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Economy, Space and Society

Student Profiles

Gwamaka Kifukwe, MSc Economy, Space & Society (2006-2007)

I really enjoyed my MSc (in Economy, Space and Society) experience. Each week a different theme or subject was explored, which was really helpful in finding what my interests were as well as finding out what is out there to learn about. The people involved on both the student and staff sides are committed and interested in the course which builds a nice environment to work in. As a result, everyone was very involved and supportive of each other as we shared our different interpretations about that week’s theme or subject. This allowed me to experiment with my own feelings and ideas by challenging myself and others in a friendly and safe environment. I picked up on a lot of ideas and interests that I had not considered or dared explore previously which led to my decision to do further studies and read for a PhD.

The course acted like a taster session for different ideas and methods, which I could then go and read about on my own time and was welcome to share my findings and ask for guidance. Completing the MSc has given me a lot of confidence in my beliefs and in my ability to express them. I have gained a good understanding of how the research process works and what kind of scrutiny it undergoes which has made me much more conscious about my own work and what it takes to do a thorough job.

I would recommend this experience to anyone as it is a very different experience from doing a Bachelor’s degree. The setting is much more intimate and relaxed, and you are actively encouraged to pursue your own interests and challenge yourself.