My media moments

Six sequences, on Numberphile with some silly extra footage

The Prime Number gap, on Numberphile with some extra footage

The largest prime, on Numberphile with some extra footage (extra footage probably better)

Why Stephen Hawking is a big deal, on Sixty Symbols

What's wrong with high school Physics? on Sixty Symbols, with some extra footage

Gargamelle and Neutral Currents on Sixty Symbols

Did Usain Bolt REALLY run 100m in 9.63 seconds? on Numberphile

Falling into a black hole (news) on Sixty Symbols

The Longest Time on Numberphile

Explaining the Higgs on BBC Radio Nottingham

BBC's Click programme review Numberphile

How big is a billion? on Numberphile

Will the LHC destroy the world? on Sixty Symbols

atlas Inside ATLAS on Sixty Symbols

Graham's Number on Numberphile

Deriving Pi using "Buffon's Needle" on Numberphile

Entering the great Brian Cox debate on Sixty Symbols and some extra footage explaining the Pauli Exclusion Principle and the EPR paradox

Chatting about subluminal neutrinos (!) on Sixty Symbols

Chatting about a Googolplex on Numberphile

Another brief appearance on URN's "the Science Show": Gravity - From Newton to Einstein, Dark Matter to Supermassive Black Holes

Chatting about the Higgs Boson on Sixty Symbols and some extra bonus material

My appearance on URN's "the Science Show": Einstein's lies and the dark side of the Universe

Chatting about Ghosts on Sixty Symbols

Chatting about Fab Four Cosmology on Sixty Symbols

This is all about how we got the Beatles to take on the cosmological constant problem. You can find our paper here.

Chatting about Superluminal Neutrinos on Sixty Symbols

Chatting about Big Bang Nucleosynthesis on TestTube

Chatting about the "alpha-beta-gamma" paper on Sixty Symbols

Chatting about the proton on Sixty Symbols

Chatting about the vacuum on Sixty Symbols

Chatting about the Jabulani ball on Sixty Symbols

Note that this includes the infamous penalty shootout. By the way, I had completely done my back in so I have an excuse for some dodgy goalkeeping!

Chatting about the Jabulani ball on Central TV

Physicists who love the beautiful game will inevitably be interested in the dynamics of the controversial Jabulani ball used at the World Cup in South Africa. Unfortunately, when I was asked to discuss this by Central TV, they edited out most of the I've written it up, and you can find more detail here.

Chatting about braneworlds on american radio

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