School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

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Image of Zaharom Nain

Zaharom Nain

Professor of Media and Communication Studies, Faculty of Arts


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Professor Zaharom (`Rom') Nain teaches in both the BA in International Communication and the MA in Cultural Studies programmes. He joined UNMC in 2010, having taught Communication Studies for more than two decades in a Malaysian public university. He received his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Communication Studies from Coventry University and the University of Leicester, England.

Expertise Summary

Rom's most recent publication is the 2013 book, Rhetoric and Realities: Critical Reflections on Malaysian Politics, Culture and Education (SIRD). He is co-editor of two other books, Communication and Development: The Freirean Connection (Hampton: 2001) and Who Owns The Media: Global Trends and Local Resistances (Zed/Southbound: 2004), and has authored more than 100 book chapters, journal articles and conference papers.

He is on the advisory board of the Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) Malaysia, and has been a consultant to the Geneva-based United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and Malaysian agencies such as Galeri PETRONAS and the Malaysian Institute for Economic Research (MIER).

Rom was awarded a Fulbright Professorship to lecture in the University of California, San Diego (1998-1999), a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship to conduct research at Sophia University, Tokyo (1995), and was a Visiting Scholar in 2004 at Simon Fraser University (Canada), the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne (USA) and the University of Utah (USA). More recently (2009), he was a Senior Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence in Johnson, Vermont. His background and research interests are in the sociology of communications and the political economy of the media.

Rom is presently putting together a single author book on the media and politics in Malaysia, to be published in 2014. Also slotted for publication in 2014 is an edited volume of a six-nation study he led on the relationship between civil society, the new media and the state in Southeast Asia.

Rom is also Vice-President of the Malaysian Social Science Association (PSSM) and is on numerous panels of Malaysia's sole higher education accreditation agency, the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). Having at numerous points in his career written political and social commentaries and contributed columns for various Malaysian newspapers, including in the Kuching-based newspaper, the Borneo Post, and national newspapers, The Star, and the New Straits Times, Rom currently writes a weekly column for the Malaysian web-based news portal, Malaysiakini and a monthly column for The Heat.

Teaching Summary

Rom teaches in both the BA in International Communications Studies programme and the MA in Cultural Studies. With a background primarily in Political Economy and Media Sociology, he currently teaches… read more

Research Summary

Apart from being the present faculty research dean, Rom is also involved in three FRGS research projects. In 2012, he completed a 6-nation study titled Regimes, Civil Society and ICTs which he had… read more

Recent Publications

  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. National cinema, Malaysian cinema and Yasmin Ahmad: some thoughts.. In: ZAWAWI IBRAHIM, ed., Social Science and Knowledge in a Globalising World. PSSM/SIRD: Petaling Jaya. 449-452
  • PATRICIA ANG, BRENDAN GOMEZ, ZAHAROM NAIN, GANAKUMARAN SUBRAMANIAM AND ANGELINA YEE, 2012. Baby Abandonment and Youth Pre-marital Sex: Towards Prevention and Action in Higher Education.. In: Sustaining Higher Education Policy Through Research. The Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE): Putrajaya. 123-134
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Whining and Dining. Aliran. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Foot-in-Mouth Disease. Aliran. Available at: <>

Rom is currently the School's Head of Postgraduate Studies and Research and also Director of the Centre for the Study of Communications and Culture (CSCC).

In the Spring of 2011, with the support of UNMC and Air Asia, Rom successfully convened the inaugural series of CSCC seminars titled Public Intellectuals and Public Discourse in Southeast Asia, with speakers from Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and India.

Rom teaches in both the BA in International Communications Studies programme and the MA in Cultural Studies. With a background primarily in Political Economy and Media Sociology, he currently teaches courses that link the cultural industries, particularly media, with questions of social inequality and repression both within and between nation states. His main pedagogic concern is with providing the space for the development of counter-hegemonic discourses in a context where such space is indeed limited.

Undergraduate modules:

· Communications and Conflict

· Mass Media

Postgraduate modules:

· Cultural Policy

· Mass Media

Currently supervising three PhD research students.

Current Research

Apart from being the present faculty research dean, Rom is also involved in three FRGS research projects. In 2012, he completed a 6-nation study titled Regimes, Civil Society and ICTs which he had led for 2 years. The study, funded by Canada's IDRC, examined how civil society organisations in six countries in the Southeast Asian region (Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia and Vietnam) are using the new media to expand their activities, often under politically repressive circumstances. The initial results of the study were presented at the IAMCR conference in Istanbul, Turkey in July 2011 and the final results will be published as an academic volume in 2014. Together with colleagues in the Education and Business schools, Rom also completed a 2012 study on Teenage Pregnancies and the Abandonment of Babies in Malaysia, funded by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education.

  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Another Education Plan? Malaysiakini. Available at: <>
  • 2012. The Mark of Princes…or Pretenders? Malaysiakini. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Debating the Best Democracy? Malaysiakini. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Oh, what a Tangled Web we Weave. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Days of Infamy? Malaysiakini. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Stifling 'Sensitive Issues'. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Majestic Missteps. Malaysiakini. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel. Malaysiakini. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Perception and Deception. Malaysiakini. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. What Leadership? Malaysiakini. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Twitter, Facebook and National Security? Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Politics and the Toothless Tigers. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. And Here's the News… Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. News Values and the Numbers Game. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. The Dark Side? Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Cooking up the Stats on Crime? Malaysiakini. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. And we Call this Merdeka? Malaysiakini. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Treading on Dangerous Ground. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Pollsters and Propagandists. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. More (mis)adventures in 1Malaysia? Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Free and Fair? Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Signs of Our Time. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Distract, Delight and Demonise. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Narcissism Rules, Ok? Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Morality Run Amuck. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Thursday at Ambiga's. Malaysiakini. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Foot-in-Mouth Disease. Aliran. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Whining and Dining. Aliran. Available at: <>
  • PATRICIA ANG, BRENDAN GOMEZ, ZAHAROM NAIN, GANAKUMARAN SUBRAMANIAM AND ANGELINA YEE, 2012. Baby Abandonment and Youth Pre-marital Sex: Towards Prevention and Action in Higher Education.. In: Sustaining Higher Education Policy Through Research. The Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE): Putrajaya. 123-134
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. National cinema, Malaysian cinema and Yasmin Ahmad: some thoughts.. In: ZAWAWI IBRAHIM, ed., Social Science and Knowledge in a Globalising World. PSSM/SIRD: Petaling Jaya. 449-452
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Smoke and Mirrors. Malaysiakini. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Monkey See, Monkey Do Malaysiakini. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. All Good Things. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Guilty until Proven Innocent? Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Ethics in an Unethical World. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Idiotic Interlopers. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Cuci-cuci Malaysia. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Dumb, Getting Dumber. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. Stupid is as Stupid Does 2. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2012. The Big Picture. Borneo Post. Available at: <>
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2009. “Private profits, state sanctions and public participation: The disservice of the media and development orthodoxy. International Journal of Institutions and Economies. 1(2), 283-298
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2007. “Curbing controversy: Islam Hadhari, religious rights and the Malaysian media.” Journal of Communication Arts. 25(4), 86-96
  • PRADIP THOMAS & ZAHAROM NAIN, ed., 2004. Who Owns The Media? Global Trends and Local Resistance WACC/Zed: London/Penang.
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 2003. “Media role in a k-economy: transforming media education in Malaysia.” Asia Pacific Media Educator. 14, 156-165
  • M. RICHARDS, P. THOMAS & ZAHAROM NAIN, ed., 2001. Communication and Development: The Freirean Connection Hampton: New Jersey.
  • ZAHAROM NAIN & MUSTAFA K. ANUAR, 1998. "Ownership and control of the Malaysian media.” Media Development. (London). XLV(4), 9-17 (In Press.)
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 1996. "Rhetoric and realities: Malaysian television policy in an era of globalisation." Asian Journal of Communication (Singapore). 6(1), 43-64
  • ZAHAROM NAIN & YAO SOUCHOU, ed., 1994. Mass Media: Local and Global Positions. SOJOURN (Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia) (Singapore).
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 1994. "Commercialisation and control in a 'caring society' - Malaysian media 'towards 2020'.” SOJOURN (Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia) (Singapore). 9(2), 178-199 (In Press.)
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 1993. "The development of communication education in Malaysia." Journal of the Commonwealth Association for Education in Journalism and Communication. (Canada). 4, 28-37 (In Press.)
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, 1993. "Promoting independent and pluralistic Asian media." Media Development. (London). XL(2), 64-65
  • ZAHAROM NAIN, Rhetoric and Realities: Critical Reflections on Politics, Culture and Education in Malaysia. SIRD.

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