School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

Current students 




Please use the Department links below to find a specific member of staff in Cultures, Languages and Area Studies.  



NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Head of School
Hegarty, Paul0115 74 86142Chair in French StudiesEnvelope Icon
Bartel, Heike0115 95 15816Professor of German Studies and Health HumanitiesEnvelope Icon
Evans, Liz0115 8467292Professor of Screen CulturesEnvelope Icon
Goria, Cecilia0115 84 68076Professor of Digital Pedagogies and Language EducationEnvelope Icon
Grainge, Paul0115 95 14944Professor of Film and Television StudiesEnvelope Icon
Hughes, Neil0115 84 66577Digital Learning Director/Director of Modern Language TeachingEnvelope Icon
Kennedy, Helen0115 8283055Professor of Creative and Cultural IndustriesEnvelope Icon
Kumaraswami, Parvathin/aChair in Latin American StudiesEnvelope Icon
Lane, Jeremy0115 95 15868Professor in French and Critical TheoryEnvelope Icon
Mansell, James0115 95 13273Professor of Cultural History and Sound StudiesEnvelope Icon
McLelland, Nicola0115 95 15672Professor of German and History of LinguisticsEnvelope Icon
Miller, Vivien0115 95 14290Professor of American HistoryEnvelope Icon
Oergel, Maike0115 95 15819Professor of German and Comparative Cultural Studies (Director of the Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies)Envelope Icon
Ogola, George01159515831Professor of Media IndustriesEnvelope Icon
Ridon, Jean-Xavier0115 95 15878Professor of French and Francophone StudiesEnvelope Icon
Roberts, Gillian0115 84 66953Professor of Contemporary Literature and CultureEnvelope Icon
Roberts, Stephen0115 95 15806Professor of Modern Spanish Literature and Intellectual HistoryEnvelope Icon
Sergi, Gianluca0115 84 67466PROFESSOR OF FILM INDUSTRIESEnvelope Icon
Sharman, Adam0115 95 15804Professor in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American StudiesEnvelope Icon
Thompson, Grahamn/aEmeritus Professor of American LiteratureEnvelope Icon
Wilson, Ross0115 84 68466Professor of Liberal ArtsEnvelope Icon
Associate Professors
Andrews, Jean0115 84 66359Associate Professor, Spanish Portuguese and Latin American StudiesEnvelope Icon
Bao, Hongwei0115 84 67465Associate Professor in Media StudiesEnvelope Icon
Billingham, Susan0115 95 14271Associate Professor in Canadian StudiesEnvelope Icon
Birks, Jen0115 95 14849Associate Professor in MediaEnvelope Icon
Carroll, Jerome0115 95 15813Associate Professor in German StudiesEnvelope Icon
Chang, Ting0115 84 66437Associate Professor in Art HistoryEnvelope Icon
Frank, Siggy0115 84 68671Associate Professor in Russian and Slavonic StudiesEnvelope Icon
Goffey, Andrew0115 84 68677Associate Professor in Critical Theory and Cultural StudiesEnvelope Icon
Lewthwaite, Stephanie0115 84 66458Associate Professor in American HistoryEnvelope Icon
Lo, Lan0115 74 84424Associate Professor in Chinese Languages, Culture & SocietyEnvelope Icon
Marks, John0115 84 66419Associate Professor in French and Francophone StudiesEnvelope Icon
Maxey, Ruth0115 84 68119Associate Professor of Modern American LiteratureEnvelope Icon
Mertens, Bram0115 84 67810Lecturer in GermanEnvelope Icon
Mével, Pierre-Alexis0115 95 15893Associate Professor in Translation StudiesEnvelope Icon
Meyer, Franziska0115 95 15915Associate Professor in Critical Theory and Cultural StudiesEnvelope Icon
Miranda, Rui0115 95 15803Associate Professor in Lusophone StudiesEnvelope Icon
Mutibwa, Daniel H.0115 82 32251Associate Professor of Creative Industries and Digital CultureEnvelope Icon
Neher, Gaby0115 95 13184Associate Professor in Art HistoryEnvelope Icon
Newsinger, Jack0115 84 67600Associate Professor in Cultural Industries and MediaEnvelope Icon
Palfreyman, Rachel0115 95 15820Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Pethers, Matthew0115 84 68667Associate Professor in American Literary and Cultural HistoryEnvelope Icon
Phelps, Christopher0115 95 14211Associate Professor of American HistoryEnvelope Icon
Rawlinson, Mark0115 95 13021Associate Professor in Art HistoryEnvelope Icon
Ryan, Maria0115 95 14266Associate Professor in American HistoryEnvelope Icon
Sabine, Mark0115 84 66441Associate Professor in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American StudiesEnvelope Icon
Sen, Uditi+44 (0)115 74 86841Associate Professor and Director of Liberal ArtsEnvelope Icon
Sewell, Bevan0115 84 66951Associate Professor in American HistoryEnvelope Icon
Smith, Paul0115 95 15875Associate Professor in French History and PoliticsEnvelope Icon
Stringer, Julian0115 95 14846Associate Professor in Film and Television StudiesEnvelope Icon
Walsh, Olivia0115 84 66536Associate Professor in French and Francophone StudiesEnvelope Icon
Wang, Weiqun (Victoria)0115 74 84423Associate Professor in ChineseEnvelope Icon
White, Monica0115 82 32177Associate Professor in Russian and Slavonic StudiesEnvelope Icon
Wright, Colin0115 95 15388Associate Professor in Critical TheoryEnvelope Icon
Zoric, Vladimir0115 95 15879Associate Professor in Russian and Slavonic StudiesEnvelope Icon
Amaral, Fernandan/aAssistant Professor in Media and Cultural StudiesEnvelope Icon
Andre da Costa, Sara15801Teaching Associate in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American StudiesEnvelope Icon
Arista-Zerga, Adriana0115 84 68518Assistant Professor in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American StudiesEnvelope Icon
Augé-Smith, Lydie0115 84 68687Principal Lectrice and Assistant Professor, French and Francophone StudiesEnvelope Icon
Barradas Jorge, Nunon/aAssistant Professor in Film and Television StudiesEnvelope Icon
Beardmore, Susann/aGerman Language Teacher, German StudiesEnvelope Icon
Bhend, Melanie0115 84 68368Teaching Associate, French and Francophone StudiesEnvelope Icon
Bingham, Adamn/aTeaching AssociateEnvelope Icon
Brown, Jo0115 95 15866Lecturer, French and Spanish LanguageEnvelope Icon
Brummitt, Cassien/aAssistant Professor in Film and Television StudiesEnvelope Icon
Cedillo Gordillo, Noemí0115 82 32253Assistant Professor in SpanishEnvelope Icon
Clark, Svetlana0115 84 67833Lecturer in Russian and Slavonic StudiesEnvelope Icon
Collins, Jane-Marie0115 95 15808Assistant Professor in Brazilian and Portuguese StudiesEnvelope Icon
Conlin, Petern/aTeaching AssociateEnvelope Icon
Constantine, Simonn/aTeaching AssociateEnvelope Icon
Dagoula, Chrysin/aAssistant Professor of International Media and Communications StudiesEnvelope Icon
Dolle, Josefine0115 95 15816Teaching Associate in German, School of Cultures Languages and Area StudiesEnvelope Icon
Elstob, Isobel0115 74 87402Assistant Professor in Art HistoryEnvelope Icon
Ford, Rebecca0115 84 68669Assistant Professor in French and Francophone StudiesEnvelope Icon
Foster, Kierann/aTeaching Associate in Film and TVEnvelope Icon
Fourny, Corinne0115 84 68687Language Instructor, French and Francophone StudiesEnvelope Icon
Frame, Gregoryn/aTeaching Associate in Film and Television StudiesEnvelope Icon
Garrell, Jordi0115 84 68518Teaching Associate in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American StudiesEnvelope Icon
Gilonne, Yves0115 95 15880Assistant Professor in French and Francophone StudiesEnvelope Icon
Gray, Martyn0115 95 15855Assistant Professor in Translation StudiesEnvelope Icon
Guetta, Lea0115 82 32253Lecturer, Spanish and French Language and Director of Work Related-LearningEnvelope Icon
Guevara, Eduardo G.0115 95 15807Assistant Professor (Senior Spanish Language Co-ordinator)Envelope Icon
Hadas, Leora0115 82 83055Assistant Professor in Culture, Film and MediaEnvelope Icon
Harries, Rhiannon0115 95 15889Assistant Professor, Film and Media StudiesEnvelope Icon
Hellewell, Olivian/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Hirsekorn, Ute0115 95 14997Assistant Professor of German StudiesEnvelope Icon
Hutchison, Anthony0115 84 68668Assistant Professor in American Intellectual and Cultural HistoryEnvelope Icon
Julius, Chloën/aLeverhulme Early Career Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Jung, Yoon Jon/aTeaching Associate, in Korean Language, Language CentreEnvelope Icon
Kurose, Mikiko0115 84 68369Assistant Professor in Japanese, Language CentreEnvelope Icon
Kwa, Shialing0115 82 32253Teaching Associate in SpanishEnvelope Icon
Lacy, Elizaveta0115 84 67823Russian Language Teacher, Russian and Slavonic StudiesEnvelope Icon
Lagares, Manuel0115 74 84731Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Le Galès, Thomasn/aTeaching Assistant/French Lecteur, French and Francophone StudiesEnvelope Icon
Lee, Yvonne0115 74 84116Assistant Professor in Chinese-English Translation and InterpretingEnvelope Icon
Lowe, Jane0115 84 68369Teaching Associate in Japanese Language, Language CentreEnvelope Icon
Martindale, Sarah+44 (0) 115 74 87519Assistant Professor of Digital Innovation in the Creative IndustriesEnvelope Icon
Martinez Espada, Rocio0115 8232000Assistant Professor in SpanishEnvelope Icon
McMichael, Polly0115 95 15966Assistant Professor in Liberal ArtsEnvelope Icon
Meliebary, Ahmed01159515800Language Teacher, Arabic, Language CentreEnvelope Icon
Minoia, Marilena0115 84 67941Assistant Professor in French and ItalianEnvelope Icon
Notthoff, Tinan/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Pastor Torres, Andrean/aTeaching Associate in Spanish and FrenchEnvelope Icon
Poray-Zbrozek Savage, Monika0115 84 67941Language Teacher, Russian and Polish, Language CentreEnvelope Icon
Potts, Tracey0115 95 15757Assistant Professor in Critical Theory and Cultural StudiesEnvelope Icon
Pucci, Lara0115 95 13198Assistant Professor in Art HistoryEnvelope Icon
Reisenleutner, Sandra0115 84 67941Assistant Professor, German, MLCEnvelope Icon
Rodriguez-Casado, Javier0115 84 67941Teaching Associate in SpanishEnvelope Icon
Rositano, Marien/aTeaching Assistant/French Lectrice, French and Francophone StudiesEnvelope Icon
Sawyer-Da Rocha, Lucyn/aAssistant professor, French and Francophone StudiesEnvelope Icon
Sham, Desmond+44 (0)115 82 32264Assistant Professor in Cultural and Creative IndustriesEnvelope Icon
Simcock, Alex0115 95 15627Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Soares, Rino0115 84 66427Portuguese Language Co-ordinator, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American StudiesEnvelope Icon
Sun, Eric0115 74 84421Teaching Associate in TranslationEnvelope Icon
Szypula, Ewan/aAssistant Professor in French StudiesEnvelope Icon
Thornhill, Chrisn/aTA in Liberal ArtsEnvelope Icon
Todd, Laura0115 74 84421Assistant Professor, Russian and Slavonic StudiesEnvelope Icon
Vandome, Robin0115 84 68356Lecturer in American Intellectual and Cultural HistoryEnvelope Icon
Vidal Bouzon, Álvaro J0115 84 66440Assistant Professor of Lusophone and Hispanic StudiesEnvelope Icon
Wang, Naixia0115 74 86108Assistant Professor in Chinese Language and SocietyEnvelope Icon
Webster-Deakin, Taran/aAssistant Professor, Widening Participation and Outreach ManagerEnvelope Icon
Wilds, Karl0115 95 15823Teaching Associate, German StudiesEnvelope Icon
Xu, Sujing0115 84 67941Assistant Professor in Mandarin ChineseEnvelope Icon
Zimmermann, Dorisn/aTeaching Associate in GermanEnvelope Icon
Emeritus Professors
Ashworth, John0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of American and Canadian StudiesEnvelope Icon
Bamforth, Stephen0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of Renaissance StudiesEnvelope Icon
Bromley, Roger0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of Culture, Film and MediaEnvelope Icon
Callen, Anthea0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of Art HistoryEnvelope Icon
Cardwell, Richard0115 84 67878Emeritus Professor, Hispanic StudiesEnvelope Icon
Chapman, Rosemary0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of Francophone Canadian StudiesEnvelope Icon
Cullen, Fintan0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of Art HistoryEnvelope Icon
Francis, Richard0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of Eighteenth-Century French LiteratureEnvelope Icon
Giles, Steve0115 95 15815Emeritus Professor of German Studies and Critical TheoryEnvelope Icon
Göttsche, Dirk0115 84 66297Emeritus ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Jones, Malcolm0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of Russian and Slavonic StudiesEnvelope Icon
Kapcia, Antonin/aEmeritus ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Knight, Diana0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of FrenchEnvelope Icon
Ling, PJn/aEnvelope Icon
Marsh, Cynthia0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of Russian and Slavonic StudiesEnvelope Icon
McGuirk, Bernard0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor in Romance Literatures and Literary TheoryEnvelope Icon
Messent, Peter0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of Modern American LiteratureEnvelope Icon
Millington, Mark0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of Latin American StudiesEnvelope Icon
Milne, Lesley0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of Russian and Slavonic StudiesEnvelope Icon
Murray, David0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor in American & Canadian StudiesEnvelope Icon
Newman, Judie0115 92 13722Emeritus Professor in American StudiesEnvelope Icon
Reid, Hamish0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor in German StudiesEnvelope Icon
Rosslyn, Wendy0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of Russian and Slavonic StudiesEnvelope Icon
Still, Judithn/aEmeritus Professor in French and Critical TheoryEnvelope Icon
Walsh, Margaret0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of American Economic & Social HistoryEnvelope Icon
Wood, Jeremy0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of Art HistoryEnvelope Icon
Woods, Roger0115 95 15800Emeritus Professor of German StudiesEnvelope Icon
Wrigley, RichardEmail: rbwrigley55@gmail.comEmeritus ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Academic Staff in China
Boehrer, Caroline86 0574 8818 0583German Language TutorEnvelope Icon
Comerio, Giovanna86 0574 8818 0310French Language TutorEnvelope Icon
Devey, Philip86 0574 8818 0215LecturerEnvelope Icon
Encinas Arquero, Pablo86 0574 8818 0381Spanish Language TutorEnvelope Icon
Evans, Geraint86 0574 8818 0193Spanish Language TutorEnvelope Icon
Evers, Cliftonn/aLecturer in Cultural and Media StudiesEnvelope Icon
Fecke, Claudia86 0574 8818 0194German Language TutorEnvelope Icon
Fleming, David86 574 8818 0196Lecturer in Film, Media and CommunicationsEnvelope Icon
Franco, Penelopen/aEnvelope Icon
Hernandez, Lili86 0574 8818 0990Lecturer in International CommunicationsEnvelope Icon
Jones, Mizuho86 0574 8818 0530Japanese Language TutorEnvelope Icon
Liu, Nancyn/aEnvelope Icon
Liu, Yolanda86 0574 8818 0190Mandarin Language TutorEnvelope Icon
Lopez, Joaquin86 0574 8818 0193Teaching FellowEnvelope Icon
Venegas, Carlos Olivares86 0574 8818 0367Spanish Language TutorEnvelope Icon
White, Andrew P.86574 8818 0258Lecturer in Digital Media and Mass CommunicationsEnvelope Icon
Wu, Meiying86 0574 8818 0213Mandarin Language TutorEnvelope Icon
Academic Staff in Malaysia
Barker, Thomasn/aResearch AffiliateEnvelope Icon
Camacho, Sergio+6 (03) 8725 3718Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Kuttan, Sharaad+6 (03) 8605 3300Honorary FellowEnvelope Icon
Leong(レオン), Yut Moy(ユット モイ)+60-3-8924-8738Assistant Professor of Japanese LiteratureEnvelope Icon
Lim, Joanne+6 (03) 8924 8197Professor in Digital Media and Communications, Associate Dean Admissions, Recruitment & Marketing, and Faculty Global Engagement Lead, Faculty of Arts and Social SciencesEnvelope Icon
Nain, Zaharom+6 (03) 8924 8737ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Rahmat, Ahmad Fuad+6 (03) 8924 8190Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Ray, Sandeep+6 (03) 8924 8744Head of SchoolEnvelope Icon
S Venkiteswaran, Gayathry+6 (03) 8924 8705Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Yngvesson, Dag+6 (03) 8924 8704Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon

School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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