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Cerapachys noctambulus (Santschi) - revived status

Cerapachys noctambulus (Santschi) - revived status

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Tunisia (Lioponera noctambulus Santschi, 1910d: 70, male); male only known - see below.
junior synonyms (new here)
aegypticus (Lioponera cooperi, Donisthorpe, 1939a: 256, male; uncesssary replacement name Cerapachys aegypticus Brown, 1975: 22, rename only (not spelt aegyptiacus, no other information on p 63; synonymy Bolton, 1995: 142) from Egypt - see
alfierii (Lioponera alfierii, Donisthorpe, 1939a: 256, male; new synonymy Bolton, 1995: 142) from Egypt - see

Cerapachys noctambulus maleSantschi's (1910d) description is at {original description}
Donisthorpe's (1939a) descriptions of alfierii and cooperi are at {original description}.

Egypt record as above.

I have placed the workers shown below as the previously unreported workers of noctambulus because the general colouration and shape of the pedicel segments appear very similar.

The Donisthorpe males are almost identical to the noctambulus type male and the Bolton (1995) synonymy under Cerapachys longitarsus is changed.

{Cerapachys noctambulus} The photomontage of the type male is collated from

{Cerapachys noctambulus}The photomontage is of a worker from Senegal, Doyene-KS; collector Lamine Diamé (66). Note: these both have 11-segmented antennae, as does the Yemen worker shown below. The TL is ca. 4.0 mm, HL 0.77, HW 0.62, SL 0.44, EL 0.30; CI 82, SI 60, EI  (EL/HL) 39.

The workers of Cerapachys longitarsus have 12-segmented antennae and, although sharing similar morphology and colouration are some 25% smaller. They also have smaller eyes, shorter erect pilosity and a relatively small near circular postpetiole when seen from above.

{Cerapachys noctambulus}The photomontage is of a worker from Senegal,  Thiés; collector Lamine Diamé (67).

Cerapacvhys noctambulusThe photomontage of a worker from Yemen, is collated from

©2005, 2006, 2015 - Brian Taylor CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
