Please use the Department links below to find a specific member of staff in Cultures, Languages and Area Studies.
Giovanna Comerio
French Language Tutor,
Expertise Summary
After having worked as a translator from French and editorial supervisor for ten years, since 2001 I have been teaching French and Italian as foreign languages in China. In 2006 and 2007 I taught "Literature in the Language Class" in the on-line Master Course in Didactics and Promotion of Italian Language and Culture to Foreigners.
Since I am interested in developing students' individual learning strategies/habits, I am concentrating on students' motivation and experience following the study of a foreign language. Moreover, I am interested in the use of IT not only for developing written and oral skills, but also learning autonomy. I am also concerned about the merging of the language programs in China with the European Common Framework and the European Language Portfolio values and practices. Finally, a part of my research activity focuses on the literature introduction into the language classes