Ulogoblue.jpg (11576 bytes) School of
Clinical Laboratory Sciences



Dr. Liz Sockett's
Research staff


Mr. Matt Edge - BBSRC funded.
Dr. A. Koerber - BBSRC funded (with Prof. J. King [Mathematics] & Prof. P. Williams [Inst. of Infections & Immunity]).
Dr. John Ward - Wellcome Fellow (with Prof. J. King & Prof. P. Williams)
Dr. Steve Atkinson - BBSRC funded (with Prof. P. Williams [Inst. of Infections & Immunity).
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Matt Edge

Graduate Students

Mr. Carey Lambert  -  3rd year (with Dr. Maggie Smith) - NERC studentship.
Ms. Kate Turner - 2nd year (with Dr. Waller [Mineral Resources]).
Ms. Karen Smith - 1st year - NERC studentship.
Karen Smith

Research Technician

Ms. Julie Croft - (with Prof. Williams & Prof. King)