Contents Contents The Ants of Egypt
SUBFAMILY MYRMICINAE - Genera Oxyopomyrmex
Oxyopomyrmex santschii Forel

Oxyopomyrmex santschii Forel

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Tunisia (Forel, 1904c: 8, all forms)
junior synonym siciliana (as variety, Karavaiev, 1912a: 11, worker, synonymy by Emery, 1916b: 146) from Sicily - see
nigripes (Santschi, 1907: 329, all forms) from Tunisia - see
nitidior (Santschi, 1910a: 46, worker) from Tunisia - see

{Oxyopomyrmex santschii}Forel's (1904c) description is at {original description}. Emery (1916b) gave an illustrated description, this is at {original description}. Santschi's (1907) description of nigripes is at {original description}. On nitidior, Santschi (1910a) noted - worker differs from type by the black or black-brown mandibles, antennae and legs; by finer more effaced sculpture; quite shiny , the vertex and pronotum very shiny (matt in the type and nigripes); nigripes is a similar colour but is notably more robust; from Kairouan. Karavaiev's (1912a) description of siciliana is at {original description}

Egypt records - Sharaf (2006) thesis.

{Oxyopomyrmex santschiiThe photomontage of the type worker is collated from

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