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Clinical Laboratory Sciences


Where are they now?

1999 ] 1998 ] 1997 ] 1996 ] 1995 ] 1994 ]

Year 2000 Microbiology

Sebastian Barrett

E.mail - Sebastian_Barrett@excite.com

Having recently toured Germany where he conducted research in the mating habits of the Homo Sapien Sapien, Seb has returned to the UK and started a new career in marketing with the London based firm Herbert Smith.

David Blackley

  Dave Blackley  

E.mail - Threelions@aol.com

Web page - http://www.angelfire.com/oh4/wingchun/university.html

Currently doing a PGCE at University of Nottingham. David is married to Vernessa has 3 children and a foster daughter. He still teaches Martial Arts at the Universities Wing Chun Club.

Alex Daluiso

Currently traveling.

Lee Everson

E.mail - Leeeverson@another.com

Studying for a PhD (Quorum Sensing) at Cambridge University.

Susan Grogan

Studying for a PhD at Sheffield University.

Helen Meakin

Helen's photoE.mail - Helenmeakin@hotmail.com

Studying for a PhD at the University of Nottingham (Supervisor, Dr. Matt Dickinson).

Paul Murray

E.mail - PaulJMurrayBsc@aol.com

Currently working at the City hospital, Nottingham. Awaiting a visa to join his wife Sandra in Harrisonville, Missouri, USA.

Andrew Sanderson

E.mail - kingelvis194@hotmail.com

Awaiting details of 2 year VSO posting.

Michael Sellars

E.mail - Mikesellars_2000@yahoo.co.uk

Studying for a PhD at Sheffield University

Matt Sinclair

Matt Sinclair E.mail - Britneysbum@yahoo.co.uk

Currently studying for a PGCE at York University.


Karen Smith

karenE.mail - Karenannesmith@hotmail.com

Studying for a PhD at the University of Nottingham

(Supervisor Dr. Liz Sockett) see Staff Page.

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