Ulogoblue.jpg (11576 bytes) School of
Clinical Laboratory Sciences


Where are they now?

[2000] 1999 ] 1998 ] 1997 ] 1996 ] 1995 ] [ 1994 ]

Year 1994 Applied Microbiological Sciences

Susan Bhadhal

Louise Chamberlin

Mike Emery

Vicky Hughes

Andy Mitchell

E.mail: Andrew.Mitchell@Unilever.com

Folowing a brief spell working with Pork Pies and as a postman, Andy moved to Unilever research and has worked their since 1995. He is in the final stages of a Masters in Information Systems. There is no significant other at the moment leaving plenty of time for mountain biking and canoeing.  

Julie Musson

E.mail - julie.musson@ncl.ac.uk

Julie decided that being a school science teacher was not for her and returned to Nottingham University to do an MSc in immunology and Allergy. Since then she moved to Newcastle and has just submitted her PhD thesis entitled, "The Specificity of the CD4+ T cell response during Salmonellosis". She is staying in Newcastle doing a research project mapping T cell epitopes from the protective antigen protein of Bacillus anthracis and then to investigating mechanisms of antigen processing and presentation.

Leigh Fish (formerly Saunders)

Personal E.mail - leigh_fish@email.com

Work E.mail - leigh.fish@gsc.org.uk

Leigh went off after the AMS course and got himself a PhD. at Sutton Bonington studying bacterial quorum sensing in Aeromonas species. During that time he met Laurel and her dog Guinness, moved to Leicester, dabbled in science festivals and scientific communication and through these experiences secured a position with the At-Bristol Explore science centre (a Millennium project). At Explore he managed the scientific content for the Get Connected gallery (covering the communications revolution - check out www.at-bristol.org.uk) and designed and developed the laboratory spaces in addition to setting up Adult Education courses for Bristol University. In the absence of an ongoing role at Bristol he has jumped from the frying pan in to the fire and now works with the Glasgow Science Centre (Laurel and the dog have followed him so far - but there's a limit to how many times you can do this). He is project manage/co-ordinate/communicate/and plans floor 2 of the centre which looks at creativity and innovation (due to open Spring 2001) and once again plan and develop the laboratory and microscopy spaces (maybe that SEM they are putting in will let him do a bit of microbiology?). Check out www.gsc.org.uk. If anyone wants to know what it's really like in the world of science centres and exhibitions - drop him a line.

  Where are they now? ]

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