School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

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Image of Sarah Martindale

Sarah Martindale

Assistant Professor of Digital Innovation in the Creative Industries, Faculty of Arts



I'm a Nottingham Research Fellow in the Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies. Being part of the University's flagship scheme for early career researchers gives me three years of generous support (2019-2022) to study creative R&D problems, innovative production practices and audience responses. With Professor Paul Hegarty, I co-lead the University's Creative and Digital Interdisciplinary Research Cluster, which strategically supports the development of new teams and project ideas across faculties.

I was a Research Fellow at Horizon Digital Economy Research, based in the School of Computer Science, from January 2012 to September 2019. During this time I explored the ways people attach meaning and value to digital interactions and media, as part of interdisciplinary projects investigating digital transformations and their potential future implications. I'm still part of Horizon's cross-faculty team, proud to be a Co-Investigator in its current third phase of activity as an EPSRC Next Stage Digital Economy Centre focused on Trusted Data-Driven Products.

For my PhD at Aberystwyth University I studied Shakespearean film audiences, under the supervision of Professor Martin Barker. My PhD was supported by a postgraduate award from the AHRC, as was my MA in Film and Communication Studies from Queen Mary, University of London, which I passed with Distinction. Prior to this I gained a First Class BA(Hons) in English at Queen Mary and was awarded the Westfield Trust Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement.

Expertise Summary

I study cultural engagement with digital technologies as part of everyday lived experience.

Teaching Summary

Although my current role in the Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies is research-focused, I do contribute to teaching. In 2022/23 I am supervising postgraduate independent projects for… read more

Research Summary

Nottingham Research Fellowship: Future Audiences for Transformations in Digital Media

I research within the Audience Studies tradition which offers contextual understandings of media products, shaped by social factors like politics, ideology, economics and identity. The interdisciplinary research projects I undertake offer 'real world' solutions for the creative industries. The approach is 'performance-led': collaborations between creative industry practitioners, who conceive new forms of digital experience; computer scientists, who realise the necessary technical innovations; and researchers, who study how people interact with and value these experiences. This approach originated in the Mixed Reality Lab (MRL) and involves developing new digital media systems in response to an artistic vision and then publicly deploying these as live, performative experiences. Performance-led research projects produce cutting-edge immersive experiences that reach large audiences through international touring. Arts and Humanities scholars' involvement is crucial in connecting these artworks and audience experiences to wider understandings of media history, cultural production, and taste patterns.

This Fellowship allows me to serve as an interlocutor between Arts and Humanities, Computer Science and the creative industries, and thereby generates threefold impact through performance-led research:

  1. immersive, live experiences and creative practices
  2. new modes of audience interaction and engagement
  3. interdisciplinary knowledge about producing and engaging with these experiences

The outputs of this collaborative work demonstrate the potential of new technologies, supported by audience engagement data, and generate tools that can be used by other creative industry practitioners.

Research at this interface requires the ability to understand, translate and blend different academic and creative perspectives and priorities, which is my particular remit.

PhD Supervision

I have supervised three projects to completion: ethnographies of Minecraft's digital economies, refugees' use of social media and brain-controlled film. Four projects are ongoing: Augmented Reality storytelling, game engines for television, performing arts in the platform society and the lived experience of gaming.

Recent Publications

School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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