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Clinical Laboratory Sciences


Where are they now?

[2000] 1999 ] 1998 ] [ 1997 ] 1996 ] 1995 ] 1994 ]

Year 1997 Applied Microbiological Sciences

Lisa Avery


Lisa is in the final stages of a PhD in rhizosphere microbial dynamics with Helen West at Sutton Bonington (soon moving back to University Park). She still spend lots of time looking after her horse Brandy, who is now 20 and is a bit arthritic! She hopes to stay in research but would like to do some travelling in the not too distant future.

Cathy Beck

Duncan Black

Zoe Booth

Andrew Hall


Jasper is in the Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge working with Duncan Maskell, as part of the MAFF fellowship scheme, looking at signature tagged mutagenesis in Campylobacter jejuni. He is enjoying being in such a friendly and helpful lab and is looking forward to doing his Masters viva at Bristol at the start of October.

Jackie Hanson

Kathryn Hauton

E.mail - hauton@bbsrc.ac.uk

Kathryn is currently in the last month of her PhD. She works in the Dept of Molecular Microbiology at the John Innes Centre in Norwich. She is working on the 'Genetics and Biochemistry of L-serine and L-threonine metabolism in E.coli: Characterisation of tdcD, F and G genes of the tdc operon'. Kathryn hopes to be completed by October/November. She will then be returning to live in Nottingham, to write up her thesis and to be with her Fiance, Lee Empringham (Nottingham Electronic Engineering Post Doc). Kathryn will be searching for a career out of academic research. 

Any other AMS 1997 graduates reading this, please E. mail Kathryn, she is keen to catch up on what you are all up to.

Richard Hayes

E.mail - Rich@tiberian.screaming.net

Richard is currently single and lives in Gotham, Nottingham (No, Batman doesn't live there). He works at Northern Foods but is hoping that in the not too distant future he can find funding to study for a PhD or work for the PHLS.

Amy Jones

John Magill

James May

E.mail - JMay@cell.bio.warwick.ac.uk

James is currently writing up a PhD at his brother's in Cambridge and looking forward to at last getting a job.

Jackie Nogula

Michael Oakes

Stefan Sanchez

E.mail - kaalak3@hotmail.com

Stephan was involved with the TV show Ice Warriors as the 'legendary' Kaalak the Drifter, who of course came NOT TO FIGHT BUT TO EXCEL!!! He is now working as an inspector for the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), currently having 6 months off to study for a post graduate diploma. Stephan is not married (and does not intend to be for quite a while) and is living in Cardiff.

Jane Whittaker


Where are they now? ]

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