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Environment and Society

Farming, Food and Forestry

Research in this area looks at the role of environmental knowledges in conservation, policy and community participation. The work of Susanne Seymour focuses on the effectiveness of UK agri-environmental initiatives and the place of community participation in UK rural governance. A new appointment to the School is Carol Morris, whose RELU-funded research on ‘quality’ foods and biodiversity protection is informing debates on the rural environment and economy. Chris Lavers and Charles Watkins also contribute to the theme with their recent work which innovatively combines scientific and historical research to help understand the links between forest history and management in the UK and Europe.

In the international context, Sarah Jewitt is actively undertaking research on issues related to farming, food and forestry in India, which emphasises questions of gender, knowledge and environment and challenging existing narratives of the Green Revolution.

In 2005- 6, the theme led the ESRC Trans-disciplinary Seminar Series on ‘Sustainable Farmland Management’.