A |
ABAM, Edwina | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Abdi, Hamza | n/a | PHD Student |  |
Adamu, Muhammad | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Afana, Jude | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Akhter, Mohammad Areeb | n/a | Senior Technician(Autonomous Robotics Systems) |  |
Ali, Susan | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Alkhulaifi, Nasser | n/a | Interdisciplinary PhD Candidate |  |
Almani, Dimah | n/a | PHD Student |  |
Altenkirch, Thorsten | n/a | Professor of Computer Science |  |
Anselmo Polido Lopes, Fabiana | n/a | PHD Student |  |
Arvaree, Thamil Vaani | +6 (03) 8725 3447 | Assistant Professor |  |
Atkin, Jason | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Ayu, Vittalis | n/a | PHD Student |  |
B |
Bagley, Steven | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Bai, Ruibin | 0086 574 8818 0278 | Associate Professor |  |
Barnard, Pepita | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Baston, Colm | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Beales, Kevin | 0115 8467251 | Institute Administration Officer |  |
Begum, Marjahan | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Benford, Steve | n/a | Professor of Computer Science & EPSRC Dream Fellow |  |
Berger, Callum | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Boudouraki, Andriana | n/a | Epsrc Doctoral Prize Fellow |  |
Boung Yew, Simon Lau | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Brailsford, David | n/a | John Dunford Emeritus Professor |  |
Brian, Laura | n/a | Horizon CDT Administration Officer |  |
Brundell, Patrick | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Buchholtz, Ulrik | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Butler, Adam | n/a | Research Manager |  |
C |
Caleb-Solly, Praminda | n/a | Professor of Embodied Intelligence |  |
Cameron, Harriet 'Alfie' | n/a | Responsible Innovation in Autonomous Systems Research Fellow |  |
Cano Gomez, Monica | n/a | Horizon CDT Impact Officer |  |
Capretta, Venanzio | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Cargan, Tim | n/a | PhD Student - Machine Learning for Power Prediction and Use Optimisation |  |
Carpent, Xavier | n/a | Assistant Professor in Cyber Security |  |
Castle-Green, Simon | n/a | Technical Manager |  |
Castle-Green, Teresa | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Chamberlain, Alan | 0115 84 66534 | Principal Research Fellow |  |
Chandesa, Tissa | +6 (03) 8924 8632 | Assistant Professor |  |
Cheah, Tan Chye | +6 (03) 8924 8632 | Assistant Professor |  |
Chen, Chao | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Chen, Joshua | n/a | PhD student |  |
CHEN, Jialin | n/a | PHD Student |  |
Chen, Zhiyuan | +6 (03) 8924 8141 | Head of School of Computer Science/Associate Professor |  |
Chen, Xin | 01159514212 | Associate Professor of Computer Science |  |
Chew, Sze-Ker | +6 (03) 8924 8140 | Assistant Professor |  |
Chung, Michael J H | +6 (03) 8924 8142 | Assistant Professor |  |
Cliffe, Laurence | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Clos, Jeremie | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Coomber, Ben | 0115 7487467 | Research Development Manager, Smart Products Beacon |  |
Crabtree, Andrew | n/a | Professor of Computer Science |  |
Craigon, Peter | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Crosier, Mathew | n/a | Senior Operations Manager - Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences |  |
Culley, Regan | n/a | Senior Administrator |  |
D |
Damato, Stefania | n/a | PhD student |  |
De Maere, Geert | n/a | Assistant professor |  |
Deng, Bowen | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Deshpande, Nikhil | n/a | Associate Professor in Robotics and AI |  |
Digregorio, Saria | n/a | PhD Researcher |  |
Dowthwaite, Liz | n/a | Senior Research Fellow |  |
E |
Egede, Joy | 01159514232 | Transitional Assistant Professor |  |
Eke, Damian | n/a | Transitional Assistant Professor |  |
F |
Fallatah, Wesam | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Felton, Liz | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Figueredo, Grazziela | 01159514923 | Associate Professor in Health Data Science |  |
Figueredo, Luis | n/a | Transitional Assistant Professor in Assistive Robotics |  |
Fischer, Joel | n/a | Professor of Human-Computer Interaction |  |
Flintham, Martin | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Fonseca, Lucas | n/a | Assistant Professor in Robotics and AI |  |
Ford, Peter | 0115 951 4209 | Emeritus Professor |  |
French, Andrew | n/a | Professor |  |
Furnell, Steven | n/a | Professor of Cyber Security |  |
G |
Garibaldi, Jon | 0115 95 14216 | Professor of Computer Science |  |
Gibson, Rebecca | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Giuffrida, Valerio | n/a | Assistant Professor in Computer Vision |  |
Glover, Kevin | 0115 84 66534 | Research Fellow |  |
Gomez Bergin, Aislinn | +44 (0) 115 82 30431 | Transitional Assistant Professor |  |
Gong, Zhendi | 07561892840 | PHD Student |  |
Greenhalgh, Chris | n/a | Professor of Computer Science |  |
Greensmith, Julie | 0115 84 67663 | Lecturer |  |
H |
Hafeez, Yasir | +6 (0)3 8924 8000 | Assistant Professor |  |
Hallam, Deborah | n/a | Administrator |  |
Hameed, Nazia | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Hann, Vicky | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Hartley, Zane | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Haworth, Andrea | 0115 82 32316 | Horizon CDT Centre Manager |  |
Hayes, Claire | n/a | Phenomuk Project Coordinator |  |
Hazzard, Adrian | n/a | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Hewer, Brandon | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Hickman, Jasmine | n/a | Operations Manager |  |
Ho, Ken | n/a | PHD Student |  |
Hopkins, Gail | n/a | Professor |  |
Hornshaw, Gabrielle | n/a | PHD Student |  |
Huddleston, Viktor | 0115 95 14204 | Technical Manager |  |
Hutton, Graham | n/a | Professor of Computer Science |  |
I |
Ilangovan, Sheila | +6 (03) 8725 3750 | Assistant Professor |  |
J |
Jackson, Warren | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Jiang, Feng | n/a | Honorary Professor |  |
Johnson, Colin | n/a | Associate Professor and Director of Teaching and Learning |  |
K |
Kabir, Shaily | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Karapetyan, Daniel | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Kent, Simon | n/a | Faculty Director for Higher and Degree Apprenticeships |  |
Khan, Neeshe | n/a | Research Fellow in Cyber Security |  |
Khattab, Mahmoud | n/a | Postdoctoral Research Fellow |  |
Khemani, Krishika Haresh | n/a | PhD Student - Examining methods used in the industry to develop Conversational AI interfaces |  |
Kilic, Damla | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Knight, Ian | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Kok, Yong En (Janet) | n/a | PhD student |  |
Koleva, Boriana | 0115 95 14112 | Professor of Computer Science |  |
Kraus, Nicolai | n/a | Professor of Theoretical Computer Science, and Royal Society University Research Fellow |  |
Kucukyilmaz, Ayse | n/a | Assistant Professor of Robotics and Autonomous Systems |  |
Kusumam, Keerthy | n/a | PhD candidate |  |
Kweh, Yeah Lun | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
L |
Landa-Silva, Dario | n/a | Professor of Computational Optimisation, Director of Teaching and Learning |  |
Landowska, Aleksandra | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Laramee, Robert | (+44) 0115 74 87566 | Professor of Computer Science and Visualization |  |
Lau, Angela | n/a | Senior Administrator -Here For You Guides Support |  |
Liao, Iman Yi | +6 (03) 8725 3438 | Associate Professor |  |
Liew, Xin Yu | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Li, Geng | 0115 95 14204 | Senior Technician |  |
Li, Ruizhe | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Li, Wenjing | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Liziniewicz, Bogna | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Lloyd-Brown, Stephen | n/a | PhD Student - Medical Image Segmentation |  |
Luckcuck, Matt | n/a | Assistant Professor in Computer Science |  |
Luwemba, Ephraim | n/a | PhD Student |  |
M |
Maaji, Salim | n/a | PhD Student-Intelligent Autonomous Multi-drone-robots for Remote Sensing in Exploration of Hydrocarbon |  |
Magassouba, Aly | n/a | Assistant Professor in Robotics and AI |  |
Maior, Horia | n/a | Transitional Assistant Professor |  |
Marsden, Dan | n/a | Transitional Assistant Professor |  |
Marshall, Joseph | 07905 696427 | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |  |
Martinez Avila, Juan | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Matthews, Reginamary | +6 (03) 8924 8152 | Assistant Professor |  |
Maul, Tomas | +6 (03) 8924 8232 | Professor |  |
McGarry, Glenn | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Mellor, Nathan | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Meng, Weiyao | n/a | Data Scientist(KTP Associate) |  |
Moemeni, Armaghan (Magan) | n/a | Assistant Professor in Computer Science |  |
Moore, Rebekah | n/a | Project Manager (Emergence Project) |  |
Muller, Tim | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Muschevici, Radu | +6 (03) 8924 8146 | Assistant Professor |  |
N |
Nabil, El Ioini | +6 (03) 87253437 | Associate Professor |  |
Narayana Gowda, Shreyank | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Neumann, Jacob | n/a | PhD Student - Functional Programming Lab |  |
Ng, Kher Hui (Marina) | +6 (03) 8725 3412 | Associate Professor |  |
Nguyen, Phuong-Anh (Violet) | n/a | PhD student |  |
O |
Ochang, Paschal | n/a | Responsible Innovation in Autonomoussystems Research Fellow |  |
Ogbodo, Ifeoma | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Ogoh, George | n/a | Senior Research Fellow at the School of Computing with a focus on emerging technology ethics and social responsibility. Currently, my research is within the remit of two EU-funded research projects: environMENTAL (https://www.environmental-project.org/) and iRECS (https://www.irecs.eu/) |  |
Olejarnik, Szymon | n/a | PhD Candidate |  |
Özcan, Ender | n/a | Professor of Computer Science and Operational Research |  |
P |
Palazzolo, Puntis | n/a | Postgraduate Student |  |
Palmer, Claire | n/a | Head of Operations - Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences |  |
Parashar, Nimisha | n/a | PhD Student, Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training. |  |
Parkes, Andrew | n/a | Associate Professor in Operational Research and Computer Science |  |
Parkinson, Stephen | n/a | PhD student |  |
Patel, Bhavika | n/a | Senior Research Administrator |  |
Payne, Alexis | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Pekaslan, Direnc | n/a | Transitional Assistant Professor |  |
Perez Vallejos, Elvira | 07881280369 | Professor of Digital Technology For Mental Health |  |
Piskopani, Anna-Maria | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Pitchfork, Deborah | 0115 8466543 | Senior Research Administrator |  |
Poltronieri, Fabrizio | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Pound, Michael | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Pourroostaei Ardakani, Saeid | n/a | |  |
Pradal, Stiephen | n/a | PhD in Homotopy Type Theory |  |
Price, Dominic | n/a | Horizon Digital Economy Research Fellow |  |
Pridmore, Tony | 0115 84 66510 | Head of School of Computer Science |  |
Q |
Qian, Yifei | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Qiu, Guoping | 0115 84 66507 | Professor of Visual Information Processing |  |
Qu, Rong | n/a | Professor of Computer Science |  |
R |
Radenkovic, Milena | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Ramakrishnan, Kalaimagal | +6 (03) 8725 3749 | Associate Professor |  |
Ramayah, Bavani | +6 (03) 8924 8154 | Assistant Professor |  |
Rees, Lynn | 0115 82 32553 | Institute Operations Manager |  |
Reeves, Stuart | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Reyes Cruz, Gisela | n/a | Transitional Assistant Professor |  |
Roberts, Katie | n/a | Senior Administrator |  |
Rodden, Thomas | n/a | Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Research & Knowledge Exchange |  |
S |
Sailaja, Neelima | n/a | Transitional Assistant Professor |  |
Salimbeni, Guido | n/a | PHD Student |  |
Sayers, Hazel | 0115 823 2554 | Knowledge Exchange and Impact Officer |  |
Schipp von Branitz, Johannes | n/a | PhD Computer Science |  |
Selvaraj, K R | +6 (03) 8924 8139 | Assistant Professor |  |
Shaban, Jwan | n/a | PhD Student in Computer Science |  |
Shinn, Samantha | n/a | Research Manager |  |
Shvets, Anna | n/a | Assistant Professor in Interactive Music Technology |  |
Siebers, Peer-Olaf | n/a | Assistant Professor in Computer Science |  |
Sim, Doreen Ying Ying | +6(03) 8924 8133 | Assistant Professor |  |
Spoerer, Kristian | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Stahl, Bernd | +447952875862 | Professor of Critical Research in Technology |  |
Stuart, Lewis | n/a | PhD Student- Guiding cameras for optimal imaging via deep reinforcement learning |  |
T |
Tandavanitj, Nick | n/a | PHD Student |  |
Tan, Weijie | n/a | PhD Candidate - Machine Learning in Optimisation |  |
Temenou, Maria | n/a | Network Manager AIBIO-UK |  |
Tennent, Paul | 0115 84 66522 | Associate Professor |  |
Tickle, Rebecca | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Todd, James | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Torres Ruiz, Daniel R. | n/a | PhD Candidate | Computer Science | Engineering | Neuroscience |  |
Towey, Dave | 0086 574 8818 9014 | Assistant Professor |  |
Towle, Benjamin | n/a | PHD Student |  |
Tsoneva, Elena | n/a | Administrator |  |
Turner, Alexander | 0115 748 7562 | Assistant Professor |  |
Twycross, Jamie | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
V |
Veale, Lucy | 0115 74 87220 | Head of Projects For Rai Uk |  |
Vear, Craig | n/a | Professor in Music & Computer Science |  |
W |
Wagner, Christian | 0115 74 84023 | Professor of Computer Science |  |
Walker, Adam | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Webb, Helena | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Widdershoven, Cas | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Wilcoxson, Steven | n/a | Administrator |  |
Williams, Mark | n/a | PhD Computer Science |  |
Wilson, Michael | n/a | Senior Technical Specialist |  |
Wilson, Max L. | n/a | Associate Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, Director of Student Experience |  |
X |
Xu, Kai | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Y |
Yang, Yuening | n/a | Senior Administrator |  |
Ying, Jingda | n/a | |  |
Z |
Zhao, Yu | n/a | PHD Student |  |
Zhou, Ke | n/a | Assistant Professor in Data Science |  |
d |
de Jong, Tom | n/a | Research Fellow |  |