School of Computer Science

Graduate profile

Untitled design

Alessia Onnis

MSc Data Science 2021
BSc Computer Science 2019
Current role: Data Scientist at Microlise



I am currently working as a Data Scientist for Microlise in Eastwood, Nottingham. My day-to-day duties mainly involve data analysis and visualisation, as well as research and application of machine learning techniques.

What's the most valuable lesson you learned during your time at UoN?

The most valuable lesson University of Nottingham taught me is to question everything, and approach learning with curiosity and passion. This lesson helps me every day, both professionally and on a personal level.

Which was your favourite module?

I thoroughly enjoyed all of the modules I chose to take, however some of the most interesting and stimulating ones were Linear and Discrete Optimisation and Autonomous Robotic Systems. They both required significant effort, however this made the learning process all the more rewarding.

What did you do for your masters thesis?

Data-Driven Prediction of Commercial Vehicles’ Driving Time. In this project, various machine learning models were applied and benchmarked on a year’s worth of commercial vehicles’ telematics data to improve on the industry tool currently in use by generating more accurate travel time predictions.

Which of the skills you developed on your MSc course at Nottingham do you use most frequently in your current role?

The most valuable soft-skills I was able to develop during my MSc course at University of Nottingham are critical thinking and both independent work and teamwork. In regard to technical skills, all of the taught modules proved themselves useful, and the mix of software design, development and data science gave me a solid foundation to build upon in my current position.

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School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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