation in stroke rehabilitation In: CHI '11: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 3073-3082
  • BENFORD, S., CRABTREE, A., FLINTHAM, M., GREENHALGH, C., KOLEVA, B., ADAMS, M., TANDAVANITJ, N., FARR, J.R., GIANNACHI, G. and LINDT, I., 2011. Creating the spectacle: designing interactional trajectories through spectator interfaces ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 18(3), 11
  • FISCHER, J.E., GREENHALGH, C. and BENFORD, S., 2011. Investigating episodes of mobile phone activity as indicators of opportune moments to deliver notifications In: MobileHCI '11: proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. 181-190
  • FLINTHAM, M., GREENHALGH, C., LODGE, T., CHAMBERLAIN, A., PAXTON, M., JACOBS, R., WATKINS, M. and SHACKFORD, R., 2011. A case study of exploding places, a mobile location-based game In: ACE '11: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology. n/a
  • MARSHALL, JOE, CHAMBERLAIN, ALAN and BENFORD, STEVE, 2011. I Seek the Nerves under Your Skin: A 'Fast' Interactive Artwork Leonardo. 44(5), 401-404
  • SCOTT SHERWOOD, STUART REEVES, JULIE MAITLAND, ALISTAIR MORRISON, AND MATTHEW CHALMERS, 2011. Large Scale User Trials. In: JOANNA LUMSDEN, ed., Human-Computer Interaction and Innovation in Handheld, Mobile and Wearable Technologies IGI Global. 138-54
  • STEFAN RENNICK EGGLESTONE, BRENDAN WALKER, JOE MARSHALL, STEVE BENFORD and DEREK MCAULEY, 2011. Analysing the Playground: Sensitizing Concepts to Inform Systems That Promote Playful Interaction In: INTERACT (1). 452-469
  • IAN DENT, UWE AICKELIN and TOM RODDEN, 2011. Application of a clustering framework to UK domestic electricity data In: UKCI 2011, the 11textsuperscriptth Annual Workshop on Computational Intelligence, Manchester. 161-166
  • TENNENT, PAUL, ROWLAND, DUNCAN, MARSHALL, JOE, RENNICK-EGGLESTONE, STEFAN, HARRISON, A, JAIME, Z, WALKER, BRENDAN and BENFORD, STEVE, 2011. Breathalising games: understanding the potential of breath control in game interfaces. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 58
  • DENT, I., WAGNER, C., AICKELIN, U. and RODDEN, T., 2011. Creating Personalised Energy Plans: From Groups to Individuals using Fuzzy C Means Clustering In: Digital Engagement 11, Newcastle.
  • CAROLINE LEYGUE, ALEXA SPENCE, CLAIRE O'MALLEY, BENJAMIN BEDWELL, TOM RODDEN and DEREK MCAULEY, 2011. Energy Displays and Environmental Behavior: The Role of Social Values and Psychological Distance of Climate Change In: Environmental Psychology.
  • COLLEY, J., BEDWELL, B., RENNICK EGGLESTONE, S., FISCHER, J. and PANTIDI, N., 2011. Exploring energy monitoring in the wild In: Digital Engagement 2011.
  • MARTIN FLINTHAM, STUART REEVES, PATRICK BRUNDELL, TONY GLOVER, STEVE BENFORD, DUNCAN ROWLAND, BORIANA KOLEVA, CHRIS GREENHALGH, MATT ADAMS, NICK TANDAVANITJ and JU ROW FARR, 2011. Flypad: Designing Trajectories in a Large-Scale Permanent Augmented Reality Installation In: European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. 233-252
  • FLINTHAM, M., REEVES, S., BRUNDELL, P., GLOVER, T., BENFORD, S., ROWLAND, D., KOLEVA, B., GREENHALGH, C., ADAMS, M., TANDAVANITJ, N. and OTHERS, 2011. Flypad: Designing trajectories in a large-scale permanent augmented reality installation ECSCW 2011: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 24-28 September 2011, Aarhus Denmark. 233-252
  • FLINTHAM, MARTIN, REEVES, STUART, BRUNDELL, PATRICK, GLOVER, TONY, BENFORD, STEVE, ROWLAND, DUNCAN, KOLEVA, BORIANA, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, ADAMS, MATT, TANDAVANITJ, NICK and OTHERS, 2011. Flypad: Designing trajectories in a large-scale permanent augmented reality installation. In: ECSCW 2011: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 24-28 September 2011, Aarhus Denmark Springer London. 233-252
  • SHERIDAN, JENNIFER, BRYAN-KINNS, NICK, REEVES, STUART, MARSHALL, JOE and LANE, GILES, 2011. Graffito: crowd-based performative interaction at festivals In: CHI'11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1129-1134
  • MAX L. WILSON, 2011. Interfaces to Information Retrieval. In: IAN RUTHVEN and DIANE KELLY, eds., Interactive Information Seeking, Behaviour and Retrieval Facet Publishing.
  • LEIF OPPERMANN, MARTIN FLINTHAM, STUART REEVES, STEVE BENFORD, CHRIS GREENHALGH, JOE MARSHALL, MATT ADAMS, JU ROW FARR and NICK TANDAVANITJ, 2011. Lessons from Touring a Location-Based Experience In: Ninth International Conference on Pervasive Computing. 232-249
  • OPPERMANN, LEIF, FLINTHAM, MARTIN, REEVES, STUART, BENFORD, STEVE, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, MARSHALL, JOE, ADAMS, MATT, FARR, JU ROW and TANDAVANITJ, NICK, 2011. Lessons from touring a location-based experience In: Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Pervasive computing. 232-249
  • BENFORD, S. and GIANNACHI, G., 2011. Performing mixed reality MIT Press.
  • RENNICK-EGGLESTONE, S., WHITBROOK, A., LEYGUE, C., GREENSMITH, J., WALKER, B., BENFORD, S., SCHNÄDELBACH, H., REEVES, S., MARSHALL, J., KIRK, D., TENNENT, P., IRUNE, A. and ROWLAND, D., 2011. Personalizing the theme park: psychometric profiling and physiological monitoring In: UMAP'11: Proceedings of the 19th international conference on User modeling, adaption, and personalization. 281-292
  • RENNICK-EGGLESTONE, STEFAN, WHITBROOK, AMANDA, LEYGUE, CAROLINE, GREENSMITH, JULIE, WALKER, BRENDAN, BENFORD, STEVE, SCHNÄDELBACH, HOLGER, REEVES, STUART, MARSHALL, JOE, KIRK, DAVID, TENNENT, PAUL, IRUNE, AINOJE and ROWLAND, DUNCAN, 2011. Personalizing the theme park: psychometric profiling and physiological monitoring. In: UMAP'11 Proceedings of the 19th international conference on User modeling, adaption, and personalization 281-292
  • IAN DENT, UWE AICKELIN, TOM RODDEN, 2011. The Application of a Data Mining Framework to Energy Usage Profiling in Domestic Residences Using UK Data In: Proceedings of Buildings Don't Use Energy, People Do.
  • MARSHALL, J., WALKER, B., BENFORD, S., TOMLINSON, G., RENNICK EGGLESTONE, S., REEVES, S., BRUNDELL, P., TENNENT, P., CRANWELL, J., HARTER, P. and OTHERS, 2011. The gas mask: a probe for exploring fearsome interactions In: Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. 127-136
  • BRUNDELL, P., CRABTREE, A., MORTIER, R., RODDEN, T., TENNENT, P. and TOLMIE, P., 2011. The network from above and below Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Measurements Up the STack (W-MUST), Toronto, Canada.
  • BRUNDELL, PATRICK, CRABTREE, ANDREW, MORTIER, RICHARD, RODDEN, TOM, TENNENT, PAUL and TOLMIE, PETER, 2011. The network from above and below. In: Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Measurements Up the STack (W-MUST)
  • BRUNDELL, P., CRABTRE, A., MORTIER, R., RODDEN, T., TENNENT, P. and TOLMIE, P., 2011. W-MUST'11 Best Papers-The Network From Above and Below SIGCOMM-Computer Communication Review. 41(4), 519
  • MARSHALL, JOE, WALKER, BRENDAN, BENFORD, STEVE, TOMLINSON, GEORGE, RENNICK EGGLESTONE, STEFAN, REEVES, STUART, BRUNDELL, PATRICK, TENNENT, PAUL, CRANWELL, JO, HARTER, PAUL and LONGHURST, JO, 2011. The gas mask: a probe for exploring fearsome interactions In: Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. 127-136
  • BENFORD, STEVE AND CRABTREE, ANDY AND FLINTHAM, MARTIN AND GREENHALGH, CHRIS AND KOLEVA, BORIANA AND ADAMS, MATT AND TANDAVANITJ, NICK AND FARR, JU ROW AND GIANNACHI, GABRIELLA AND LINDT, IRMA, 2011. Creating the spectacle: Designing interactional trajectories through spectator interfaces ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact.. 18(3), 11:1--11:28
  • MORTIER, RICHARD, BEDWELL, BEN, GLOVER, KEVIN, LODGE, TOM, RODDEN, TOM, ROTSOS, CHARALAMPOS, MOORE, ANDREW W., KOLIOUSIS, ALEXANDROS and SVENTEK, JOSEPH, 2011. Supporting novel home network management interfaces with openflow and NOX In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2011 conference on SIGCOMM. 464-465
  • TENNENT, PAUL, ROWLAND, DUNCAN, MARSHALL, JOE, EGGLESTONE, STEFAN RENNICK, HARRISON, ALEXANDER, JAIME, ZACHARY, WALKER, BRENDAN and BENFORD, STEVE, 2011. Breathalising games: understanding the potential of breath control in game interfaces In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology. 58:1-58:8


This page was last updated on 01 May 2020 at 08:43 (GMT)

Mixed Reality Laboratory

University of Nottingham
School of Computer Science
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

email: mrl@cs.nott.ac.uk