Ulogoblue.jpg (11576 bytes) School of
Clinical Laboratory Sciences


Where are they now?

[2000] 1999 ] [ 1998 ] 1997 ] 1996 ] 1995 ] 1994 ]

Year 1998 Applied Microbiological Sciences

Abi Ball

Chris Bell

David Brookes

E. mail - dave_brookes@lineone.net

Dave is currently working for Northern Foods at the Pizza Factory on Lenton Lane industrial estate and still living in Lenton. The job is kind of QA but pretends to have bits of micro in it too. He is currently trying to get a new job on the south coast so he can move back in with his girlfriend. The options are endless - IT, Pest Control, Environmental Health, anything in the food industry, he's applied for some legal jobs too. 

Dave has not found enough time to do as much windsurfing as he would have liked but he hopes that will change when he lives in Poole or Brighton or where ever!

Andrew Delaney

Mark Driver

Tara Flannagan

James Flegg

Lucy Hughes

Andrew Irving

E.mail - andy_irving@hotmail.com

Andy's been working just about all over the world for two years now, (with the same company) purifying water. Now back working in the UK with the odd trip abroad. Nottingham is still his home.

Ben Moseley

Kathryn Pennington

Antonio Silva

Kathryn Thomson

Angela Vollstedt


  Where are they now? ]

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