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Clinical Laboratory Sciences


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Year 1995 Applied Microbiological Sciences

Dave Cowlishaw

E.mail - david.cowlishaw@hwpm.com

After finishing his degree Dave started working for Northern foods, he is now a technical manager for Hazelwoods foods in Sheffield. Dave lives in Nottingham with his wife Debbie (formerly Thirlwell, see below). His spare time is spent testing new bars in Nottingham and hoping that Nottingham Forest will make it back into the Premiership. His passion for travel has also been rekindled following a trip around-the world for his honeymoon.

Nerys Hebden

E.mail - neryshebdon@earthlink.net

When Nerys graduated from Nottingham in 1995 she moved to Luxembourg and after working in a bar for a few months she started working at Morgan Stanley Trust Company. Nerys lived in Luxembourg for 4 years during which time Morgan Stanley Trust Company was bought by Chase Manhattan Bank. In August 1999 she transferred to Chase Manhattan Bank in New York where she is now an assistant vice president managing part of a large re-engineering project.

Nerys went back to school (evening classes) last year and gained a Certificate in Marketing and Advertising from New York University.

Michael Jewsbury

Sharon Ward-Smith (formally Smith)

E.mail - Sharonwardsmith@tesco.net

Sharon got married to a PhD Physical chemist named Steve Ward-Smith, she has been married for the last 4 years (Great change of name!). No kids yet but she does have 2 cats called Lea and Perrins (corny but she does live around the corner of the Worcestershire sauce factory). After leaving Nottingham Sharon spent the first 18 months looking for a job without much success, then worked at Next. She eventually made her way back to microbiology working for 2 years as a medical laboratory assistant in the Microbiology dept of the Worcester Royal Infirmary before moving on to the job she really wanted, a trainee medical laboratory scientific officer (MLSO) in the microbiology dept of the Queen's Medical Centre in Birmingham. Sharon is currently studying for post graduate certificate in biomedical sciences (part time). Once she has gained her PG cert and completed her CPSM exam she is looking forward to a nice fat pay rise.

Debbie Cowlishaw (formerly Thirlwell)

E.mail - deborah.cowlishaw@nottingham.ac.uk

Debbie worked as a research technician in the Institute of Infections and Immunity at Nottingham University for 2 years before starting her current job in the Division of Genetics. At present she is studying part-time for a PhD and working as a research technician in Maggie Smith's group - sharing a lab with Liz Sockett's group! Debbie married Dave in July this year (see above), there are no kids just yet, just a hamster called 'Marmite'.

Donna Wylde

Neil Whitehead

E.mail - naw24@mole.bio.cam.ac.uk

Neil started a PhD in Professor George Salmond's group at the University of Warwick in october 1995. After a year, the group relocated to Cambridge University where he continued his studies. He passed his PhD viva in January 2000 and graduated in April of the same year. He is now working as a research technician in Professor Salmond's group. Neil lives in a village just south of Cambridge with his girlfriend (Liz). These days he seems to spend most of his time playing cricket, football and writing quorum-sensing reviews. The pitter-patter of tiny feet in his house emanates not from any babies but from  four cats (and any assorted rodents they 'invite' around).

Where are they now? ]

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