Business Education

Postgraduate business education and training has been identified by both academics and policy-makers as an important way of producing a skilled labour force that is seen as vital to maintaining London's competitive position as a leading international financial centre.  However, relatively little is known about the nature of the links between such education and financial services practice.  This research project addresses this oversight by providing a theoretically informed assessment of the importance of professional financial education provided by business schools, specialist training companies and professional associations in shaping financial services practice.  It focusses on the post-graduate education and training of corporate financiers working in London's financial services district.

The research uses qualitative and quantitative methods including interviews, observation of business education courses, secondary data analysis and a survey of business education providers. This data will provide important information concerning the possibility for London to position itself as a leading centre of postgraduate, professional education and the continued international competitiveness of financial services in the UK.

The research is funded by the ESRC and runs from January 2008 until January 2010.


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