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Economy, Space and Society

Student Profiles

Emily Faiz, MSc Economy, Space & Society (2005-2006)
Having studied for my undergraduate degree in geography for three years at Nottingham University and after graduating this summer, I decided to apply for the Economy, Space and Society Masters (ESS). I wanted to stay at Nottingham University because I had thoroughly enjoyed my undergraduate degree and had become particularly interested in and intrigued by certain aspects of the course, especially those relating to economic geography, which I wanted to pursue further and to a higher level.
Completing my dissertation for my undergraduate degree was, on the whole, a rather enjoyable experience, and one that I wished to repeat on the masters course although to a greater depth; working on one’s own project, organising and conducting research and producing a comprehensive piece of work was very appealing to me. The School of Geography at Nottingham has a particularly good reputation for research on economic geography, with a large concentration of economic geographers in the department, making the course up-to-date and relevant to current affairs and the wider goings-on in the world.
Having completed my first term of the course, I can safely say that I made the right decision to pursue economic geography further; it has been interesting, stimulating, and enjoyable. The small seminar groups allow for debates and discussions to develop, and the course gives you the chance to read widely and to touch on certain academics or theories that you otherwise might not have had the opportunity to. The varied modules are all working towards creating a well-rounded social scientist and fully prepare you for the research dissertation that is ahead. The relationship between staff and students is more informal at a postgraduate level, and the staff and department are all so friendly, helpful and willing to give advice. All of this, combined with the delightful campus of the university, makes the ESS masters a perfect choice for those wishing to pursue economic geography further, whether with the intention of further postgraduate study or as a foothold into employment.