Office:A112b, Cripps Centre for Astronomy and Particle Theory
Address:School of Physics & Astronomy for Astronomy, University Park, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
Email:antonio.padilla [AT]
Phone:+44 (0) 115 74 84057
Fax:+44 (0) 115 951 5180
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  1. About me
  2. About my research
  3. Media stuff
  4. Teaching stuff
  5. Outreach

About me

I'm a Royal Society Research Fellow working in the School of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Nottingham. I'm a member of the particle theory group although I work mainly on gravitation.

As a scouser who does physics, it should come as no surprise that much of what I think and do is inspired by those legends to the right. In a funny way, they contradict one another, since one of them could do things with a footy that seem to defy the physical laws laid down by the other two!

About my research

I am interested in understanding some of the big questions in cosmology. This involves the dark side of the Universe and the quest to understand the nature of dark energy and dark matter. Do the answers lie in particle physics, or in a better understanding of gravity? Check out my publications

Media stuff

I sometimes get asked to bang on about physics to anyone who will listen. If you've got plenty of time you can find all of my media moments here, if not, here is a selection of highlights...

Did Usain Bolt REALLY run 100m in 9.63 seconds? on Numberphile

Will the LHC destroy the world? on Sixty Symbols

Graham's Number on Numberphile

A Googolplex on Numberphile

Teaching stuff

I teach Principles of Dynamics and Advanced Gravity . Here are some resources.

Principles of Dynamics

  1. Lecture notes

Advanced Gravity

  1. Lecture notes


I am very happy to give public lectures to societies and organisations who may be interested. If you are interested, please contact me and choose from one of the following:

Black Holes & Extra Dimensions

Abstract: Why does the Universe even exist? Physicists believe that the answer to this question lies deep inside the mysterious world of black holes, where space and time is as strange and complicated as it was at the beginning, when the Universe was born. I will take us on a journey of discovery, from the black hole at the centre of our own galaxy, to the exotic world of string theory, extra dimensions and parallel universes. Find out what it’s like to fall into a black hole, why we believe in extra dimensions, and what this all has to do with a 9 billion dollar machine that smashes things together at almost the speed of light.

The real science behind Parallel Universes

Abstract: Have you always wanted be a rock star? In a parallel reality your wish came true. Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy? Learn about the real science behind parallel universes as I takes us on a journey of discovery through the multiverse to different parallel worlds, from those that exist all around us to those that are unimaginably far away. Travel across the landscape of string theory to watch new universes bubbling into existence, and visit island universes that are marooned in a sea of extra dimensions. Understand how you can create new universes closer to home just by tossing a coin, and find out why you might be nothing more than a Boltzmann brain, floating through empty space with false memories.


So it goes; metamorphosed:
as E to M
yen for unity

And reach for light,
but never quite
Jupiter's infinity.

As Chronos protracted
length contracted
in greater celerity

But fell back, irate;
to its inert state-
bowed rest mass humility

Where energy lay sleepless again,
anxious to be unloosed.
Inseparable from mass, in mass it waits
essentially reduced.

by Norman Hernon SCT, MB, CCC.

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