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Clinical Laboratory Sciences



Work, Rest & Play

Lecture cartoon

A lecturers work is never done!!!!!


Dr Sockett is a high profile Lecturer and Tutor being awarded a University of Nottingham Lord Dearing Award for Teaching and Learning 2000. She was a Lecturer in Microbiology in the University's School of Biological Sciences between 1991 - 1998 before being appointed to the post of Lecturer in the University's School of Genetics.

During her time at Nottingham Dr Sockett has been Senior Tutor of BSc Microbiology ( previously BSc Applied Microbiological Sciences). She introduced full time, final semester research projects into the degree course to give students 'real' practical experience and introduced a first year 'credited tutorial scheme' designed to enrich microbiology learning by encouraging input from specialist microbiology staff   together with essential literature research and essay writing skills. Whilst Lecturing in the School of Biological Sciences she designed a module on Bacterial Pathogens with innovative group work activities for the students. These proved popular with staff, students, employers and external examiners.

In addition Dr Sockett is involved in Lecturing on the following undergraduate modules:

  • Genes and Cellular Control
  • Bacterial Genes and Development
  • Microbial Physiology
  • Molecular and Environmental Microbiology

Other duties with undergraduates include running Biochemistry/Genetics tutorials, supervising 2nd year dissertations and supervising 3rd year Biochemistry & Genetics projects.

In addition Dr Sockett supervises Post Docs and PhD students (see researchers page), lectures in the University's Graduate School and gives lectures to new staff on lecturing techniques.

Class of 2000 graduation pic

Liz with her graduating class of 2000 (BSc Microbiology)

Rest and Play

University is not just about learning a subject, learning to interact with others and working as a team are equally important. Dr Sockett believes in the complete learning experience and is a regular at student get togethers such as the 'Pre University Welcome Camp' and the nerve racking 'night before results dinner' (pictured below).

class 2000 meal

Class of 2000 at the 'Night before degree results' meal

Where are they now?

If you are a graduate that has been tutored by Dr. Sockett we want to hear from you. We are in the process of publishing a 'where are they now' page on this site with graduates details, photographs, E.mail address and links to personal web sites. E.mail Liz with as much info as you can and attach an a photo in electronic form if you have one. Click on the icon below.


To enter the 'Where are they now pages' click on the graduate icon below

Graduate clip

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